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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. OK, this is a bit mad.....Thought I'd check out the save that's crashing for you. Downloaded it and srted it up, clicked 'Big Red' and it ran just fine for me! One of your Vampyr teams did a proper number on the dudes at the corner of the Maqbara road.....Took down the building next door! Want me to send you the new turn, see if you can get it to work now? The SEALs just arrived! PS - Get all of the SRAAW(M)s and all the 84mm ammo out of the MRAPs (I give them to half-squads without RPG-29s).....Your units can use them just fine and it nearly doubles your firepower!
  2. Not sure what most of that means TBH, but as you know, it ain't a big scenario (although it is pretty busy), so it shouldn't have taxed your rig....Mine doesn't bat an eyelid.
  3. Kudos to your opponent if he pulled that off with a Marder. One of my favourite 'things' from my early days messing in the editor was a variant of the demo scenario 'Monster Mash' where I swapped out all the Panthers & Panzergrenadiers for regular infantry, Marders & StuGs.....Playing it as the Germans was incredibly challenging, but every kill really felt like it counted.
  4. I'm half way through the third mission at the moment and seem to have an issue, the briefing states we should receive three batteries of artillery, but they haven't shown up.....The Militia reinforcements have already arrived and I'm wondering when the guns will turn up? Don't fancy driving BMPs into that town without artillery support!
  5. You would need to create mods for any new uniforms or vehicles that you intend to use and then replace the Dutch voice files with something more Belgian.....It's quite a lot of work, but it is broadly doable. @37mm @kohlenklau & others can probably offer more practical advice about the particulars of the process.
  6. Yeah, that's all of 'em.....I thin it must have been 'one of those things', it's rock solid stable on my (fairly powerful) rig.
  7. @Halmbarte Just occured to me.....Do you have all the CM:SF2 Modules as I think this scenario requires all of them?
  8. I learned the US stuff chronologically, so I started with M48s (at NTC).....You really come to appreciate the upgrades, especially thermals!
  9. They seemed to do quite well.....Interesting to hear someone say that they relly like ATGM vehicles, that's the opposite of the the usual feedback.
  10. Checked the scenario in the editor.....I can't see any events or orders set for turn 30 that are obviously problematic. I've just run the scenario turn by turn (without orders) to see if it would crash at the same point.....It didn't. Wondered if it might be an 'Out Of Memory Error' as previous experiments with ported maps/scenarios have produced odd results that caused @MOS:96B2P & I to wonder if there wasn't something somehow 'leaking' in files transferred from the older game.....90 turns later (without save or exit) we were roundly defeated by ISIS. @Halmbarte Everything appears to be working just as it should, it sounds like you had bad luck and one of your saves somehow got corrupted.....Appreciate you taking the time to play it, sorry it didn't work out. That said, this has incentivised me to look at Mosul again.....I've decided to completely remake this scenario (& its sequel 'Al Hutumah' which I never released) for and with CM:SF2. I'll be using Canadians to represent CTS in the new iteration, which means some mods will be required to get the scenario working (Arabic voice files swapped for Canadian & CTS uniforms should cover it). This should sort out the ammunition issues once & for all and it still allows me to create an all CTS core using some limited crew-swapping to get all the HMMWVs that I will need (one or two extra US advisors may have to be present).
  11. As @LongLeftFlank has pointed Taiwan don't seem to have taken the threat from China terribly seriously.....They have a sum total of four, yes four, submarines, two of which are the oldest serving submarines in the world, one of them nominally having participated in WWII! China, on the other hand, have roughtly double that number.....Of SSNs (& a similar number of SSBNs)! I'm not even going to try to count their conventional subs!
  12. In this case he (&/or his cell) would gather info while behind enemy lines (spotting & acquiring contacts) and then one or more of them would have to walk out with it (passing it horizontally via proximity to a HQ or forward observer).
  13. Turkey may have let the genie out of the bottle with their 'Kargu-2': https://militarymatters.online/defense-news/we-may-have-the-first-case-of-a-robot-deliberately-killing-humans/
  14. Not particularly useful in CM scale.....But the ability to cross the lines with a head full of tentative contacts would be.
  15. The Iranian '358' Loitering SAM/AA Drone is a new one on me: https://militarymatters.online/defense-news/358-vs-scan-eagle-anti-drone-action/
  16. They can't information share at a distance AFAIK.....TBH Red C2 is a bit of mess all round in CM:SF2, but we are getting away from the point as I wouldn't expect them to have radios in CM:RT anyway.
  17. TBH I think they might work better (as they currently stand) in CM:RT than they do in CM:SF2 where they really do need a 'radio' (BTW - Spies appear to have radios in CM:A, although I'm not sure if they work)......Remember they are utterly unable to defend themselves and thus they are extremely vulnerable (enemy units don't even need to see them to rout them). They would make an excellent representation of the messengers used to cross enemy lines by resistance types in every theatre of war, pretty much since we invented it.
  18. Well put. Apologies to @semmes for being s****y earlier on, but I have had twenty plus years of gaming pleasure from CM and while a lot of his points have some validity, there are simple workarounds for many of them. Once you understand that the TacAI is a suicidal d**khead, you learn to compensate in plotting your moves.....Never use one movement waypoint when you could use fifteen. Use facings, target briefly, cover arcs & smoke. And still take nothing for granted. As for the AI itself, beating it's a doddle in a scenario that's balanced, but that's really not terribly different to an experienced CM player battering a n00b in HtH, simply through better understanding of the game mechanics. TBH I don't even bother to try to balance my single player scenarios for HtH play, for exactly this reason.
  19. You are missing my point, the A-7 was a mud-mover so it tended not to be first in line for state of the art air to air missiles and the proposal was taking on a MiG.23, which has BVR capabilities.....In that scenario even an AIM-9X would be a **** poor weapon! PS - The MiG.31 had (& still has) the mother of all BVR capabilities, only the the F-14 could live with it and they tended not to come inland looking for trouble.
  20. I'm not 100% sure it's the case in CM:CW, but it definitely was the case in CM:SF2 when I was testing Coup for @MOS:96B2P.....It's one of the things he specifically asked me to check.
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