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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Before you turn this into a flame type thread. Jons (which many here are defending) is just as you said, quick to make smart ass Remarks which he thicks he has the right to do. And you can point that out, but it will not change anything really. Many point out that you should have known who you were replying too before making a comeback remark. Well JonS should have maybe gave a new member a little slack before he started his attitude that he loves that he should make remarks to put you in your uninformed place. Personnally, JonS has as much to fault here if not more than a new guy asking why there was not more content in the game. really the whole thread should be locked and the subject dropped. The Reply is, there is more content to all these games, you just need to find it and download it. Almost all the scenarios and campaigns are designed and given to BF free of charge, they load only so much on a base game that is to be sold, additional content from users is available, that is all you need to know. (which is created by their own willingness to do it without any financial gain). And you after time could learn to do that also, so the game has as much potential as anyone wants to invest in it. It is one of very few that gives you the tools to be abe to make anything you would like. Plus keep in mind , you are not an active member here if you have not had to take a few sarcastic remarks from JonS. I know I have. We should come up with a term for it:cool:
  2. I have another way of looking at it, if your battle plan falls apart because you do not get the spotting of a few units as you expected it to happen. Then your plan sucks. So in other words, you suck at the game, because a good plan will take into account that a few fire fight are not going to go your way as you hope for. You need to create firefights that can win even when a few units cannot see the enemy. It sure is funny how once I became familiar with the game, I hardly notice or complain about how spotting works, I have learned to work with it and accept it as it is. And as some have pointed out, in some ways it's imperfect way of working is in some ways just how real combat does not work by logic and common events either. There is plenty of crazy events in real life so having a few in the game is no end of the world event. And believe me I was one of the ones complaining on this same forum pretty loud after the first few times I had units not able to see enemy tanks in the clearing directly in front of them. It still happens at times, but I know why now and most of the time I can promise you, they don't stay unspotted for long.
  3. Oh, it was not all that much of a waste. You did catch a few guys that I thought could ride out 3-4 minutes of arty, but they died somewhere along the way of the 15-20 minutes of rain you placed in that area. Also, it was blocking me of moving some troops. so i risked a few trying to pass by the edges of the strike. Needless to say, I dont need to worry about moving them troops anymore also The funny one was with a kubelwagon with 3 guys I tried running up the main road along side the strike. I figured they would not be in the strike zone long, maybe 15 seconds and only a poor round would fall out in that area seldom anyway. So I thought the odds were good. Note: Forgetting that the game likes to prove to me that I should never try luck as a solution for anything. Needless to say, they drive pass the area I was concerned about but before totally clearing the area, A real stray round almost lands right on top of the car and two die instantly and the third so shell shocked, he runs back into the strike to do the job correctly. So he is likely not anything more than pieces of shreaded meat and hopefully someone finds his dog tags so that he is not a MIA.:eek:
  4. Ok, my memory is a little weak, in that it is a full scale replica, but it still would work well for "Movies" Here is the title for one of the two videos that are on ytube NEW! Awesome German Tiger Tank Replica 1:1 scale in Russia - SdKfz 181 Schwere Panzerkampfwagen VI
  5. I am not sure this is correct. I thought there was a working Tiger I somewhere in Russia also. I recall seeing it on ytube or somewhere like that. I might have to see if I can find the site. All I remember was it was at a old warehouse, they ran it around a bit and if I recall correctly, It might have been for sell.
  6. Not always true. Here is my examble (which I actually did). I have a King Tiger. OK, I would really like to take on them distant T34/ 85's in a match. I better check and make sure that they are harmless to my front armor and at what ranges. Run the test with about 50 rounds hitting my front from ranges 600 down to 200 yards. OK- great, even if they close in on me, It looks good. Now back to the match, pull my tank out into battle, range about 1000 yards. One T34 up in smoke, then a second. then the gun is damaged. Crap It never fails, I lose more guns on my heavy armor, just poor luck. Where as, when I was playing the other side of this battle, I had 6 hits on a enemy Tiger with my 85'son its barrell and it was still firing away. Luck, you can always hope for that. I on the other hand , never play for lucky chances, since it generally likes to avoid me.
