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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. On a graphics glitch related note: I have no idea what real explosions look like, but don't you think that some catastropic explosions are a bit OTT? This one is of a BMP2 meeting its spectacular end to an appointment with a javelin: Looks like a thermobaric warhead which should have flattened everything in the vicinity.
  2. I assume you'd want mine as well. At least three of my vehicles did this little trick - if you look in the background of my picture you can see another stryker up to its tricks. Anyway, whether you want it or not, its been sent!
  3. Yes, fully updated. This 'feature' has only occured once though, after reaching PBEM number 32.
  4. I'm guessing somebody has already reported this? I searched but couldn't find anything (probably not using the right search terms. Happened in a PBEM game on a laptop with nvidia GeForce Go 7600, save file available. This phenomenon only occurred at the very start of the PBEM move, when some of the strykers did this crazy driving burying themselves repeatedly in the first few seconds of movement before righting themselves and moving on as normal. I also notice at the very start of the PBEM move, all vehicles shake as if getting ready to move (regardless of whether they have been given a move command or not). Is this normal? Anyway, caption anybody? "Noone could deny the versitality of the Stryker platform after the first AA versions became available" "Sarge, I TOLD you that loading that extra crate of beer was a mistake!"
  5. Hi there, Just wondering if anybody has found a way to use area fire with a javelin team, and get them to shoot just one off per PBEM minute. Can't have them wasting taxpayers money, can we?
  6. This one's a beaut. Mod, anyone? edit to add, sorry can't seem to link to the picture, but the one I'm referring to is on this page: http://www.afrikakorps.org/commonwealthsherman.htm Scroll down to the 'shiek' [ May 08, 2008, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  7. Crikey, there are some odd birds in there. This one looks like a cardboard mockup for the benefit of foxing aerial reconnaissance.
  8. Yes, finally there is a point in ordering radio equipped scout cars.
  9. Maybe a lot of you aren't aware of all the action going on in the CM Campaigns forum, but anyway for all of those who have long been calling for these units, its just been confirmed here!!!
  10. I suspected as much, but its great that they'll be in the game. It's fantastic news that scouting missions will be able to take advantage of their mobility. I assume we'll be able to send them blithly to their doom into the teeth of the enemy.
  11. They're even armed! Can't wait to send them charging into panzer platoons... Now don't tell me that we can't get motorbikes in there as well.. [ May 01, 2008, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  12. Have you guys checked out the 'King Copper mines' scenario? Most impressive factory there. I've no idea what a real copper refinery looks like, but this is a good enough representation for me. Copper mine refinery grogs feel free to disagree.
  13. I would say you're scaping the bottom of the barrel with that one.
  14. Thanks! That gives me some idea about this weapon. Anybody seen it used in-game?
  15. You're very quick! For some reason the picture won't link, trying to fix it now. Edit to add: there ya go!
  16. Guys I wonder if you could identify the tank in the picture below? I'm pretty sure its a T62, but its kinda hard to tell... [ April 29, 2008, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  17. Indeed! Beware the mutants! Ok ok a bit off topic, but a startling image nonetheless.
  18. Was looking a bit more closely at my red troops missile loadout, and I see they have an RPG-7, a few spare rockets (presumably for the RPG7)and one mysterious long pointy thing which, according to the icon page in manual (192) would be the RPG 18. However, the manual doesn't write them up and when I google it, I can't find any specs or pictures of them. On the forums all I find is this post by Mishga from last year: If anyone can post links, supply information, and let me know about their in-game effectiveness, I'd be most grateful. Cheers
  19. Gdog - well, nice idea for someone who has no mods. I'll check with a friend of mine. Diesel - thanks for the message, as it happens I've found another possible way out. I'll let you know how it turns out. Oh and wow, just realised we have like a family relationship in this thread through BoB. Diesel was my sponsor, and I sponsored GDog. How about that?
  20. This video is a very moving story what's going on in Afganistan from an embedded guardian journalist. Its not particularly relevant, but it has some interesting shots of uparmored Humvees and other equipment.
  21. Hi guys, I wonder if anyone can help. I've had to reinstall windows and it looks like my CMBB disk has become slightly corrupt since it comes to a grinding halt near the end of the install. The game still works, but I'd like to check what files, if any, are missing. Is there a list of files that belong to a clean install of CMBB anywhere? Is there any other way of checking? Thanks for your help. (This was also posted in the tech help forum, but its pretty dead in there)
  22. Hi Guys, Just did a repair install of windows and was trying to load up CMBB, but after most of it installs comes to a halt with the above dreaded error. Is there any solution beyond picking up a another cheap copy somewhere? At least I can still load CMBB up normally except that there's no scenarios in the folder, and really I don't know what else is missing. Does anyone know where/how I can check the complete set of BMP and Wav files? Cheers
  23. Thanks! So AP never contains an explosive charge, right?
  24. Get yourself gmail accounts and you can do up to 20Mb. I don't even know if that will be sufficient because I'm playing King Copper Mines - which is sizable but I wouldn't say huge - and already the PBEM size is 16Mb without any fighting going on. Good luck!
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