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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Green, perhaps, but not conscript. Yes, on the whole the Red Army of WWII perhaps wasn't as well-trained as other armies, but right now we are dealing with 1944. This isn't 1941-42, with the Soviets throwing masses of badly-trained men into the fight.
  2. Yes, it's been pointed out previously: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114475
  3. Yep, in one recent example (GL Bear Claws), I had just leveled a 3-story building with 150 mm fire. No enemy contacts were seen, so I moved my troops up. Imagine my surprise when out of the rubble comes a pair of grenades that took out 3 of my men. :mad: This sort of thing isn't an outlier, either. Time and again, right after buildings collapse, the enemy will be right back to shooting their still-deployed HMGs, lobbing grenades, or firing their rifles. Something just doesn't seem right about this.
  4. I just had this happen to me in a CMFI scenario, but I've also seen it in CMBN: troops who have just survived a building collapsing on them seem to be far too quick to get back on their feet and start shooting again. In several examples I've leveled buildings with 150 mm HE fire, only to see the enemy firing again from these same leveled buildings less than a minute later. One would think that a building caving in, with all the accompanying dust, smoke, noise, and general confusion, would cause troops to be disoriented/pinned for a substantial amount of time. Thoughts?
  5. And where are these combat reports about StuGs hitting the enemy miles away in the (censored)s?
  6. That would be great if they did. The FPS controls are a nice idea, but I don't like the way the camera jumps all around when one starts to move the camera.
  7. You think way too highly of yourself.
  8. Pelican Pal does have some good points. The webstore does need some tidying up to make things more clear for potential buyers. And, like I wrote about above, I do think there should be some sort of discount when buying multiple upgrades - especially when said upgrades (CMFI & CMBN) are released at the same time and bring about the same features for the same game engine (CMx2). It not only would give people more incentive to buy the upgrades but would also be a bit of a reward for people who have been supporters of BF (in my case, I've purchased all but two modules since CMSF was released). I do hope in the future, whenever BF decides to move to a new engine, that they have a better plan to deal with upgrades to multiple titles. A DCS-style system where there's one global "engine" (DCS World) that people could then plug titles of their choosing into may be a better way to go. Believe me, I really like CMRT, CMBN, and CMFI, but the three seem to be strung out a bit too much right now, with certain titles having lagged behind others in terms of content and bug fixes at various times.
  9. I will eventually buy both upgrades, but the thing that I don't like is there's no discount (say, 15-20%) for buying both upgrades at the same time. That's pretty standard fare for other software titles that I've purchased multiple upgrades/DLC for in one purchase. As it is, I'm probably going to wait a while until I feel the price drops to a point I want to pay.
  10. The (obvious) difference is that CMSF is modern era and thus has a different mindset to taking casualties. But, besides that, if you are so gung-ho to play WW2 scenarios where the goal is to take as few casualties as possible, pull out the mission editor and show us all what you can do.
  11. A toggle for vehicle hit text: Friendly Only, Enemy Only, or All.
  12. Steve has stated quite clearly they provide cover but not concealment.
  13. Just finished this one as the British, and I scored a Major Victory, playing turn-based on Iron Mode. ***SPOILERS*** The armored car showing up nearly ruined my attack, but thankfully my men held together and were able to take it out. Casualties were high, but at mission's end I had occupied both objectives and taken out the pillbox. My only critique is I feel the Italians are at too high of a skill level. I know this mission is supposed to be playable and winnable from both sides, but with so many Italian troops - who are supposed to be low-grade coastal infantry - at the Veteran skill level, it made me grit my teeth at times with how they stood up to enemy fire and were able to land so many shots over and over. Leveling the Italian AI out at no more than Regular would probably have been better.
  14. Playing through this scenario right now and finding it quite enjoyable so far.
  15. Personally, I'm waiting for the first patch to really dive into the game. There are too many nagging issues (namely, with how well the game runs) for me to really enjoy it right now.
  16. Correct, and it also covers stamina.
  17. ...and the Mosin-Nagant bayonet. :eek: Seriously, that thing is like a giant tent stake.
  18. I read an interesting article earlier this week on Germany's role in NATO and why their role isn't likely to change in the near future: http://20committee.com/2014/06/22/why-germany-refuses-to-play-a-bigger-role-in-nato/ Quite ironic indeed.
  19. Yes, it's a Serbian company called Prvi Partizan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prvi_Partizan They produce a lot of what are now considered "oddball" calibers of ammo, along with stuff that can be hard to find. I have a whole stack of their .303 ammo, which I use in my Lee-Enfields. Good stuff.
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