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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Correct, the driver is down in the front of the vehicle.
  2. U.S. Army, infantry battalion: the bottom of the backpack radio and the sides of certain pieces of equipment (such as the entrenching tool cover) have really bad texture stretching issues. And, for what it's worth, these same issues are also present in CMFI.
  3. Well, the Pe-2 could carry a pair of 500 kg bombs, and those aren't exactly firecrackers. That said, the bomb crater does look to be a bit big.
  4. Scopes are for aiming at targets, not for finding targets. I have an original M91/30 sniper rifle (1942 Izhevsk) with a PU sniper scope, and the field of view is both narrow and relatively low-power (3.5x).
  5. It depends (I know, I know, it's the MBA side of me coming out ). Sometimes I keep something in the manual that's not quite clear because it hasn't been made quite clear to me by the developers, either (and I can ring those guys up on Skype any time). I figure that, in the absence of more clear information from the guys coding the game, if the information isn't deliberately misleading, then it's not going to hurt the player to experiment a bit and see if the text in question is accurate or not. If something comes up as being inaccurate or outdated, then I put it on the punchlist to be corrected in the next manual. Fortunately, the code base for Rise of Flight is pretty stable/unchanging right now, so most of the current work I do is making sure typos & minor errors are taken care of and ensuring that all aircraft available in the game are actually described in the manual. Or, if the team wants something new added, then I make sure it's formatted properly and inserted into all translations of the text. Please don't get me wrong. I love playing CM2 and encourage anyone with interest in WW2 to buy every CM2 title. And I think CMRT is the best one so far. (And I do understand that writing manuals is hard.) It probably is due to mild OCD that I put up with doing this sort of thing, but I've always enjoyed writing, and the compensation I get from the publisher is a good excuse to upgrade my computer hardware. That, and now I can tell people to RTFM...that I wrote. Oh, and apologies if I came across as too strong up above. Sometimes I forget that emotion and subtlety aren't always easily conveyed on a digital message board.
  6. They definitely should have a pair of binoculars. There are plenty of photos around on the Web of Russian sniper teams carrying binoculars.
  7. Photo taken at Kursk of GD soldiers: That is one very overloaded StuG.
  8. Exactly. I'm in charge of the manual for Rise of Flight, and I can't count the number of times I've found a mistake after the latest revision has gone live. It happens.
  9. You're the one that's borderline trolling when you say things like "Sadly, very true... It's like players are deliberately kept in the dark. I suspect disguising inaccurate modeling. But, if you like the game, who cares?" Oh, and while we're at it, quit speaking in text message. "b4," "enuff," and "plz" aren't found in any dictionary I've ever consulted.
  10. I'm having an issue where I can't point the application to my Dropbox folder for a game I originally started with H2HH. Is there something here that I'm missing?
  11. The same thing that Shift-clicking units does.
  12. Ditto. Kiwi Soldiers is a very well-made scenario. If a player can master the type of skills needed to win a small battle like this, then larger scenarios are that much easier to get a handle on.
  13. If that isn't a stereotypical and absurd idea, then I don't know what one would be.
  14. I'm not ignoring it at all, because it isn't the point of the conversation. You can bring up effects on morale all you want, but the fact remains that Rudel's list of tanks destroyed is highly suspect. The Nazis were desperate for heroes once the war started to go poorly for them, and he fit the bill perfectly. After all, he was the only person awarded the Knight's Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds.
  15. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114659
  16. It's in the near-term plans but didn't make it into RT.
  17. Rudel's supposed tank kills are even more dubious when you consider the strategic situation Germany was in in 1944-45. An army constantly on the retreat is not going to go through all the effort to determine whether or not that T-34 a pilot claimed destroyed 2 kilometers behind the front was actually destroyed.
  18. I also saw this occur in CMBN in the KG Engel campaign. Occasionally the 75mm Pak 40 would end up superimposed over its accompanying SPW.
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