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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. That's a very good question.....I'd like to hope, for the future of Iraq, that the answer is yes.
  2. Surely you could still exit the AGs a couple of turns before the reinforcements arrive? Providing the AGs are not a Destroy Objective there's no issue that I can see. Scratch that (pre-coffee comment).....Forgot that you'd have to abandon Destroy Objectives completely because of the Exit Zones. I guess there's no single correct way to approach such things, each concept has its merits and its drawbacks.....One thing I've discovered as a designer is that it's easy to forget just how godlike a view you have over your own scenarios, whereas the player really doesn't have a clue (other than what's given in the briefing), sometimes 'appearances' can be quite effective.
  3. Sometimes it's a rather counterintuitive process, but it's very satisfying when you find that 'fix' isn't it (& equally irritating when you don't).
  4. XH558 is no longer flying sadly, her FB page is here: https://en-gb.facebook.com/VulcantotheSkyTrust/ Wiki here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Vulcan_XH558 Very glad that my nephew got to hear the full fury of her burners at an air display a couple of years back, he had his back to her as she made a low approach then lit 'em up and went vertical.....The look on his face was priceless, nearly jumped out of his skin! No recording can ever do justice to that sound!
  5. This happened to me when I was meddling with 'Urban Hell'.....Part of the reason for my comments elsewhere.
  6. Me too.....No idea if it actually makes any difference, don't care either TBH, it makes me feel better.
  7. IMHO a big part of the 'Art of CM' is working out your own personal techniques to get around the crazy s**t the TacAI sometimes does.....Even more so when you are trying to do it via the editor.
  8. Kudos to @JohnO for finding this article on CTS: https://warontherocks.com/2017/07/the-best-thing-america-built-in-iraq-iraqs-counter-terrorism-service-and-the-long-war-against-militancy/ Excellent read.
  9. We shot it down too! Oddly, that team was the only one I hadn't yet deliberately placed for the job of 'watching the skies', the two I put on roof-tops saw & did nothing.
  10. A heroic PRAM light air defence team drive off a treacherous attack by regime aircraft: @MOS:96B2P.....That's another one ticked off.
  11. It's a superb concept all round and I reckon the next iteration will have all the final kinks ironed out.....Can't express just how impressed I am with this scenario, it's TOC on acid (in a good way)! Lambs to the slaughter.....Muhahahahahaha! etc.
  12. Success against the Scud TELs was pretty limited all round AFAIK.
  13. I'd guess that might be because the old boy has been asking for a flypast for seven decades or so and now it's finally happened.
  14. @LongLeftFlank More on Marawi and lessons leaned (for US SoF, I think.....It's a bit waffly TBH. ): https://mwi.usma.edu/siege-marawi-experimenting-art-mission-command/ Make of it what you will.
  15. Wasn't quite sure where to put this, decided here was best: https://www.c4isrnet.com/unmanned/2018/06/04/belarus-reveals-drone-that-is-a-rocket-launcher-with-rotors/
  16. PRAM loyalists cautiously investigate a mosque compound:
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