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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. In CMBS there are so many weapons, systems and types of ammo that it makes my head spin from trying to memorize it all. I fail in doing so. Miserably. I have a suggestion for an acquire visual aid, so we don't have to stop play to check the manual every once in a while. What if, when bringing up the acquire list, that all types of ammo that the acquiring squad, in its current state, can use for their current weapons. As well as AT/Javelin etc. The rest is in red. Greyed out is still used for stuff you can't carry.
  2. Ahhh, the agony of choice... I guess I'll get 'em both and alternate. Downloading. Again, many thanks Kieme
  3. I have several times, in CMBN, CMFI also, forgotten to check for balconies when entering a house, with the result of troops running out on the balcony and exposing them. I wish there was an additional option when entering a house with balconies in the popup with floors to remain indoors or go out on the balcony.
  4. Never reload. Mistakes are a part of the unfolding drama, so I go along with them, and in the best of times learn from them. But some mistakes I still make too often
  5. Reminds me of Chris during a Twitch-broadcast: "Wow, that was bloody ... but we're making progress."
  6. One distinct thing I've seen on several occations in CMBS that I never saw in WWII titles, is AI troops casually walking in the middle of battle and in the open, usually getting gunned down. My interpretation of this is as follows: Units tire much easier in CMBS due to heavier equipment. If AI plans are set up like in previous games (in which units very seldom got exhausted even from prolonged "quick" movement), AI troops will tire easier as they advance, retreat and then advance again, as they try to get to the next area of the AI plan. Sooner or later they become exhausted and start to walk instead of running. Maybe AI plans in CMBS need more steps, with shorter intervals, and maybe with pauses in between to work around this behaviour? Another solution would be that the AI is forced to hide exhausted units unitil the recouperate, but that means changes in the engine. That would be the preferred solution.
  7. For a game like this I think the graphics are OK out of the box, but with mods it gets much better. So if you feel that the graphics hold the game back too much, try modding and you might find yourself satisfied.
  8. Love the sound effects - could that be modded into place instead of tracers
  9. Update on the project: Progress on the map is slow but steady. Had to rework some parts due to new knowledge about the battery. The main features are in place and some of the details. But needs more. I have placed like a gazillion tiles of mines, barbed wire and craters. The forces are more or less in place. However, there are some uncertainties. I have contacted the museum at Merville and the author of "The Day the Devils Dropped In" - but has received no replies so far. Guess I have to make an educated guess and balance so it will be playable. Next up is to do a rough playtest to check the balance and placement of forces and then do the finishing touches on the map. A rough estimate is that it will be ready for playtesting in about a month.
  10. Use the clipboard icon with what looks like a document on it - fourth icon from the right top row.
  11. Great, I guess you learn something every day. I will fiddle around with this when I find the time.
  12. I played this on Elite and got a total victory. I really like the map and the setting, but would have liked some more background concerning all the landmarks on the map. Why are they there and so on. I also like the "trick" of having four AI versions. Don't know what to call the one I got, but feel it was too easy, or I just got lucky. As for the set up phase, I guess all the TRPs are there becaus of the different variants. So one mortar with just 22 rounds was a bit underwhelming. Maybe add another one to use before the Strykers arrive. I got beaten up pretty bad initially and was expecting an onslaut and for sure some heavy vehicles. But once the AT-guns were dealt with, there was little to worry about. I thought there would be more pressure on the victory locations. Especially as there was a real sense of urgency initially. The main problem was how the AI was set up for the assault on the primary location, as they would just pour through the breach with the crater to be gunned down mercilessly. In the end they were so tired the walked up to the breach.I don't know if it is possible to make the AI "blast", but the troops that went around the perimeter to the trenches fared much better. Maybe an more even balance between these two approaches, as it would make it much harder to defend. But overall, a fine scenario that can get even better. Maybe the other AI variants are harder.
  13. Thanks kohlenklau - brings me back to my youth as a metal head. Yeez, videos from the 80s are really tacky
  14. Onej, en go gubbe? Sorry guys for the brief chatter in Swedish. Thanks for the comments. I'm not quite sure how to implement the changes suggested for the HQs and such. Can you move units in the "purchase units" in the editor? I'll probably upload a new version in a few days, so you just might wait unless you are itching to go. It is my own map. Merville Battery for CMBN up next (in about a month) and I have ideas for CMRT as well.
  15. ...and again during the day, and again, and again - cus you know there is gonna be another great one to download - keep 'em coming
  16. Thank you. Already got some valuable feedback so I will tweak it further and upload again.
  17. I'm surprised no one has linked to Monty Pythons SPAM-bit yet. Google it...
  18. Cool, where you the one that mentioned a Capriquet mission way back when CMBN was just a few months in the making? I remember thinking since then what happened to that. Looks great. And, yes sir, I do like artillery
  19. "The Allied invasion of Sicily is well underway and the German forces has been more or less overrun by British forces in this sector. A small group of Germans has been isolated behind enemy lines and has for the past few days tried to make their way back to friendly forces. But finding a gap in the allied front without being spotted has proven difficult. The group has moved more or less by night but are now out of food and water and desperately need to make it back. In a final attempt they decide to move in the morning light. In the distance they hear the distinct sound of AA guns, and they spot a Focke-Wulf thundering past overhead. There is a forward observer in the group and luckily - the radio still works. The group decides that the last chance to make it back to their own lines is to try to punch through this AA position and exit to the north. Taking out the position would probably also take the pressure off Luftwaffe in their approach to the airfield in Gerbini." Small fictional scenario. My first try at scenario making. Axis vs. AI only. Requires Gustaf Line. Please PM me feedback. Will wait for the rebuild of the Repository before posting there. You can find it here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5469/details
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