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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. There you go, there is the answer. I have done that myself also. You always have to watch the date settings in the game. So no issue, just need to set up the correct date
  2. The RPG hanging in the air is a perfect way to end a turn. Nothing like a important shot being done and you having to wait hours or days to find out the result. That is one thing you can only get in h2h wego games.
  3. Good find guys, It is pretty amazing this has not been reported before, or maybe it has.
  4. Compared to other AT air assets, there is a logical reason for the A10 to be shelved. They really are not built for what is needed in a modern conflict. And if used I would say you are basically sending pilots to their death.. They are dead slow and must fly though or near the enemy lines to be able to fire. They just would not last long against a well equipped enemy. So maybe they have a place in your Heart, they do in mine. But really they are a weapon from the past, not one for many situations of the present
  5. Oh, rub it in why don't you. You call it testing, I call it learning the skills to beat me in the new game As for posting, note that I have not done it much lately. Because most of the time it was from work when I had slow periods. Have not been doing that for awhile now.
  6. I wonder, what amount of money might make it to the wife for allowing the movie. When he died, I thought about his wife and kid. (what their future would be like for them) It would be nice if from all this there was enough made so that the family is taken care of.
  7. Believe it or not. I have not seen it. I did read the book when it came out and found it very interesting. Having been around many Snipers, I find that his mental outlook at life and what he was doing and how he justified what he was doing and for what purpose made him able to do what he did and be good at it. As for how much action he saw and what he did, it is somewhat amazing, I know of many guys who would have liked to be given a chance to do their job and never seen hardly anything. It is one of them factors after training for many years, there is just a desire to use the skills you have developed. even if you are not sure what using them skills will do to you. I just know I was shocked when I found out about his death when he was shot by one of the returned vets. he was helping that was having problems. It really was a sad way to go. He should have died when he was helping the infantry clear houses and he stepped in and showing them how to do it and was point for breaching the buildings. Just because he had his seals training, the luck of not hitting a ambush or some type of booby-trap explosion is amazing doing that type of work. But you have to give him credit to just go do it because he was tired of seeing other guys wounded or killed.
  8. Stop your spying and go do a turn so I can hit you some more with them big guns. And Yes, it is that game
  9. No, did not watch that one. But you are right in that maneuver seems to be even more important now than in the older period games. But I have also learned over the years of playing these games. Good maneuvering can be the winning factor. I use to just maneuver enough for create what I thought was fire power advantages. Now I move much more in my battles and I see many benefits for doing it. Like I am in a h2h match right now where I shifted my whole battle group to the right and then started pushing up the right flank, wanting to sell that I was committing everything there. Then when the defender shifted. I sent my cover fire units back to the left flank and proceeded to push up both sides. Just watching him shift, expose what units he has and then position my forces to try and prevent or at least shoot at units he now needs to shift back is worth the effort for all my maneuvering
  10. True But Not everyone is riding around in a Abram Or wearing a Rabbit foot that actually works. I was in the infantry and then a Sniper. Neither of which provided protection other than the Shirt I was wearing (no body armor that did much in my day 80-87). So I see it from a grunts point of view. And on the modern battlefield it does not look pleasant if caught on the wrong side of an engagement. That is all I am saying.
  11. Oh, I like it that you posted this. As I RECALL THIS might have been one of the first scenarios we played against each other. Ian, had positioned himself in this building, which really was a perfect location for stopping my advance. He had a great view for nailing any troops that tried entering buildings that faced a street which needed crossed and I was not able to get a good bead on his troops, thus making it a great strong point. That was until I decided to try this little trick and breach from the 3rd floor and hopefully get a jump on him. What it does not show is that I also poured troops into the few locations that he had been guarding against. So with that firepower also, it was helping to keep him pinned. Plus once his units routed. They were being gunned down in the street and ally he was fleeing to. It was a nice way to get to know each other.
  12. Actually, this is what I think he is actually referring to. He thinks it is about the game engine. But what has changed is that the designers of scenarios are improving their skills on how to use the program , plus you have added tools that have helped them do better. What maybe he does not see is that you can make just as good of a designed scenario now in CMBN as within RT. It is just the fact that he just remembers all them early CMBN battles and no they are not as good as the CMRT stuff we see now. But there is newer CMBN stuff released or available that are on even ground. You just need to play it. I have been playing CMFI a lot lately because I figured I would not be playing it much once CMBS came out. There was many scenarios I had not played in the 2nd Mod thinking I would use them for H2H. Wow, why did I wait so long, some great battles in there. So it just comes down to what interest you, you can find it in any of the games. As mentioned, the tools to do a good job is in all of them. Finding battles that you really enjoy comes down to what you like. And Thank You BF for keeping the engine updated in all three of these releases. ( We all know it will come to a end at some point, don't we.)
