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Everything posted by sburke

  1. shame on you, not that it would make that much difference, pretty much all the pre orders should have gotten the email and you can still only pre order on the website. Nothing for it but to open a bottle of wine. :-D
  2. Just like BFC said, someone just had to blab on the forum after getting the email. oh well so begins the long process of Dl-ing.
  3. The part about not wanting to be penetrated or the part about having a chance to penetrate?
  4. LOL looks like you may have had too much "LDS". Either that or you were getting scammed like my mother when she went to Morocco and tried to score hash one night. Got back to the hotel with a chocolate bar.
  5. my best - "oh my god I have to watch that over and over again" scenes have all been infantry, but I have also started paying attention more to armor now that I am getting used to it. Last night was playing BtB and watched from the german trenched mortar position as a Sherman attacked from the flank. Bow and Coax machine guns spitting rounds, turret swinging to catch any moving infantry, friggin awesome.
  6. Are you kidding they won't complain about snow at all....they will complain about mud.
  7. Man would I ever want to recreate a campaign based on First Clash. I do love WW2 stuff, but fighting the central front would be awesome. http://www.amazon.com/First-Clash-Combat-Close-Up-World/dp/0425107566
  8. There are a couple tutorial scenarios in the full game IIRC. I believe some of the playtesters are also planning to post some hints and tips material.
  9. you're kidding right? you weren't actually hitting the download button with no game released yet were you?
  10. Try 7 1/2 months with no actual release date... yeah it can happen if you get stubborn and stupid enough. Thank god I got less stubborn as I got older, though not necessarily less stupid.
  11. Actually the whole release date dance is just driven by us. They will send out an email when they are ready which i will receive on my BB. I don't need to be a refresh monkey and it isn't there fault if I am. However it is kind of cool to see a bunch of other folks as excited to see the product as I am so we all sit here like 9 year olds waiting for it to "arrive". Apparently you are as bad as the rest of us as you are here too. Kind of like the old days of waiting in line for dead tickets...yeah we used to actually wait in line...in the rain. A lot of the fun was hanging out with other deadheads knowing the band was coming.
  12. Did you check the box in the lower right corner of the order form "head of the line fee"? It then adds a drop down for size of contribution. I believe the increments were in bottles of wine.
  13. oh dear god, the denizens of the peng challenge thread are loose again? Somebody call pest control.
  14. Hopefully not too close a look. Probably 3rd time I have repeated this, but I loved the scene. I had a PF team sneak up to a hedgerow. One guy pulls out his MP and guns down a breaching team on the other side while the second nails a Sherman nearby and then the two of them combined to gun down the crew as it exited. Before we decide something needs fixing, let's make sure it is broke as in my instance the behavior as it stands produced a stunning moment of coordinated action. In your instance what if the rifleman had nailed the TC (who was probably exposed and therefore the goal of the rifle shot)?
  15. to BF and the playtesters - Whenever you feel ready please take a bow so we can continue our applause. Job well done.
  16. better watch that, a bit of owsley's best and you might find yourself moving your mouse just looking for butterflies in the meadow and forgetting- oh right I was playing CM.. "Hey will you look at that?!"
  17. I still feel this is kind of Apples to oranges. I played both CMSF and CMBB/CMAK as I prefer the WW2 period, but wanted the engine of CM2. Everytime I'd open up CM1 games it was always with the feeling that I can't wait for the day ww 2 is on CM 2. CM1 just doesn't allow you to employ tactics as realistically as CM 2. The side effect to that design change is a graphical major leap ahead. I noted this incident in an earlier post where I had a PF team take out a sherman. The turn started with one of the team members gunning down an engineer breach team. His buddy then took out the sherman and the two of them gunned down the crew as it bailed. There is a synergy here to the 1:1 design of CM2, the ability of individual team members to target different objects and the icing on the cake is the graphical quality which played out like a directed scene in a movie for me. That is worth the $60 I plopped down and then some. It isn't that I have to have that level of detail, but you gotta admit, it is just so darn cool. I don't think that it means the graphics have been prioritized, but they take advantage of what already exists in the engine. CMSF also didn't play on MACs. granted side issue, but it did impact some players not going to Cm2. I don't mean to harp on this nox, and I realize MP is important to you. I am not trying to say that MP is a dumb request or anything along those lines, I am just questioning the stance that the "majority" want what you want. There is nothing wrong with having a desire, but you can't just keep repeating that it is what the majority want and assume because you say it that it becomes true. I am not assuming that is not true just because of what particular items I want in the game, but because the guys who are running the business say so and I have to assume they know their customer base well enough to know what makes sense to prioritize. We can disagree with them about that, but in the end it is their business, they disagree and they don't want to risk what they feel is a functioning system that allows them to do what they want and keep getting paid for it. Hard to argue with that.
  18. Sighting was much more organized and realistic. I mean just line up a bunch of squads and watch the heads doing the organized - front, R side, front, L side observation as specified in FM 92 "Correct observation of enemy positions".
  19. my wife thinks it is the Hwy to hell....
  20. CMBN the Dark side of the moon of games.
  21. Same here and in just the little bit I have been playing the demo I have had so many of those moments that I can't wait to get my hands on the full game.
  22. Yeah well that was the problem. Once you realized that if you did get spotted, you could pretty much run away and the guards would all reset, it lost that immersion factor. It kind of required a suspension of belief in a way and setting your own standards of play- say for example if I am spotted at all, I lose. It didn't live on my hard drive anywhere near as long as the CM games. I only gave up CMAK now that CMBN is coming out. It was interesting in it's day though.
  23. I actually did play all the thief games. They were in fact some of my favorite games of all time, however that was partly because they were so unique. The graphics may not have been that good but honestly, neither was the AI. Still they were a blast. However this wasn't a disagreement over game engine versus graphics. CMBN has both. The issues was MP versus graphics and that is a completely different discussion. Again you are claiming to speak for the "vast majority", I don't see that reflected in the posts though. Instead I have seen repeated statements of the quality of the graphics and the immersion that then brings in the game. Maybe I am just seeing them because they agree with my own views, but by the same token, maybe you aren't seeing them because it doesn't jive with yours. Either way apparently BFC feels that the majority of the people who represent their base like em or they likely wouldn't have spent the time.
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