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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. I thought it was that mad bloke in Far-Cry 3?
  2. A sequel to CM:SF2 set in Africa might do the trick.....Just about everyone seems to have forces in Africa! As the eminently wise @LongLeftFlank has pointed out, while the PLA looks all shiny and exciting, it has absolutely zero relevant combat experience.....If I were China I might try something a bit more manageable than Taiwan for my first effort. Some scuffles with Al Shebab etc. might be just the ticket to season the troops.
  3. CM:A actually allows you to play up until 1992 (14 year calendar!). It features some odd techno-tanks, (T-55AD & T-62D) with active defence systems (that didn't actually serve in Afghanistan) and by far the best Uncons in any of the CM games. Lot of potential for WHIFs there IMHO. Of course you seem to be assuming that the Soviet Union loses.....In my own playthroughs, they've generally been doing just fine!
  4. Wrong: sPz.Jg.Abt. 653 used one as a command tank, along with a Panther with a Pz.IV turret (it's on the next rail car).....These two are very well known amongst modellers. I've just done some checking and the 'Leningrad Tigers' were ALL initial production Henschell types: "When the first production Tigers rolled out of the Henschel factory, they were sent to the training grounds at Fallingbostel to equip the 502nd Heavy Tank Battalion. Although their tanks were still unreliable, they were sent to reinforce the siege of Leningrad after only 3 days of practice. Immediately on arrival in Mga they were ordered to the front line. A total of 9 Tigers were sent to this battalion, filling out its 1st company, before events in Africa diverted new Tiger production to that theater. The 502nd fought in forests and swamps south of Leningrad and achieved only limited success. Technical problems with the tanks caused as much trouble as the terrain, and so the more reliable Tigers, notably "111", were given the best components. On 18 January 1943 a breakthrough by the Soviets cost 5 Tigers, including numbers "121" and "100" which were captured intact. Only 2 of the original 9 Tigers remained in February, when they were joined by 3 new ones. These first 9 Tigers had a unique appearance. They had no fenders or storage on the hull sides. Their mudguards at front and rear did not project beyond the hull side (these were also used in Tunisia). They were issued with "mirrored" tracks, i.e. the right and left tracks were different, unlike those of any other German tank; the crews disliked the inconvenience and eventually put just a single type on each Tiger." This image allegedly shows the first Tigers arriving at Mga station: PS - Typical Tiger oddities on display in these images.....The tank in the first image is still wearing its transport tracks, yet the Tigers appear to have been delivered with their combat tracks fitted, based on what we are seeing in the final image.
  5. Can't do that or it would break CM:A.....However I suppose the chaos from Afghanistan could have spilled over into the Soviet stans, destabilising the Union (the Soviets clearly feared precisely this.....I played with the concept to some extent with my 'Fragmentistan' experiments for CM:A).
  6. I had thought the driver was killed? I remember seeing an article mentioning it, but it was a while back.
  7. Can you get rid of the turret spaced armour on the Pz.IIIs.....I don't recall ever seeing it fitted to Pz. IIIs in North Africa.
  8. If it was a physical model I'd be happy to (I actually have a couple of 11CVs in my 1/72 stash, one of which will be built as the above, if I can ever find a Châtellerault to sit on it). Come to think of it, I've got a rather stylish Cabriolet in 1/32 too.....Thought it might make a nice trophy for the DAK, but never really even looked at it.
  9. How would you handle infectious bites? Didn't he say that about CM:CW once upon a time?
  10. I will make a fully tagged set and ensure that I use the appropriate set in anything I make.....Can't tell you how impressed I am (I thought your earlier stuff was brilliant).
  11. Interesting article with commentary from an American who has actually flown one, apparently he rather disagrees with the forum's 'arm-chair air-vice-marshals' on a number of points: In the four years that the MiG-23ML has been in his charge, Ward says he has not come across any pilot or maintainer that didn’t “absolutely just love this airplane.” In contrast to Western fighters of the same period, which mainly relied upon more efficient turbofans, the Soviets chose to retain a turbojet. However, Ward judges it was “probably one of the best turbojets ever made,” and “magnificently reliable.” https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39824/this-myth-busting-walk-around-of-the-soviet-mig-23-flogger-fighter-is-a-must-watch
  12. Shhhh.....Be careful or the Yanks will elect it!
  13. I'm going to have to get my CM:BN install sorted.....These look absolutely amazing!
  14. Yes, I know.....They switched sides and gave their new MiGs to the Yanks.
  15. The F-15E is in CM:SF1&2 (& CM:BS).....I'm guessing you mean CM:CW? The reason it isn't in that game is the one stated above. Since we're desperately trying to ignore the biggest issue of the MiG-23, Egypt, let's get it out there: "Most potential enemies of the USSR and its client states have had opportunities to evaluate the MiG-23's performance. In the summer of 1977, after a political realignment by the Egyptian government, Egypt provided a number of MiG-23MSs and MiG-23BNs to the United States; these were evaluated under a pair of exploitation programs codenamed HAVE PAD and HAVE BOXER respectively." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan-Gurevich_MiG-23 I wonder who paid me to write that, eh?
  16. ROFL! It was all going so well, but you just couldn't help yourself, could you?
  17. That's such a ridiculous concept.....The man's a lecherous alcoholic who likes killing people! PS - For top quality 'Secret Agent Adventures', try 'Archer':
  18. Where, exactly, did they spend their time in storage? The A-7 is indeed completely & utterly outclassed, it wouldn't have a prayer in an engagement with a MiG-23.....It's a bomb truck with a radar designed for the air-to- ground role and p**s-poor Sidewinders. You are just being silly making statements like that.....Is @semmes getting to you or something?
  19. Yeah, about that.....See Egypt, as mentioned earlier.
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