  7. One additional thing to add. If you have woods that you can move through or really any concealing terrain. use it. I am amazed how often I can move a tank into place where I know I can or will be able to see the defending tank and get the first spot when I do it through woods. Make sure to look for spots that have no low ground cover that will be in front of your tank. That will help all crew members have a chance to spot. But as many have pointed out, the options should be in this order of thought if you are going to take enemy armor on. Can I get the advantage by somehow flanking it. if not a option, then can I get a good enough advantage by bringing more guns to bear on it than it can defend and can I afford the losses it it take. Can I conceal my approach with means that will allow my armor or guns to be stationary and prepared so that when the spotting war begins, at least I am on fair ground instead of being mobile and easier to spot. One last thing to point out, if you are mobile for only a few yards in its sight to expose yourself and move into a hulldown position from behind a ridge or something like that. There is not much of a disadvantage. It is a pretty good toss up as to who will spot who first. War is always a game of numbers. Always seek for that advantage from the best direction possible and you will generally win. Really that is all tactics is. Learning to do that consistantly and with good approaches is the only challenge
  8. Agree, it would be nice. What is needed is not a fix to the present foxholes. But more options as to the level of foxholes that are contructed. The present foxholes are fine for something built in the short term. but if the unit has been able to work on the foxholes for awhile, yes it would be nice to have well developed protection. Really it would be nice to have 3 or 4 levels of developement for foxholes. Of course that should be the case for bunkers also, there should be about 8 options of design instead of the 2 that are presently given. But you know, we sure do want alot from them when it comes to making a game. But the longer they stay with the same game engine, you would think they could add a few more types of fortifications in general.
  9. As it should be. Getting caught in the woods under arty is never been a place to be
  10. Of course it is empty space, nothing would live in that area that long. I cannot beleive how much arty you have dropped there. You have a Ton of it. As for shredding you, I beleive you deserve it. I was pleased with how many fireflys I have taken out without losing too many Tigers. So yes the battle is very enjoyable from my side at the moment. Of course you still have a few of them fireflys, why dont you bring them out to play, I am running out of things to shoot
  11. Great game in its day, but It does not compare to CM as to what it can protray as to combat situations. Once I started messing with the editor in CM and was able to create my own battles. There was no way I was going to spend time with the CC games anymore. They are a major step backwards from what we have now and I think you might find them boring very quickly. But they might be enjoyable for a while if you have never played them. It always take a while to discover the weaknesses of a system. But there is still a good size group of people that play them, so that shows how fun they are.
  12. good advice, this is exactly how I approach arty also.
  13. I would never use any laptop as my gaming machine. I just dont think they hold up, any brand . As for Dell, They get a bad rap at times. But when you produce so many machines, some arre going to have issues. That question is what percentage. All I know is in many years of using them for home and work and having to deal with many machines in that time frame. I personnally have never had one Desk top machine malfanction on me. Plus I find that I never have software issues since most programs are tested using some of their machines. Build your own machine and I bet you I can find some software that will not run well on it. Just saying.
  14. lol - that is what I think every time this complaint comes up. It would be pretty rare where the enemy stubbles into a enemy trench system. Recon has likely found and reported any prepared front line defences. Now the only exception to this is if you are playing a battle where you are breaking through the front lines and would run into a second trench line defence. Now pre knowing that it exist migh be in question. But even then, Air recon might have spotted it. So players really need to get over this issue to some extent.
  15. WOW I dont know if I should be impressed or not impressed in that it has taken you this long to have that event happen to you in the game and have to learn how the game engine functions. I recall learning it by watching my tank fire MG's at enemy tank until it was destroyed by them. That was a quick lession in understanding that a red X means what it said.
