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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. 'The Secret Life Of Mullah Omar': https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5bf5692f4611a019a7c69ea6/t/5c77f4fdeef1a10b17f2abda/1551365379168/Secret+Life+of+Mullah+Omar-FINAL3.pdf Interesting reading.
  2. This is possible, by painting different areas in the 'Setup' section of the AI orders, however the units will not necessarily be set up with much precision within those painted areas. I'll defer to others on the issue of Triggers, @MOS:96B2P.....You out there?
  3. Got my attention as soon as I saw those compounds.....Bravo on a very convincing map! EDIT - For some reason I can't download it. @MOS:96B2P If you've done so could I get a copy via our shared DB space please?
  4. Article/review of a rather interesting sounding book (To the Mountains-My Life in Jihad, from Algeria to Afghanistan, Abdullah Anas and Tam Hussein) over at War On The Rocks: https://warontherocks.com/2019/03/why-did-it-all-go-so-wrong-an-arab-veteran-of-the-anti-soviet-jihad-speaks/
  5. Amen to that.....The sheer number of times I've been distracted and closed the editor without saving is really quite embarrassing (especially as it warns you to do so)!
  6. Some context for those unfamiliar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Black_Buck Nope, not even that.....For that job you'd need an Avro Vulcan.
  7. The general's deadline was self-imposed.....Plenty of time still on the clock (32minutes IIRC @General Jack Ripper?). But he had his reasons.
  8. 'Priest-Holes' are fairly common in houses of a certain size & vintage in the UK (mostly England): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priest_hole Later houses (like the Victorian example above) tended to have them mostly as a novelty. I'm familiar with houses in both categories within about a five mile radius. Our previous home had an underground ice-house (IIRC the house was built with the proceeds of the Crimean War and sold to a fishmonger) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_house_(building
  9. Love climbing, mostly because I'm built like a squirrel, so those conditions fill me with dread!
  10. Hoping you might compile that one day and release it as a .pdf.....It would be invaluable IMHO.
  11. Ice climbing, eh? Fair play, that's some hard-core terrain. Far too bloody cold for my liking and that's a fact!
  12. @JohnO Is having a look at a minimally updated version I believe.....Basically just a few tweaks to account for minor engine differences. That's a decent summary.
  13. MAJOR SPOILER - (Highlight to reveal text): Slightly different, situation.....In Hornets' Nest as the player pushes towards the various Phase-Lines, they will almost inevitably discover Hidden Objectives marked as 'Tunnel-Entrance'. As you can imagine ISIS reinforcements will be popping out of those at some point. The good general decided to push full-steam-ahead for the objectives and go for a ceasefire, alternatively the player could divide their force and attempt to ambush the tunnel rats. The advice from @MOS:96B2P in your Carrillon thread looks good to me, couldn't think of anything to add.....Investigating the 'No-LOS Mortaring Technique' might prove useful to simulate mid battle artillery, don't think it will work for 88s, but beyond a certain point, HE is HE.
  14. Airbus were a big sponsor, running a Vulcan doesn't come cheap. I actually selected that video because of that, the Vulcan's surprisingly quiet right up until it isn't.....At which point it's mind-warpingly loud! But as I said, no recording can really capture it.
  15. Sounds like a waste of perfectly good 'nanas to me!
  16. Dammit, so my proposal for defensive Melon Modules will probably fall on deaf ears at DARPA.
  17. Couple of thoughts, just picking at the obvious: 3. the Abbasids will dispute over worldly kingdom; [Saddam's Quarrel with Kuwait/SaudiArabia?] 9. the wall of the mosque of Kufa will be destroyed; black standards will advance from Khurasan; [Rise of Jihadism in Afghanistan 1979 onward and it's spread to the wider Islamic world (Baghdad)? 10. al-Yamani will come out in revolt; [Yemen, with a strong implication that a Mehdi like figure will rise from that conflict/revolt]
  18. Combat Missions Eschatology.....I love you guys! So the Mehdi already needs to be in Mecca at the time he announces himself? I shall have to think on that a bit.
  19. You could try to set a target arc, but it isn't always very reliable.....A slightly more tricky way to go about it might be to use a Face order to get them to the side of the building you need, followed by a permanent Pause order and then a Target Arc. HTH
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