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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. There you go again being too modest - "only applied the snow". It's a masterpiece .
  2. Indeed, my favourite comment was, when an entire squad was torn up while going through a breach. IIRC one man survived. Chris, flatly states: "That was bloody, but we're making progress."
  3. Do you have a Nvidia-card? In that case, do a search for Nvidia settings on the forum. There is a thread with suggested video card setting that, at least for me, helped a lot in improving frame rate and speed of navigating the battlefield. Even on highest graphics settings and with maps with lots of woods and with shadows turned on. Hope it helps.
  4. Something to look at while waiting...
  5. You say "sprinkled only the snow" - I say icing on the cake Not to take anything away from Aris, who deserves all the praise in the world - but you have snow modding nailed. Take that from Swede who knows what snowy stuff look like. In my crystal ball I forsee you turning the Bulge game into your own domain. Will you, please?
  6. Very life like umlaut. You're starting to reach Aris-heights
  7. "It is winter. Without journey. Time passes. That is all. Make sense who may."
  8. That would actually be an interesting stat, "total hours a game is played by all its players" / "total man hours game took to develop" - I know BFC work hard and long on each game, but I still think the ratio is way higher than most other games. I wonder how many thousand hours I've spent on CM-games?
  9. Just had to recommend this battle. It is small but intricate. You start out with one Para HQ and two small squads and a generous set up area. Go secure that bridge and guard house. The neat thing from a design standpoint is that despite small squads they can be split up in several teams, so you end up with several tactical element comprised of just one or two men. This adds an interesting dimension to it. And a stunning map. I always feel the game looks it best in light fog/cloudy weather. Who designed this gem? Highly recommended, especially if you're into tiny/small battles.
  10. That's a mean looking TD - don't think I have ever seen one. Wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.
  11. I've seen this a lot in CMBN while testing stuff for a scenario I'm making (Merville Battery). Was about to ask the same thing myself.
  12. Another thing that CMFI has, that I like, is winter/snow settings wich creates an entirely different atmosphere/landscape. @womble: which TD is that?
  13. I would say that life in general in my head differs from the "actual life" right in front of me. The inner world often seems more real than the "real" world. I'm spacing out here... And still I consider myself quite sane. What others say is another matter entirely
  14. The main thing is how to make the map itself. Are there enough elements to make whichever map? Chits and icons I think I can figure out. Another thing is that I'm not too familliar with how to work with layers in PS in an efficient way. If it takes too long to make a tactical map, I'll probably use that time for the map and scenario and go for an easier solution.
  15. Yep, units could exit maps back in CM*1. I actually miss that now that routed units can't escape but hang around the edge of the map - usually to meet a grim end.
  16. Hey Chris When you're less stressed out by releasing CMBS, do you think you can do a brief video tutorial on how to use the briefing templates during a Twitch-broadcast? They sure look like a great tool, but even with some Photoshop skills I could need some pointers and tips how to best utilize them. I'm sure I'm not alone. I have seen few community scenarios that have used the templates. Shame, that is. We want our stuff to look good. Do you think it is possible or is it too complex?
  17. Look up the word "merveille" of the scenario name in a french dictionary and it gives you a clue to how hard it will be. I want it to be a challenge. But not unfair.
  18. Screenshots for an upcoming battle, the Paras assault on Merville Battery in the hours before the D-Day, landings. After the drop, everything went wrong. The mission was planned for some 700 men, but only about 150 made it to the site. Due to time pressure, the battery would shell the Sword Beach landings, the assault was carried out anyway. It was brief, bloody and intense, for both Allies and Germans. The battery was surrounded by barbed wire and minefields, and the Germans were on high alert. More info coming up soon.
  19. I gave you 5 stars for the effort - that's what counts! You seem to have creative energy in abundance, use it well my friend , or should I say Aris Jr?
  20. That's pretty much the idea, as the paras had no other artillery or mortars available so the TRP:s will not have much other effects.
  21. Not quite sure yet, it depends upon how much of the buildup to the battle that is proper (still in research fase). But I guess about 30-40 minutes, with the battle itself being about 20 minutes. It will be intense to say the least I will also probably include the option, if you fail to destroy the battery, to signal for HMS Arethusa to shell the battery, which was part of the original plan - just for fun I guess
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