  16. As far as I am concerned, this is your only real goal. You would like BF to put the games on steam in hopes that they would be cheaper there and cost you less. You have no invested interest on how much more the game sells, it does not impact you in any facet. BF has learned to make a living doing it the way they presently do. They see no realistic chance on selling huge volumes of the game and so have no interest in that type of marketing plan. As for you, go waste your money on them other $20 dollar games and save your money then. For some of us, the extra price is worth the value and could care less about how they stack up to what the rest of the gaming market does. Some things in life is worth the price. This is one of these cases.
  17. Interesting So maybe the original post is a little critical where it should not be, but then on the other hand, since you tested it. There might be a flaw in the design on the Mark 4 tank. That result does not make sense at all. So that might be worth reporting and looking into. As for my earlier comment, no it does not address the question direct, but it does point out that good tactics solved the problem even if the game has a design issue.
  18. I would suggest you stop allowing your tanks to sit under arty attacks. How hard is it to see one coming, answer - not very hard. I don't care what size of shells they are tossing, pull out of the strike zone. Problem solved. I have lost a few tanks to arty. But it has been so long ago I can hardly remember it. I have watched plenty of enemy arty wasted in a effort to use it on my tanks. Now of course I am giving up position, but with the strike on, you cannot see anything worth a blast anyway. And they obviously know you are there. So why stay. If it is all that important to you. move back in once the mission has ended. As for Arty game results, 120 and above are good tank killers 105 can do the job but you need some luck, not a common event 81's once in a great while, damage is the main effect small stuff, really a waste. but hey some fools will try to use it.
  19. Let that driver prove his worth, He can handle the job. I have used the driver before and had success, just don't let him go for long shots. Limit his range to a high percentage shot and he will be your hero. It is easy to keep one man hidden also. Something else in his favor
  20. This must come only in the "Gold Edition" available for $150 as I recall
  21. Well, Bf sure has learned the system to get money from out of my pocket. It will be another purchase for sure.
  22. I like 5, h2h going on at a time. For me, I find that keeps me with about a hour of game play I can do each night on the adv. Just about what I can fit in my schedule. Of course it all just depends on who you are playing and how fast the turn rate flips. It is best to add players one or two at a time to see how it affects the time it takes to play them.
  23. The Russians have air support also, so that likely was not friendly fire.
  24. Bf has stated, that they do not want this in the game, claiming it gamey or would be used incorrectly. I think it is a excuse. Almost every tank commander story I have read tells a account of losing their mount and they go and take command of another tank in their unit. It would be a nice feature, But they should limit it to HQ units and then only to other tanks within their command. But the feature will likely not come. As to the other post in this thread, I agree with most. What basically is lacking is crew down time after a major penetrating hit, there should generally be a period for the crew to have to recover from it, and only once in a great while a crew that somehow is not phased by the blow. Right now, responce time and fire is just not affected. The game does surely lack there.
  25. C3k You really made my LOL the other day when I read about your Real life Mis-fortunes. So you are doing a good job of taking it in stride if you can write about it like that without letting out frustration of what really was happening. But last night I did come across car theft numbers for 2012 model cars. I was surprised by how few cars had been stolen for a top ten list. Maybe a total of about 5000, so that would be about 100 cars per state in this country. So if you think about it, no that is not a great number but it is not like a huge number either. Since that would be about 2-3 years of the 2012 models being on the roads here in America. So not sure what the chances are for car theft. But not likely very high unless you park it in the wrong places. Most parts of this country is fine to live in. Really not much to be concerned about and people are still generally good. But if you want trouble, there is plenty of places to find it also. The problem is, when you get into a area like that not knowing it, then it is sad. If you know about it and you are there, you get what ever comes to you and you deserve it. (That I speak about from experence, if you dont want trouble, dont hang aroung areas where trouble is found)
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