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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Unless pioneers can throw them, no. I got down to ground level and could see the pioneer's little arm moving and could follow the arc of something being chucked at the tank. Besides, mines were not included in the scenario design.
  2. In a tournament PBEM recently finished, my brave vet pioneers took out two panzers IV earlies in one turn. They started with a satchel of explosives and two grenades. They used the satchel on the first PIV, blowing it to smithereens. The second tank they threw something which looked like a granade and which immediately knocked it out. Yet the grenade count in the pioneers' inventory did not change. Where did the mystery explosives come from? Did they find it lying around in the scattered trees or something? Anybody else have anything similar happen? Also, I had tried to attack a panzer with a unit of crack infantry to no effect, also using grenades. What makes a grenade (if it was a grenade) thrown by a pioneer more effective than those thrown by infantry? Maybe some form of pioneer pixie dust? I'm not complaining, but my opponent might if he reads this!
  3. Scoping the territory is one thing: I had a nightmare about getting in the way of a FT. And it was all the more terrifying for being the same flat-fire image as the CMBB one!
  4. Thanks for the useful information. Does anyone know if there is a table that shows all the relevant details?
  5. Maybe its the moss that grows in the brains of slow moving senior board members.
  6. Beer Rules does have a point: it took about 13 posts of smart aleck comments and other extraneous 'witticisms' before someone deigned to give him the simple answer. This might have been seen as humorous to those involved, but I can sense BR's frustration. As a new member he did not deserve to be treated in this contemptous and high-handed manner. Read it again and tell me that some of you don't come across as being arrogant. I enjoy reading this board and delight in the intelligent wordplay that can be found amongst its members. But I also think that you could show more patience with those who you obviously see as not being up to your standards. We all play the same game; we all enjoy doing so. In this, at least, we are equal. If you want to keep it among a select group by treating newcomers with disdain then you will hinder its development, and the world of CM will be the worse for it.
  7. It would be even more useful if you could give the specific unit name of the FOs you recommend.
  8. No, thanks for making it more specific. I just wanted to know in general which ones people tend to go for and for what reasons. I did a search on this board but didn't come up with much that I found useful so I thought I would start a thread that would give the experts a chance to air their opinions. - oh, and editing your message is being careful, not anal.
  9. What's your favorite for the Allies and the Axis? What kind gives you the best bang per point in the quickest possible time?
  10. I have reloaded the page and now I can't get the picture either. Does anybody know a reliable way of putting a picture on this board even if you don't have your own home page?
  11. If you follow the link that I helpfully provided on my original post you will find the page on which the picture is posted. Don't know why so many seem to have problems veiwing the picture - maybe because the url it is linked to is on MyYahoo which seems to be a little inconsistent. Thanks for the replies though. I wonder if they will include the Pzkfw. Small White Rectangle Ausf. in the next patch?
  12. Found in the website link given by AtillatheBun (http://www.tankmuseum.ru/history.html). Would this have been a one-off German bodge job or were they around in any quantity? It's touting an unfeasibly large cannon - looks like the recoil would knock the turret off. The original caption is not very helpful; it just says "German tank at Ukraine, WW2".
  13. Depends on the machine: sometimes if I'm playing on a Korean version of windows I lose the shortcut keys and have to press the space bar to get the menu to come up. Really slows you down and gets very frustrating during TCP games. I don't seem to have this problem on my notebook computer though.
  14. Perhaps you will find him at http://www.warfarehq.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=5 It's worth becoming a member - must be one of the best CM sites around.
  15. I agree: holding a 10cm long by 1cm thick piece of metal vertically (90 degrees) is going to be less effective than having it horizontal (0 degrees). The closer the angle to 0, the closer the horizontal cross section is to being 10cm 'thick'. Does that make sense to you guys?
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