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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. That's fair comment TBH, I guess you should make your call based on the information contained in the briefing.....That said, sending a few harassing rounds into positions overlooking your line doesn't seem at all unreasonable either.
  2. I seem to remember reading that Challengers were available at the time of the landings, but something, possibly their length made Fireflies a better bet for AFVs in the initial waves. PS - Quick check on Wiki reveals the issue: "No provision was made for deep wading, before the design went into production; as a result, the A30 could not be landed in the initial phase of the Allied invasion of Normandy. Challenger crews had to wait until July 1944, when Mulberry harbours were operational and ports had been captured." PPS - This: "The 10 issued to the 11th Armoured Division appear to have finally caught up with the division in late July or early August 1944 and were initially issued to the 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry Divisional Armoured Recce Regiment, then to the replacement 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars from August 17th 1944. In service, they proved popular and their crews preferred them to the Firefly for their speed and agility. It is also worth noting that for all the Challenger had a very high turret, overall the Firefly was about the same height."
  3. T-90SA & BMP-3 would make a very reasonable alternative force for this battle, it's what the Iraqi 9th Armoured replaced their older gear (& some of the Abrams) with: Glad you enjoyed the scenario, you have encouraged me to do a full remake for CM:SF2 at some point in the not too distant future.
  4. Horses for courses.....One of my favourite tactics is to plot one or more maximum duration harassment fires at mission start (the bigger the gun and the lower the rate of fire the better). I then move observers into good positions and adjust the fires as targets present themselves. I've managed to keep batteries firing for up to 30 minutes and in one instance I've won a scenario using artillery alone, the bad guys surrendered.
  5. Given the current pace of change in 'techno-warfare', it probably won't be terribly long until kamikaze drones are configured to home onto the emissions of weapons like this.
  6. Reckon we'll respond to that bollocks with some tunes:
  7. That's it is it? China annexed Tibet in the period between 1950 & 1960. I should probably point out that that doesn't really place them at the top of the pile for 'invading'.....Indeed, if 'invading' is to be taken as a measure of 'evil intent', certain other countries should warrant a great deal more attention than China.
  8. Yeah, I recall the Daily Mail reporting how the RAF had successfully struck ISIS in Syria.....Three militants in a pickup truck, taken out with a Brimstone, launched from a Typhoon that took off from Cyprus. On the bright side, BAE shares are up.
  9. My super secret sources (not JK, honest), tell me that the reptillians are just shills for the Space Lobsters.
  10. No disagreement there, but my point was that they seemed to turn up a lot sooner than that.....I still haven't got round to testing it again, but I'll keep a proper log next time. TBH it would only be the work of minutes to make and run a test scenario, but I'm already messing with too many things at once.
  11. Your StuG was pretty lucky, when I saw that first image of the T-34 I thought it was going to be a goner too!
  12. Thus starting WWIII. China isn't going to let the US interfere at no cost, they have directly said as much, on numerous occasions.....US sub hits Chinese transport ship, Chinese missiles hit Guam. The policy of 'Strategic Ambiguity' is a relic from times when China could not hit back at the US, but those days are over.....This is not politics, it's fact. Denial or jingoism won't change reality one iota.
  13. To me that's what gives CM some of its replayability, there's a huge differnce between playing any scenario as a novice and then coming back to it after you've learned the game. I actually found CM:CW to be the easiest of the CM games to get on with.....I suspect that this is because the scenarios are well balanced for HtH (or to play either side), thus the AI has generally been given a good hiding (as it should). I only ever play Iron, because it's the only mode that really helps you to understand the battlefield.....'Who knows what, when and who they are telling' and that is what makes CM largely unique IMHO.
  14. Glad you mentioned that, I had thought that was the case.....I'm guessing nothing's changed, even with widespread use of precision munitions?
  15. Yeah right, apparently they were invading southern Ukraine last September too:
  16. Ex-tabletop/boardgamers plus a heavy smattering of military types and wannabes?
  17. OK, so this now gets even weirder.....I just ran the same save again to get a screenshot of your Vampyr Team laying waste to stuff.....It didn't happen! WTF? I thought this was impossible, that a turns events were baked in? I didn't give any orders or change anything, but this time the Vampyr Team never fired and the building is still up! Just running it again as I type.....Back in sixty seconds or so: Same result, they never fire. I'm now exiting CM:SF2 and reloading it completely, just to see what happens.....Couple more minutes, BRB: OK, so this time they did fire, but they hit the two floor building next door, with much less spectacular results. Anyhow, as you can see, it's working for me @Halmbarte check your PMs, I sent a link and I'm genuinely fascinated to know if it will run for you.
  18. When are the tanks & artillery scheduled to be delivered.....It would be rather easy for China to interfere with that (in a potentially WWIII triggering sort of way).
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