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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Nice to have a reality check to break you out of your wetdreams of seeing Centurions, Leopard 1s, M48s, Kanonenjagdpanzer, Sheridans and Chieftons face off vs T55s, T64s and T10s... Hard to believe that the BFC guys wouldn't be turned on by all that cool kit. Can we start a petition? How many signatures would it take to persuade them that this would be viable option?
  2. They real perr-ty! Even if you do make changes, please keep these ones on the mod site! Don't care if they ain't the right grog-shade of khaki!
  3. Thanks for the answers, Steve! The 'deploy' command is under 'special', right, and if its not there then no special command is necessary? Is it normal for there to be no sign of the weapon itself before it is deployed? And presumably when it is deployed the graphic will change and the weapon will become visible? Its been frustrating having juicy M1s sitting 1400 m or so away, and not being able to do anything about them, not knowing what is going on with my AT teams.
  4. What do you have to do to get them to deploy? Just wait or is there a special command? At what range would they fire once given a target command? There's not setup countdown so I can't tell what is going on, and when I look at the little guys, they don't even seem to be carrying a tube! Is that normal for AT3C?
  5. 9. Tracking of ammo in PBEMs. 10. Covered arc that is not restricted to within the playing area. 11. Timer that runs in positive time. yeah, nothing can be done about these things, but you know, I miss them. [ December 18, 2007, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  6. Oh Really? If you give an AT team a target command before they set up, they avoid setting up? Do they start to set up right from the start again, or does it take less time?
  7. For mass use of mods a mod manager such as McMMM is a must. Lots of mmmmms there.
  8. Poor Kawaiku! Even the big cats are vulnerable to lucky shots. For this reason it is best not to rely too heavily on them, or learn to handle them more carefully. What was that Buddhist saying... "That which you love the most will be taken from you" ...or something like that.
  9. Hi Budd, I'm a touch busy at the moment, but I'm sure with a bump or two the 'Wittmann Challenge thread' will burst into life again. You retired from BoB? I've been a member there for a couple of years now. Good luck!
  10. Did you see the recoil? Bet that thing kicked like a mule. Just as well it had a 'recoil reducer' thingie (in pt 2) Edit to add: in part 4 you get a full explanation of recoil reduction - there's a spring in the stock as well. Interesting! [ November 30, 2007, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  11. Thinking long term, I've heard that CMX1 won't run on vista. Can anyone confirm?
  12. Given the reputed difficulty of anyone other than Charles understanding the programming language, the chance of this happening runs the gamut from "extremely unlikely" to "vanishingly small" to "completely and irrevocably impossible". I mean, look what's happening with CMC even if somebody does get permission to tinker with the engine.
  13. I have an idea that for bow mounted weapons you have to make sure you're not 'hull down' otherwise it won't fire.
  14. Me? Wish you luck??? Never!! No mercy!!! Mwah hah hah hahhh!!!
  15. Those damn unpredictable humans! Soviet late war tank hunters are deadly, especially if they have an RPG. JasonC did a great post on them a few months back.
  16. Nice summary, Phillippe. Its safe to say that the less you play CMBO, the less CMMOS becomes necessary. I don't have CMBO, and am not such a stickler for detail, so McMMM is more useful for me. McMMM can be acquired from the mods database. [ November 15, 2007, 08:05 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  17. Axel, when you start any game didn't you notice the screen "choose game type"? One of the options is for an e-mail game. Try it and see what happens.
  18. That is if there is adequate Hull Down providing terrain, otherwise contact may occur when the tank is in the open. </font>
  19. The key is not to use the 'hull down' command. Your judgment about when you are hulldown relative to the enemy is much better than the AIs. I really don't know why they bothered with this command since nobody with experience actually uses it, and it will inevitably cause frustration for anybody with inexperience.
  20. Really I don't think its necessary to buy CDs just because of the extra scenarios. Go to the scenario depot and the the proving grounds for new scenarios (probably including anything that's on the CD, but if not who cares?). There are quite a few other sites that have quality scenarios downloadable for free. For mods, anything that CMMOS can do, MCMMM can do, and MCMMM can also deal with any zipped mod that is at CMMODS. Of course, its your money, so buy it if you want. Helps the economy and adds to global warming.
  21. Only seen this in CMSF, didn't know it could happen in CMX1. Its an interesting look for sure!
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