  13. Man, last night I was bored so I sat and watched one of ChrisND demos of the game he posted on YouTube. It was driving me crazy, I just cannot wait to get my hands on the game. So today I finally ordered it, knowing it will be out soon (I have always managed to preorder and get the game within two weeks, Pretty good timing in the past. Hope it works again.) Anyway, I have never been so excited for one of their games. Which seems funny to me since I have not even purchased their other modern stuff. Tried the demo's, somewhat liked them but just hated the match ups. Where as now I just cannot wait to get the units and start testing different tactics as to how to overcome some of the high tech stuff. It also just reminds me how glad I am I did not see action while I was serving in the service. Because now days if you are on the wrong end of a firefight, it is over before you even know what is happening. Being spotted by the enemy first normally means death or wounded with little chance of striking back. Just the facts of the modern battlefield and the game portrays it well.
  14. I have waited a long time for this game, I wanted something like this since they started making the CMX1 version of the game. Now that it is about to be released, I sit here in the shadows and watch this AAR and the only thing that keeps crossing my mind is how much I will need to learn to adapt my tactics to the modern battlefield. It Is a bloody Slaughter House and I really don't see it as something that will be easy to get accustomed too. CMSF always seemed so one-sided when Running Nato forces. It will be interesting to see if Bill will be able to cause a little more Blood shed vs the American units with what he has to use. Get these turns posted guys, the anticipation is killing me.
  15. The quick answer is yes, been tested and there is spotting factors that makes it harder for the moving tank to spot. But I know when I did my test, which was long ago, the factors did not provide enough of a penatly. But since then BF have adjusted those factors and it has improved as to moving tanks not spotting as well. But I have not run any test to see what the present penalties are as to time variences compared to a non-moving tank. But there are others that test stuff all the time, maybe someone else can tell you what you might presently expect to see.
  16. For ONCE, I am very glad I have waited. I would like to provide more income to BF but I still have not bought 3.0 or the pack because all I keep seeing is threads like this. I sure hope they get this new system completed and that it is more user friendly than what it presently seems to be because it is somewhat of a joke as to its present state. Not that I could not deal with it, I just not motivated enough to do it and presently all my h2h matches are in CMRT.
  17. Well, I could solve that problem for you. I also just lost a opponent that I have played for years against. So I am looking to pick up a new person. I have private messaged you my email if you are interested.
  18. I have been playing CMRT from the day it came out and Yes I have seen the bug in a few scenarios and yes I wish it had been fixed before now. But I feel no compasion for the Whiners here. It has not impacted my play really at all and I have played dozens of Battles without it causing me any heartache. So chill, the time is now close at hand and you will get the patch. Too bad you had to act as you have done. For it has done nothing as to acheiving anything. (Like I have dozens of computer games with Bugs that will never be fixed. So at least these guys care and do something about it - many other company's dont)
  20. Hey, Great Test I think it shows the strength of the system.
  21. As Erwin said. Except it is more like 99.9 % that would have no clue as to if the scenes were reasonable possible or not in the movie. So for all of them, the movie seems realistic enough to think possible.
  22. Oh man, The Movie must have a Bug in it. Get BF to fix it or something. I will not be able to watch it until patch 4.0 comes out and the Tiger does a proper number on that Sherman. This thread has the same stupid complaints that many of the threads here in the forum have. You people really need to get a concept on what life is about. One - Movies are not made to represent real life, if you think they do - major issue Two - games that similate real life really dont - they function on the mechanics of a game - so there will always be aspects that do not work correct to real life. That is all you get today for learning - class Just be grateful they even tried to make a movie based on a WWII Tank. as the backdrop to the storyline.
  23. I get tired of folks saying things are wrong with the game where as it is them and their lack of ability to learn to play the game well and just cannot come to grips with that and thinks it must be the programming that is lacking since they cannot manage to control their units worth a crap. Yes, there is always room for improvement in the game. But boy there is much more room for somehow teaching players to actually learn how to use the features they already have.
  24. With this type of attitude, you should never play CM ever again. Any of them. Because I cannot remember where any patch or release has not fixed some of the problems but somehow introduce some new issues or bring back some old forgotten ones. But Bucko, you keep holding on there. For the perfect day when all things of this world come together and the game becomes perfect. Because how dare we have a bug wreck the experence of your play.
  25. When the game first was released I complained about it and was put in my place with Steve being part of those that commented. Since then, I have learned to play with them better and don't think it is a terrible problem as it is presently done within the game. The Italian's were prone as to having to work in large groups in RL But I had thought about it all this time and what I thought might be the perfect solution is not allowing additional splitting of the unit. But programming that would get the unit to spread out into adjacent action spots more often. But I bet that would be like trying to program a whole new game since they are the only units who would need it and all programming has never been designed for such a feature. But it would sure help resolve the problem of so many soldiers bunching up into one action spot so much at times.
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