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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. http://www.wearethemighty.com/articles/this-military-theme-park-lets-you-drive-tanks-crush-cars-and-shoot-machine-guns
  2. No, but a lot of them can be a lot better than they are now, e.g,: Sounds for CMSF tank cannons Rifle sounds (Garand, Lee-Enfield, K98k, Mosin, etc) Submachine guns .30 cal / 7.62 mm machine gun sounds
  3. Because I'm not going to waste my limited gaming time hunting around for mods I may or may not like. It's not hard to see that a large number of sounds the various CM2 titles use are outdated and in need of vast improvement.
  4. The new IL-2 did/does not sacrifice variety in the name of graphics detail - rather, it's everything under the hood - flight modeling, damage modeling, AI, systems management, etc. - that takes far more time than it did in the past.
  5. Both animations and the audio need an upgrade. With a few small exceptions, most of the small arms sounds (SMGs, rifles, MGs) are still the same flat, bland ones from when CMx2 was first launched. The upgrade of the AK-74 sound in Black Sea showed what a dramatic improvement the new sound was over the old one. Heck, the file structure is already in place - most weapons have their own unique audio file - so it's not like it would be some major recoding effort.
  6. Every time one says the tracers look like laser beams, it makes me wonder if they've ever actually seen tracers in reality.
  7. No offense, but that's spoken like someone who's never been in the military.
  8. About that health care: https://panampost.com/belen-marty/2015/10/06/inside-the-cuban-hospitals-that-castro-doesnt-want-tourists-to-see/ https://www.google.com/search?q=cuban+hospitals&rlz=1CASMAE_enUS697US698&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZxo_l9snQAhWoiFQKHYfSCloQ_AUICCgB&biw=1366&bih=655
  9. I know Syria acquired a lot of German AFVs in the post-WWII years (saw a couple of them myself at a museum in Israel), but even this is crazy, if it's really being used.
  10. Oh, one certainly can, but it's more the exception than the rule. I was very blessed to marry someone who was living in a house that (a) is paid off and (b) is in a low-crime area. If it hadn't been for that, we'd be squeezed in together in a small apartment, with most of our money going towards rent. The downside to this living arrangement is that I have a 100-mile round trip commute to and from work, and it frankly sucks because we're stuck with a 1970s highway system - thanks in no small part to the guy who occupies the governor's seat in Sacramento.
  11. The whole "The Ukraine" vs "Ukraine" thing is somewhat similar to how Romania used to be commonly called Rumania.
  12. Oh @#!####$#@! good grief, John. That's a plane from a movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_(film)
  13. The scoped Garand wasn't used in the ETO.
  14. Good grief, that's a lot of smoke those tanks are putting out!
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