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Everything posted by sburke

  1. wear the bocage, be the bocage, you are the bocage!
  2. snip Wait a minute, am I to understand you didn't fix it? sheesh!
  3. LOL kind of says it all as far as I am concerned. The game is totally immersive. You friggin care about your pixeltruppen. I don't do it for points or scenario goals. I do it cause my guys are hit!! It just cracks me up that I can get that wrapped up in this game. Yeah there are a few bug issues, but considering what all is in the game the real issues versus perceived issues is incredibly small for a game so incredibly rich.
  4. Good point and one of the reasons I prefer we-go as well (besides being able to go back and look at all the little action scenes going on). I think we can all agree there is just no way for there not to be some sort of "gameyness". It goes with the turf of being the one who issues every single command even down to telling a unit to go back to a jeep it can't see to get more ammo. Some of it just needs to be accepted. It is all a question of where, when and how much you want to push for realism or not. you could for example insist a runner be sent from the team that has identified a target back to it's commander to simulate passing the information. if the runner doesn't make it, you don't get to fire. Tungsten alloy mode. Doubt I'd ever go that far other than as an experiment in a single battle, but you get my drift. However altering the game code to facilitate ease of a function that already exists albeit not as easy is for me a non starter. There is just too much else that I'd like to see corrected (bridge issues for example) and allow Steve the time to get the UI stuff in he wants (not too mention another couple modules/games) to be able to say the particular issue raised by the OP warrants programmer time. Actually that is why you will likely hear me sound quite selfish about proposed changes. If it isn't actually a bug, then I would much rather battlefront keeps it's programmer elves locked down in the shop turning out more modules. Just my two cents and worth rather less I suppose.
  5. second that. I will probably try it again on a higher difficulty setting (I generally play on veteran for now) in the future when I have forgotten some of the specific details, but have to say it was an extremely creative undertaking and well crafted. I loved the idea of having enemy convoys moving down the road and setting up an ambush. I could easily see that being incorporated at a smaller scale almost randomly in a battle. Thinking of the commander of 91st LL who got caught in one of these on June 6th.
  6. short, long, doesn't matter. they can't read. They need better glasses, but can't figure out how to get to an optometrist...if they actually knew what one was.
  7. I normally play with headphones and just drop them to my neck while the game is loading if I am tired of the music. I do kind of like it, but there are times when I have other things to listen too. If you normally play with speakers, is your PC conveniently placed to just pop in a headphone jack while loading? Maybe not the best solution, but quick and clean.
  8. Ouch!! This is good enough to be over in the peng thread. Not that I am suggesting you go there, place is full of loons...and I don't mean the avian variety. Besides i think they locked the door from the inside.
  9. I am a confessed fanboy... but umm, no not gonna get my ire raised. i can definitely understand the attachment to the Boxed game, if I didn't I wouldn't have paid extra for it. Only thing I would say is take it up with BFC, don't get too freaked out until you give them a chance to help you out. As to the case itself, yeah I was a bit surprised as well, but as I thought about it i realized a true "Steel" case would've cost quite a bit more than I plunked down. I also haven't quite figured out how i thought the discs were going to mount. :-P I will likely never open it again until the next module comes out so it really is just cosmetic and it does still look cool on my shelf. Doesn't change your feeling about it I know, but I just put it down to a bit of miscommunication and a bit of (on my part) not thinking too much about what "Steelcase" might be.
  10. My personal usage of scouts is to go ahead usually no further than the next hedgerow, usually still within sight of the parent unit. Once I have found it is safe the rest of the unit moves up. I don't tend to send them unsupported wandering around the map. Guess I tend to more of the realism camp, but that is generally my play style. Hell I even get wrapped up trying to deal with my casualties even though I know that may consume time and risk other units. For me though that is part of the immersion of the game. True recon units aren't the scouts split off from a squad. Huzzah! is a great example of having true recon units within a mission and follow up units behind.
  11. I thought it was a suggestion to go over to the copping a feel thread. :-P
  12. Yeah if there was only some way to actually document that impact on sales. As the only people with access to any figures seem to be perfectly fine with the direction they are taking and considering they are the ONLY people with anything financially at stake if it fails would appear to be quite content with their solvency I am gonna have to leave that one off the list. As the saying goes, that dog don't hunt. However I think I will have to include number 14.
  13. I think this falls under item 1, though I did have to add numbers 10-13 as they also likely apply. 1.) Anything that doesn't work as I expect or desire is broken. 2.) If it doesn't work the same as some previous version of CM or like some other game I prefer, then it isn't complete and needs to be fixed in the next patch. 3.) If it doesn't include my favorite WW2 vehicle, no matter how rare, the game isn't done 4.) my experience playing the game since it was released is equal in value to yours having played possibly years 5.) I test nothing to validate something I saw. Once is enough, suck it up and fix it. 6.) if I have to read the manual it isn't explicit enough 7.) Anything that happens that is "buggy" no matter how rarely is enough to ruin the game enough that I won't play anymore...ever 8.) If I have to read the forum to get hints or even see if my issue hasn't already been talked to death....it isn't explicit enough 9.) Though I don't run my own business and actually have no experience doing so, I won't hesitate for a second in telling BFC how to run theirs 10.) Battlefront should immediately begin work on my pet feature while simultaneously continuing work on all the rest of the forthcoming modules and games. So what if you don't have a huge programming team, suck it up and get to work. 11.) I automatically speak for the entire playing community even if I am the only person who wants this particular item. 12.) Though I am not a programmer, I still feel I can tell you how much of the underlying code will have to be rewritten for my particular feature and it will always be negligible. 13.) My feature request will allow you to appeal to the mythical wider audience allowing you to retire to that villa in Tuscany once you implement it. My apologies to the rest of you who thought you might actually see the Eastern Front someday. Charles/Steve you can thank me for the villa later. Cirrus you are asking them to rewrite code in order to make it easier to target a unit you can't see though you already have the ability to target the area around that unit, it just means you have to put in some more effort by zooming down on the map. C'mon man you really want to hold up all the other work (like what Steve has already said about enhancing the UI) other modules and games etc? Their team is incredibly small, is this really that important to you to prioritize over all the other items that are already on their list? Seriously put some perspective - is it merely an annoyance or is it such a hindrance to warrant the effort and impact on other items?
