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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Good read! I'm a bit confused about the writeup for AP: This is contradicted just a couple of lines below: Is the first line supposed to read "contains little or no explosive charge"? Sorry for nitpicking!
  2. Hey thanks man, that's really interesting. I wonder how widely this was released? I'm not sure about the propaganda value of letting the public know that the enemy have crossed the Oder. Interesting comments about his style of speaking. Maybe explained partly by being juiced up on morphine? Or perhaps he was reading from an autocue or something.
  3. Apologies if this has been posted before, but does anybody know if a translation exists?
  4. Doh! Thanks for pointing this out, Steve. I did check for it in the 1.08 list of fixes before I posted, but after your reply I went to the readme and it was fixed back in 1.06. I haven't been playing recently since my opponent has been busy. Apologies for my redundant post. Actually that was one of my main complaints, so am mightily relieved that it has been sorted. Brilliant! Gotta get another PBEM going. Anyone up for a blast?
  5. Good to hear about PBEMs staying around, and with gmail and such like improving their service I don't think attachment size is such a big problem. One thing that does concern me is ammo tracking as it currently stands in PBEMs in CMX2. It no longer decreases incrementally with every shot fired but shows the figure as it stands at the end of the 1 minute of play right from the start. Makes it hard to see which of your tanks have seen action, and what ammo they've fired, important information esp because you want to know if your Syrian tanks have used one of their missiles as opposed to a normal round. With the current game engine, I'm guessing it is impossible for us to ever be able to see ammo tracking within a PBEM move, is that right?
  6. un-something-believable.... A new version of CMBB???? One with the enhancements of CMAK??? I guess that means its new under the hood, and nothing in the game has actually changed...
  7. I posted this in the CMSF forum because I thought it might be a Middle Eastern camo pattern. Now that I know that its not the thread belongs in this forum. Anybody in England been to see this beast, and know any of the history behind it? Is it a post-war version (which I suspect) or an actual WW2 vet?
  8. I'll second all of the above. The "did" in your question is a misnomer. This game does just fine thank you very much. Played it since 2001 and its still going strong.
  9. And if anybody in England wants to check it out I found a google map link to it.
  10. Thanks Rambler. Damnit, when I was in London I had no idea it existed otherwise I would have been there in a flash. So, its not a historical paint job... what a shame. Mod for CMX1 anyone?
  11. Never mind the political sentiment in this clip where does the funky camouflage on the T34/85 come from? I assume its middle-eastern, and I assume that the video was filmed in the US somewhere. Can anybody say where?
  12. You're assuming that its 1:1 on an adult scale. If they were made adult size I think it likely that the cranial structure would place excessive stress on the spine, given standard bone density and tissue strength. The obvious solution is to scale down the the bodies to a size more commensurate with the stress that over-headedness places on the body, meaning that the likely height of these soldiers would be in the region of less than 3 foot or so. This presents obvious difficulties with the modeling of the equipment, (especially if you consider the chubby little fingers) and the time it would take re-engineering would create more delays, leaving 2009 as a hopelessly optimistic estimate for the delivery of CMx2 WW2, and thus, I don't think Battlefront should pursue this particular avenue.
  13. Looks like most of the pics are scans of newspapers, and as that paper wears rather more quickly than average its not surprising they look so dated.
  14. Of course, it makes it a lot easier if none of the red's AT teams decide to fire. Grrrr. But as Yskonyn said, the game was spoiled because we both rushed it so that we could load a game with a new patch. As we had done twice before already! Rule number 1 when playing with recently released games and PBEM: don't be too ambitious.
  15. Nice one! I hadn't visited these forums for a while, so I had no idea what was 'koan' on. Gee, I didn't realize that not having to have an ice cream was so much fun. [ February 01, 2008, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  16. Any cold war scenario with centurions in it. There is a sad lack of centurions in computer wargaming - has anyone else noticed this? **sits back and waits for forum members to come up with dozens of games with centurions in**
  17. Tanks won't be obsolete due to the UAV threat for a while yet simply because not enough countries have ones that are capable of knocking out tanks. Until AT-UAVs become so cheap and widespread that they can be had easily on the arms market, tanks will remain a part of a dominating occupying or invading force. And if two powers that have them do come blows the obsolescence of tanks or otherwise will be the least of anybody's concerns.
  18. Isn't it a bit worrying that you can see through the front window into the rear suspension. I know the General Lee was a mean lean racing machine, but was it really cut back that much? And I believe that the front side windows should be missing too. How else are the good ol' boys going to get in? ( )
  19. Has the AI improved? When I played it was hopeless in SP mode. You gotta do this one MP.
  20. Yes, are there any indications as to the minimum specs of 1.06 vs 1.05 and before? I should be alright, but being an altruistic sort of guy I would hope that others are not put out - hey, that would diminish the pool of players available for MP!
  21. Its been there for a while. Did you try clicking on it? Prepare for disappointment.
  22. Apples and oranges: you can't compare FPSs with strategy/tactical thinking games. FPSs appeal to different audiences altogether for different reasons.
  23. You mean the base version without mods? I'd have to say CMAK because its got dust. With decent modding though, they are similarly beautiful.
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