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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. The enemy will see all that smoke coming out of the exhaust before they see the actual tank
  2. Unless someone at BF said that, I'd take that statement with a heavy dose of salt.
  3. Any word on the Ka-50, or is that one another item to be considered for a future expansion?
  4. Aim for what, exactly? And why is this in the CMRT section?
  5. That's a good way of putting it.
  6. A toggle for showing vehicle hit text: Enemy Only, Friendly Only, All Vehicles, or Off. With the hit decals we now have, a visual text indicator is not as necessary now.
  7. While we're on the subject, I was absolutely amazed (while compiling the German Parade Ground mission) how many different vehicles are fielded by the German army in just this first installment of CMRT. That, and the overall quality of the vehicle and gun textures has gone up quite a bit since CMBN, IMO. Not that the textures in CMBN are bad (because they aren't), but the level of detail has noticeably gone up (again IMO).
  8. Back when normal maps were first introduced to CMFI, Steve mentioned that they wanted to add normal maps to the terrain textures, but performance issues at the time prevented that. Are we any closer now to seeing normal maps for the terrain? I only ask because, while taking screenshots for my CW The Mace AAR at SimHQ, the lighting and normal maps strike me as looking really good on the vehicles and buildings, but by contrast the ground textures look really flat and bland.
  9. Agreed, the way the neck stretches like that when a soldier throws a grenade really looks ugly. It's that way in all 3 WWII CMx2 titles.
  10. Waffen SS, all formations, Late Camo uniform option: the collar texture on the pea dot uniform is stretched:
  11. You are really digging yourself a hole here with statements like that. Please, take Combatintman's advice and just play the game.
  12. Even today, combat medics don't carry blood in their aid bags. That sort of thing is the domain of (much) higher-level field hospitals. The majority of my "tools" were a ton of bandages to stop the bleeding, about 6 bags of Normal Saline IVs, and painkillers like morphine. CPR, defibrillators? Nope, those sorts of things involve too much time on the battlefield. A medic trying to revive someone on the battlefield like that would be wasting their time and likely to also end up as a casualty. Medics have one primary mission above all else in the field - stabilize the victim so they have the chance to make it to an aid station or field hospital.
  13. The trouble with that is the Russians didn't issue sniper rifles to rifle platoons. Snipers were company-level & above assets - not platoon.
  14. Sorry, that's just not the case. A Soviet carrying a scoped rifle during WWII had been trained as a sniper and only as a sniper. DMs didn't come around until after the war.
  15. Well, two things with that pic: first, that medic isn't really lying prone while doing his job, hence his arms are more free to do what he needs to do. Secondly, the medic and the casualty he's treating may well be under/behind some sort of cover that we can't see in the picture. Trust me, I was in probably the world's best-trained and experienced military Medical Corps for six years, during a period of intense fighting, and rendering medical aid in the prone position simply wasn't something we trained to do, nor did I ever hear of other medics performing.
  16. Which is the same way I view many of your posts.
  17. Just picking out bits and pieces because I don't have a lot of time at the moment: I picked up this tidbit from a post here: http://forums.gunboards.com/showthread.php?37701-American-snipers-of-WWII But yes, in principle the American sniper training program(s) of WWII were nowhere near that of the USSR or Germany, so I agree with you on that. Yes, both firsthand accounts and the official Mosin M91/30 sniper rifle manual documentation confirm that Russian snipers could be expected to and were often deployed in the "thick of the fight," so to say.
  18. Thanks! I will give that a try when I get the chance.
  19. I'm against allowing troops to perform buddy aid while prone, unless it's just to remove weapons and ammo from a dead body (but then, of course, that wouldn't be buddy aid). It's extremely difficult (read: just about impossible) to render medical aid to a casualty while laying prone, and it's certainly something that I was never taught or drilled to do while I was medic in the military - nor did we ever teach such a thing to Combat Lifesavers.
  20. Thanks for the explanation. It doesn't bother me, but for whatever reason it's sounded strange to me whenever I've read or heard it.
  21. Skwabie, c3k, Baneman - thanks, now I know. I've not ran the next turn yet, so I didn't know what to expect from this tank.
  22. I am indeed looking for the 250/7. The manual says they are found only in the Panzer Reconnaissance formations, but I cannot find them anywhere in the list. @MikeyD: good advice, thanks. I am indeed looking through the standard formation list for the Panzer recon battalion, but the only mortar halftracks I can find are the later 251s. So far, in my searches this is the only vehicle I cannot find. My goal is to add a German counterpart to the Russian Parade Ground file I recently uploaded to the Repository (in keeping in line with the Dealership scenarios for CMBB and CMFI).
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