  14. LOL Incoming!!!!! Seriously though why do we automatically assume that any gamey tactic we can come up with is automatically a problem for battlefront? I would assume the opposite, look for like minded opponents who shy away from just doing anything they want because it is possible. I for one would oppose any change in unit behavior as it would likely penalize even those who do try and keep things in a more realistic bent. The problem here is player behavior (or at least your desire to play a certain way), not the game. Get your opponent fixed. Damn my dog heard that and just slunk away...
  15. LOL do you seriously stick tape on your monitor? I have this vision of little pieces of tape all over your PC. Totally cracking me up. Not that it is itself is a bad idea (though i'd be cleaning my monitor all the time, and hope like hell my cat didn't bump the mouse) it just gives a funny visual.
  16. Kickassery? I had to go look. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=kickassery
  17. I'll second that. However let me start with - don't go in with a preset notion based on CMBO. Take it as a brand new game, don't focus on what you miss from CMBO or you will waste time better spent on learning the new game. And it is worth the learning. I never got caught up in CMBO with an individual trying to turn the tide of a battle singlehandedly and I have seen it a number of times already in CMBN. And the loss you feel when that individual gets killed is a testament to the immersion. Battlefront have really outdone themselves with this, just go through the first impressions thread if you want to get a large audience reaction. It is overwhelmingly positive.
  18. Could you perhaps point those out? I'm feeling the need to complain to break up the monotony of enjoying the game. Oh wait, I know what I want - a sensor that picks up from my brain when it goes OMFG! and records the moment in the game I am watching. I really need an automated process to catch those. Hell my wife doesn't play war games and is getting a little tired of me going "Hey honey, check this out, you believe they can actually include that?" She is still impressed. She did however get a chuckle at the legs projecting underneath the jeep. Actually started singing "flintstones, meet the flintstones!" I was thoroughly embarassed. fix it.
  19. LOL Just accept it Capt. 1.) Anything that doesn't work as I expect or desire is broken. 2.) If it doesn't work the same as some previous version of CM or like some other game I prefer, then it isn't complete and needs to be fixed in the next patch. 3.) If it doesn't include my favorite WW2 vehicle, no matter how rare, the game isn't done 4.) my experience playing the game since it was released is equal in value to yours having played possibly years 5.) I test nothing to validate something I saw. Once is enough, suck it up and fix it. 6.) if I have to read the manual it isn't explicit enough 7.) Anything that happens that is "buggy" no matter how rarely is enough to ruin the game enough that I won't play anymore...ever 8.) If I have to read the forum to get hints or even see if my issue hasn't already been talked to death....it isn't explicit enough 9.) Though I don't run my own business and actually have no experience doing so, I won't hesitate for a second in telling BFC how to run theirs
  20. Nice I just started with dropbox, but this synctoy is an excellent added capability. Wish I'd known about that bonus for inviting others, where's that replay button dang it.
  21. snip LOL having your wife charge the enemy guns first is not doing a lot for you image. I will actually try some scenarios a few times, mostly as I still feel I need to understand how to get the best out of the command AI. Things like assautling a fixed defense, when to scout by fire, when to use smoke etc etc. I expect as I get more comfortable I will likely not repeat as much. As to fighting the AI, well the AI plays in some ways closer to real life. Not every pixeltrupper reacts to what every other pixeltrupper sees. Even when it is danged obvious. Chokes points become super deadly traps as it often times will simply keep pushing through. The tactical AI then goes flat as the choke point becomes a difficult obstacle to traverse leading to even more vehicles exposing their vulnerable flanks etc. Designers also can't account for everything we might do, they have their own perception of play. ***************SPOILER ALERT DEVIL"S DESCENT**************** As an example, I charged my 6 squads (yeah I stole the idea from BoB when Winters charges that dike in Netherlands) and their platoon leaders across to the hedgerow on the other side of the paved road after the two initial trucks got ambushed and then lined up in wait for the German counter attack. Set my units on a short target arc to have them wait till they got close. After the Germans started pulling up to the hedgerow I removed all the target arcs and all hell broke loose. The trucks were slaughtered, even one of the STuGs bailed at the amount of firepower sweeping that field. The second panicked and started racing for the bridge. It was over within two turns of opening up, if it had lasted longer that last StuG would've been getting pinged by 3 atgs as it ran into the open. I think 6 Germans total survived the carnage. Point is I doubt that was quite what the designer expected. My hats off to all the folks who even attempt to design as it is quite a challenge to try and forecast possible behavior.
  22. Wait! You mean the game comes with Bacon?!! And I thought it couldn't get any better!!
  23. Okay so now You are my personal hero. Was really looking hoping to see some folks churning out airborne scenarios - looking forward to it.
  24. It's enough to have such a fantastic game, but the screenshots you guys generate and the comments are just icing on the cake. Almost spit coffee all over my pc on this one.
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