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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Chris, were you having (more) computer issues at the end of yesterday's feed? It ended quite abruptly there with your playthrough of the CMRT mission.
  2. Never mind that I already knew all of what you posted, given that I was a medic in the military.
  3. Well geez, let's see here: Japanese troops wearing light clothing in the hot and humid Pacific being engaged at close range, vs. heavily clothed Chinese & Koreans being engaged at much farther ranges in the dead of winter. That, and I never said it wasn't a good weapon in WWII. C'mon, you can do better than that.
  4. Agreed, it's far too red right now.
  5. It mainly comes from Korea, where troops tried to use it like a front line battle rifle, which is never what is was supposed to be. This is a good article that discusses it in pretty good detail: http://shootersjournal.net/putting-the-m1-carbine-in-the-right-context/
  6. I do have patience, and I do agree that things are getting better (especially since the Russians have their own specifically-modeled AT grenade). I'd just like to see even better fidelity in regards to infantry AT weapons. That's why we have an equipment panel as part of the GUI.
  7. Sure, but when every infantry unit on the map has the capability to take out a tank - no matter the weaponry they have on their person - it stretches the limits of what is and should be plausible.
  8. I've seen it happen, yes. It's quite a stretch to call this an acceptable abstraction.
  9. Utter nonsense, as usual. For one thing, yes, there are snipers in the game. They are the ones who aren't part of a squad but instead operate on their own. The Germans had them and so did the Russians - in fact, that's all the Russians had; they didn't have squad DMs. But yes, the Germans did have squad DMs. Do you even have a clue about how the game handles cover arcs for infantry units? No? OK then, quit giving out bad information.
  10. No, I consider him to be a registered member here like anyone else, subject to the same rules as everyone else. Being a so-called expert on military history doesn't give one carte blanche to engage in personal attacks.
  11. Of course it does. That's the whole point in having a C2 model.
  12. He has a pattern of being openly hostile, including right in this thread - asserting that BF and its mission designers are hawking Nazi propaganda, and that anyone who doesn't conform to his viewpoint is full of crap. Then there was a thread not too long ago where he told someone it'd be better off if they were incinerated to death: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1507189&postcount=272 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1507822&postcount=283 If any posts from anyone deserved at the least a suspension, it is those right there. I can go on, but I'll stop there.
  13. Does it really kill you that people would dare play those scenarios from the German side?
  14. It would be a very good thing, especially considering how long multi-threading has been around.
  15. Well, I have to say it was entertaining seeing ChrisND get humbled over and over again yesterday playing this scenario.
  16. You have folders called "Scenarios" and "Campaigns."
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