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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Sappers and engineers are the same thing.
  2. I just don't see a Spanish Civil War game being all that popular, to be honest.
  3. That's why I said as "a control config option."
  4. Could we have this as a control config option? With the much-improved control options we now have, I have found that moving the camera by moving my mouse cursor to the edge of the screen is both no longer needed and occasionally an annoyance.
  5. Yep, it's very good for those very reasons.
  6. The variety of textures on the Russian soldier equipment is quite good. Looking through the .bmp files last night, I saw there are about 5 variations of their entrenching tool, gas mask container, canteen pouch, and backpack.
  7. Ah, OK. Another thing I noticed: the team leader for the Maxim MG (and I think the SG43 as well) has his gas mask container and shovel on top of each other, and as a result his shovel really can't be seen.
  8. My package arrived in the mail today. My only gripe is that it can be hard to get the DVD out of the tin without bending it and thus subjecting it to breakage.
  9. Still, that comes down to players being smart about where the position their troops. It's amusing how this sort of stuff is part and parcel of games like Red Orchestra, but somehow CMx2 is seen as a special case.
  10. I've noticed that Soviet snipers do not carry any ammunition pouches on their belt. Is this by design?
  11. True. I have a hunch that captured PPSh-41s were far less common in France.
  12. (Obviously from the same time & location as the one above it).
  13. The small arms sounds are hit-and-miss. In some cases (such as the German MGs, the BAR, the M2 .50 cal and the M1 carbine), BFC has made sure they sound distinct. But pretty much all the rest of the sounds are far too generic, as all of the rifles and the SMGs respectively share the same audio file. The Bren, M1917, M1919, and the Vickers all share the same sound as well. Do they sound different in reality? Yes. I own a good number of the rifles simulated in the various WWII titles, and yes, they all have their distinct sound. The various Mosin carbines, for instance, have a significantly different sound than that of a standard M91/30, even though they share the same action. About the only rifles of mine that I can say "share" the same sound are the various models of Mausers I have (K98k, VZ24, and M24/47), but that's for fairly obvious reasons. I don't really buy that. BFC could add more varied weapon sounds to the game, and it wouldn't hurt things at all. We're talking about very small audio files here, and even the most basic onboard audio sound card can handle them just fine.
  14. Graphical chrome? Sorry, but if the player has put his bipod-equipped team in a position from where they can't engage the enemy from the prone position, then they need to move them to a spot from where they can. And yes, I do think that the animations need to be re-done if a bipod-equipped weapon is being fired from a trench, inside a building, or behind a low wall. It's part of the visual presentation of the game to have the troops moving about and firing their weapons like they would in reality, which unfortunately hasn't changed a whole lot over the years. Stopping troops from doing that bunny-hop over low walls and fences was about the last big improvement to animations that we've had that I can recall. I'm still waiting for troops to stop that ridiculous ice-skating movement across the terrain and using that "curl up into a fetal position" animation they use every time they're taking cover from enemy fire and their morale is still intact.
  15. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1507375&postcount=52
  16. Do you expect to be taken seriously when you make a statement like that?
  17. I finally found what Steve had to say about this matter back in January: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1494820&postcount=246
  18. Yes, that's why it was replaced by the M3 Grease Gun.
  19. Neither the Mosin nor the SVT could fire rifle grenades.
  20. All that means is that there are some still really ugly animations that still need to be worked out after all these years. Guys shoulder-firing certain machine guns is certainly plausible in CMSF, but it's certainly not with weapons like the PTRD and the MG42. TBH the "it's an abstraction!" excuse is getting a bit old, given that we're now 7 years away from when CMx2 made its debut.
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