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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I have actually had a fair amount of luck with this. Generally if my infantry assests can force a TC to button up it gives me an edge over the opposing tank. Combining that infantry behavior with a decent At asset can yield decent results. If however they are just opening up with no heavier support weapons, yeah they are soon to be POWs or fertilizer.
  2. Turns in my present game are about 6-7mb uncompressed, easily manageable with dropbox. As to not mature, maybe not. I know Charles, Steve and the bunch are working on a couple items, but overall, best game on my pc by far. Personally I think they have done a truly outstanding job and as they work through the issues and add items based on suggestions it will only get better.
  3. You can have my Thompson IF you can pry it from my cold dead, rigor mortis affected fingers - Charlton Heston
  4. Not to mention the damage an unattended cat could do to a battle halfway in with counters everywhere...soon to be even more everywhere and a little chewed to boot.
  5. But in RT you get to respond to threats immediately versus living with the consequences that you have in WEGO. That being said, if I were to play RT I would want more time to allow for moving my forces more slowly in order to have some idea what the heck is going on. You just can't see everything and react the same way so (correct me if I am wrong here as I generally avoid RT) I expect RT players in larger battles would limit just how much of their force they will advance into contact in order to manage the consequences of those moves without pausing every 2 seconds.
  6. You know when I saw that thread title I thought someone had died. Didn't remember anyone named Peter Wenman in BoB or anywhere else (yeah I didn't that far into CMSF, though I was working up to it). Anyway Peter, glad to hear you are alive and I assume well and can keep cranking out maps. Now I have to go play on some of those to truly appreciate this thread.
  7. Different thasn clicking on a unit and seeing highlighted all units it can see? We also have the ability to set a movement order and see what it can see (at least in area) from that point. Just being able to see what a unit sees, doesn't quite work if you have 11 sets of eyes all seeing something different (and then the pvt with the thick bifocals who can't see a thing and just happens to have the squad AT weapon).
  8. Probably true, but in this case it is also about setting the historical record straight. Ambrose' portrayal was not at the level that should be expected of a historian. For example having watched BoB I would have been sure Sobel never got to Normandy, however he did jump. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Sobel
  9. LOL honestly I'd get tired of hearing it after a bit anyway.Sometimes when I have a large group of GIs in an area I swear I'm listening to a grade school outing. :-P Keep moving, quiet down, everybody stay together, Jimmy stop playing with the dead german!
  10. My buddy has a similar expression "turn off transmit, turn on receive." His polite translation of "shut the f**k up". Would be nice to hear that once in a while instead of "Let's get some noise discipline here".
  11. That's okay, I am still waiting for a replacement piece of glass for an oven door, over 3 weeks now. In US from in US. Shipping is a wonderful thing. And for those disappointed if their Steelcase was damaged, you should have seen my oven and it cost a LOT more.
  12. That and they'd have to listen to us b***h about how the kitchen table doesn't look like Norman furniture, or the couch needs a nicer slip cover and don't get me started on the interior to Cafe Grammont!
  13. Happen to see Colbert last night- the Normandy landing with bells? Proof that US troops came prepared to fight Bell warfare.
  14. The worst thing about this movie was in high school they ran it on the monitors during home room everyday. We would get periodic breaks with It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, a much more realistic portrayal of WW 2 conflict.
  15. It's a baited trap for the English. Alcohol kills, oh wait no that's cigarettes
  16. Your tank commander will bail, have the perfect opportunity to kill an opposing cowering enemy, but the new patch makes him run blindly in front of an MG instead. At which point there will be a chorus of howls about why bailing tank crews are too timid. Alternatively Your tank commander will bail, and be immediately killed by an enemy that was going to surrender. At which point there will be a chorus of howls about why bailing tank crews are too timid.
  17. yeah that was pretty bad, funny but bad. :-P Not sure you will really get an answer that is going to truly appeal to you. It is like the targeting issue. When you select a squad what are you gonna do, follow 11 different targeting lines as each individual can theoretically be shooting at something different (and it is only right at that moment). CM 2 takes some getting used to. Part of it is a simple issue of gameplay. I can generally tell marsh and mud at a glance, if it's raining is part of the scenario and i just go from there on what my expectation of being able to move cross country is. That is just my style of play and trying to identify specifically what that particular tile is takes away some of the immersion for me. It makes me look at hexes (or squares, or action spots) in a way I like to avoid. That isn't for everyone though. Perhaps that is something BFC could include in the next round, honestly I haven't a clue only they could answer that. All you can do is ask and you have done that.
  18. Better watch your step there mister, or you'll get lumped into the "lamestream" media next. Our N Korean Allies would be upset.
  19. Brilliant? Sounds more like a petulant 5 year old in need of a time out. It's folks like that that make me recommend to BFC to NEVER offer anything but a DL again. Much as I like the Steelbook I'd rather have just let it go than hear anymore of these pissy rants over a $5 case. For crying out loud people get a grip.
  20. LOL You will be assimilated! My only advice is to allow yourself to get immersed in it. Don't try to play it like a hex based boardgame per se. There is a lot more to it than that and you are far better off just making judgement calls on what you can see than trying to say, well it is a grain hex and there are 6 intervening grain hexes so I should have X value of concealment etc etc. Be patient with the game and with the command structure, it is very very flexible, and will probably annoy the hell out of you until you have your first "AHA!" moment when something clicks for you. I am still working on things like, setting covered arcs, what is too short that I don't get to spring my ambush before being spotted, but what is too long in that it gets sprung too early. When should I actually target something versus letting my sniper chose his own (That particular item comes from targeting a jeep loaded with an MG crew. The driver and crew bailed and my sniper continued to target the Jeep as he could still see it, but not the former occupants). I know you have probably heard it enough, but this really isn't just CMBO version 2. It is a completely new game and you will have to relearn what you think you knew. AT guns are a lot more effective (I have a crew right now that broadsword56 can attest to how much small arms fire that gun mantlet can absorb ). You can actually apply real world tactics and expect realistic results...and the occasional complete snafu. If you go in with an open mind and don't try to run chart probability calculations on every move but instead just try basing your commands on the tactics you want to employ I think you will find this game is worth every penny you spent and then some.
  21. Beautiful, almost reminiscent of Tom Hanks firing off rounds from his 45 at that Tiger in SPR.
  22. LOL yikes! well hopefully that will just be an option as frankly it would ruin the game for me. Where it excels for me having to make those decisions. If I wanted to just tell a company to move to X position I'd play something else.
  23. Wow what a day to finally get the new PC up and running and to activate CMBN on it. woohaa. Thank you to the Beta testers in the earlier discussions on what kind of systems you are running on. They helped a lot at figuring where I should put my money.
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