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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. As many time as it takes. People are voicing their feedback on what they like and don't like about the upgrade. Me, my biggest grumble with this update is that none of the missions that ship with the game were updated to take advantage of the new trigger technology. I understand that campaigns would take a lot of time to update, but at least some of the scenarios should have been updated to show off how good these triggers are.
  2. It's one thing to be honest and quite another to be insulting when disagreeing with someone else's opinion.
  3. I do now and realize I wasn't following the thread as closely as I should have been My fault.
  4. Do you have this sort of lousy attitude with everyone you disagree with, face-to-face?
  5. Soviet sniper scopes are indeed very good quality. The scope on my 91/30 PU sniper looks and functions like it just left the factory yesterday. No blurriness or fogging, and it holds a zero just fine.
  6. Sure, I understand that. What I was more getting at is gamers propagating bad terminology. I'm certainly not going to get into a semantics debate with someone who actually fought in that war.
  7. "Clips of bullets?" If that's not a weird phrase then I don't know what is, in relation to the Thompson. Considering the two main weapons in the American arsenal that used the .45 cal round didn't use clips, it's probably just another example of someone using really bad terminology.
  8. Perhaps, yeah, but I guess I was just miffed by the absurdity of his requests.
  9. I suggest you find some other way to entertain yourself if you want to last around here.
  10. Right-click capability for the Standard set of controls to bring up the orders menu (as is the case with the FPS & RTS control modes).
  11. Why do I even bother, when I get replies like the ones above.
  12. I've been playing the first two missions of the Foiling Fustain campaign over the past couple of days, and I've noticed the bug where crewmen of deployed AT guns & HMG teams will wander off is still there. In particular, in the first mission of this campaign, I've had crewmen from the AT gun and an HMG wander off. I can get them back into place by giving them a movement order, but this naturally causes problems with targeting until then, as often it's the gunner that wanders off. :mad:
  13. One thing I've always wondered since CMSF first came out - does the game simulate select fire weapon capability? For example, if a soldier is carrying an M16A2, will he switch between burst and semi auto mode, or is it always one mode of fire?
  14. On that note, here's a good example. From the USS Spearfish, 29 November 1944: (Bolded for emphasis).
  15. Heck, for a good example of how inaccurate WWII airpower could be, take a look at how many times American submarines were attacked by their own aircraft in the Pacific - often in areas that had been clearly declared to be "safety zones." I've read many of the submarine patrol reports, and at times it's astounding how bad aircraft were at differentiating friend from foe.
  16. To supplement the terms used in the manuals, this is how I view the various skill levels: Conscript: zero combat experience, practically nonexistent or barebones training. Real-world examples would be the Volkssturm, Soviet formations in 41-42, Kriegsmarine troops, etc. Green: troops with somewhat adequate training, no combat experience. Or, formations that are largely comprised of inexperienced troops with a handful of combat veterans. Also, troops being used out of their normal military occupation (Luftwaffe infantry, maintenance/supply/transportation personnel, etc. - like a good number of American formations around Elsenborn Ridge). Regular: troops with combat experience, units with a large number of veterans but also a substantial number of green replacements, or new units that have been trained above and beyond a "normal" infantry unit (e.g., airborne, recon, engineers, etc.).
  17. BF long ago said that sort of thing is nowhere in their plans.
  18. It's more a problem of people taking descriptions of troop quality far too literally. What I mean by that is that people read in literature that "American troops in the Normandy invasion were green," and so people incorrectly assume that means most American troops in the game should also be of Green quality. It's the same sort of error people make with SS formations - they read about them being the "crack" or "elite" troops of Germany, and so they think that automatically means they should be set to Crack or Elite in the game. In both cases, deeper research is needed to understand what authors exactly mean when using such terms.
  19. Agreed. Vineyards right now look really bad from even medium distances, because the game is removing them entirely at that range and leaving not much more than a bald hill in their place.
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