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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Yes, they are seen as sniper school-trained, and Steve has even commented on that. That, and if someone in the Red Army during WWII had a scoped rifle, it meant they had gone through sniper school. The Russians had an excellent sniper training program well before the war began, while the concept of designated marksmen in their ranks didn't come about until the advent of the SVD Dragunov. Bottom line, if a soldier in any of the CMx2 games has a scoped rifle in a team separate from a rifle squad, they are a trained sniper (the exception being if the scenario designer is trying to simulate a "good shot" being pressed into the sniper role due to attrition, with a low skill level like Conscript or Green). If they are part of a rifle squad, they are a designated marksman. Of course, how well each country trained their snipers varied, but the fact remains that, if they were operating separately from a rifle squad, they were considered snipers. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1297066&postcount=5
  2. Yeah, we wouldn't dare want you to have fun while playing this game.
  3. Sidebar question: why is the Panzer IV called the "Mark IV?" To my mind it's confusing things with WWI tank names.
  4. In a PBEM match I'm playing, I had a Panther take a frontal hit from a 57mm AT gun that was registered as a hit on the weapon ("Weapon" was all it said). The damage screen showed the 75mm main gun has having a big red X next to it but no other damage. However, when I plotted my orders for the next turn, I found I could give targeting orders for the main gun but could not give Target Light orders for the MGs, even though they are shown as being undamaged. Is this some sort of bug or error? I have the save file if it helps.
  5. That image is wayyyy too small to see what you're talking about.
  6. I'm seeing some good arguments here why the CM series could do with some multicore enhancements.
  7. Where one one find this vehicle in the mission editor? I've done a search through the panzer recon formation lists and can't find it.
  8. I do sit up until 2am, but that's because I don't get home from work until nearly midnight. Moving on... Yes, I do play the game, practically every day, but yes, at the same time I do take an occasional close-up look at the models to see how they're rendered. The fact of the matter is that these sorts of things (ie., texture mapping) are obviously not being checked all that closely before release. In other software titles that I beta test for, when these sorts of things are reported, they are fixed, so that's why I report them here. That, and I find it strange that this is now the third weapon in this thread reported to have bad texture mapping, and in those two cases the reporter (who wasn't me) wasn't ridiculed. So, why is that? And, for the record, that stretched texture on the sight ladder is on both models of the K98k.
  9. Yes, Captain Obvious, I do play the game: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3757733/Combat_Mission_Normandy_During#Post3757733 Any other sidebar comments you'd like to add?
  10. I have a very hard time believing an 88mm shell wouldn't cause fatal engine damage with that sort of hit.
  11. Only on these forums do people excuse this sort of stuff. That sort of awful texture mapping is present in too many other places in all three WWII CMx2 titles (namely, vehicles) to keep count.
  12. Really awful texture stretching on the rear sight ladder of the K98k:
  13. Except, of course, the manual is automatically installed along with the game, so there is no need to come here to the website to find the manual.
  14. Agreed. It's so glaringly obvious that it needs to be fixed.
  15. And just on a side note, the 9mm ammo will also work with the captured M38 SMGs employed by the Germans in CMFI. That, and there are no Lugers in any of the CMx2 WWII titles.
  16. Nope, it's in the game.
  17. You're not trying to be politically anti-gun, but you decided to be anyways? Oh, and the vast majority of gun-related deaths in the U.S. are the result of gang activity. Period.
  18. The Grease Gun didn't really start to replace the Thompson until late 1944 in infantry formations.
  19. Mine-rolling & flail tanks would be very nice to see one day, especially since all the Allied nations employed them in one way or another.
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