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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Also, it needs to be in your mod folder.
  2. Sounds interesting. Will it be for all games or just CMFI, or seperate prizes for each game?
  3. My first encounter with a Tunguska, well screenshots says it all: Trying to get pay-back, a brave soldier launches a RPG: It knicks the Tunguska in its wheels and it retreats. In the background, and ATGM-team moves into postition. The Tunguska spots them and fires a volley that demolishes the wall and the team is shaken, then regroups while remaining unspotted - and fires... Eat that! The battle rages on. But with the odds slightly more on my side. Just when I was about to give up hope.
  4. A little forensics work post-battle show two hits, both rifle grenades (above red dots) must have hit simultaneously causing catastrophic failure to the unsuspecting Sherman V Cruiser.
  5. Hey thanks - was about to make one myself. Strange that there are no traffic signs, such as "one way", "stop" etc. now that we are to create life like cities. Also miss sidewalks.
  6. I've brought this up before. In CMBN for example, if they do this in tall grass/crop they see next to nothing. I would like a "Kneel and spot"-command. Some have suggested that you can give a movement command to the same action spot again, but I've found it less reliable.
  7. Fired up the game with the new mods and - wait a minute, where is the emoticon for dropping my jaw so it hits the table? Gobsmackingly good looking.
  8. Stand-off, who will get their shot off first... Luckily, both my BTR and anti-tank team got them off first: The crew bails, and fight their way out of harms way (they hope ).
  9. Awesome Kieme. The stuff we get for free from this community makes me warm and fuzzy inside A have some scenarios in the pipeline for your enjoyment as my contribution.
  10. I usually stay rather calm when I play, come rain or shine, but when this happened I was like WHOOOOOAOAHHH !! Must have hit the sweet spot. I checked the hit decal, and it was a tiny tiny hole. Looks like the Death Star explosion in Star Wars
  11. A useful thing would be some kind of indicator in the UI that shows how much gear/ammo you carry so that you avoid moving quick too much and thereby exhaust the squad.
  12. Here you go, hope it helps: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/96330-some-performance-and-quality-tips-for-nvidia-users/
  13. It all looks great - look forward to plopping these into my mod folder.
  14. Good design Pete - my first encounter in the modern era was a joy. And there is plenty more to come. Rejoice! Major victory, but I lament "the passing" of some of BFC staff and co-workers, due to some ill-adviced initial positioning.
  15. I'm definitely not taking Aris work out of the equation. What I meant to say, is that the way you apply snow to achieve that frosty steel look of vehicles being out in inclement weather is really life like. Especially as you state, that snow is part of the texture and not a seperate layer. Must be hard to do. Overall, one of my favourite aspects of CMFI is that there is snow - however for Bulge I really hope they do some work to make it look more life like. The snow looks too flat and units (I know it has to be that way) never get submerged in the snow. Treading through heavy deep snow tires you quickly, but now units run over it like it is a road. I also hope they add footpaths and roads that look like units have passed through the snow. Maybe they could add snow in an additional set of flavor objects so that you can sculpt life like formations. Back to CMBS, but I can't help but longing for Bulge too. Never can get enough CM
  16. Also, UI is a vast improvement over previous stock UIs. Juju, you've got competition. Scenario load music the same as CMRT
  17. Only seen small arms fire, but already an enhancement over stock effects. Thanks!
  18. Great mod, already enhancing my CMBS playing experience. Thanks!
  19. Yep, from Sweden early this morning. Download speed between 3-5 MB/sec. Hope it works out for you soon.
  20. After the initial disappointment of crashing download last night I woke up early today and the download was swift and without problems. First off the initial tiny battle featuring "the usual suspects" . Having played other CM-games with terrain mods I can't really remember what stock terrain looks like, but my impression is less saturated colors. Good call. More life like. The game runs very smooth, even before changing nVidia settings that has helped the other titles. I am super charged to enter the modern era. The new weapons tech is a blast (literally!). A few oddities: Map edge hugging taken to the extreme: Still has problems with shadows. I really want to play with them on, but from certain angles they look great and from other down right ugly. Can't figure out if I can have settings that make them look good all the time. I had hopes that this would have been fixed in CMBS. But, overall, great first impression. I think I have to quit my day job to find time to play all the CM-games.
  21. OK, what about downloads completely aborting - "Network Error"? After a few hours of slow speed. No other internet problems on my end.
  22. I just got the same thing. After two hours of slow downloading it aborted completely - "Network Error". @Wolfseven, what anti-virus do you have, even though you turned it off? I'm running Avast on Win 8.1 64 bit.
  23. Me too ... *positions himself in zen like position of patience* So Chris, now you can finally get that 50 hour beauty sleep that you've longed for. Well deserved! To all of the team of course I'm now officially entering the modern era - scary, but fun to learn something completely new!
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