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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Field Marshal Blücher wrote: "Great minds think alike" Less than one minute in it, and you used the full reply form.
  2. Haven't you heard of the "drunken shotgun of the Gods"?
  3. Ok ok, but its a good excuse for getting more red units into CMSF, no? How about a desert warfare scenario of the Brits, Stryker brigades and Marines in a mighty brotherhood holding off the Sino-Syrian hordes before the gates of Damascus? Aren't your juices running? No? Oh come on, gentlemen! Be good sports! Didn't you see LOTR!?
  4. Great! Does this mean that the BF icon will finally show up on the firefox bookmarks toolbar?
  5. Thanks for that,Pandur. I really don't see the point of the 360° arc, though. Shouldn't they just naturally keep an all round lookout? What difference does having such an arc make, apart from making the terrain suddenly go an annoying highlighter yellow (bring back the old covered arc!!!!). The point with covered arcs is to get them 'looking' in the right direction, where the known threat is, so that the turrets don't just go to their default position. With 360° arcs the turrets will just be in the default position so won't make a difference, I would have thought. Cheers
  6. Hi guys, In the new model it is not possible to set a target arc off the edge of the map, which means that if the enemy is in the corner of a map it is impossible to include the potential target in the dead centre of the arc. I know how it works in CMX1, but because of this inability in CMX2 to set arcs properly does it change the behaviour? So if your target arc falls short of the enemy, and the enemy comes into view, will your weapons fire? Does it depend on the arc'ed unit? For example, if your T55 has an arc that falls short of another enemy T55, would it refuse to fire? Or woud the AI step in and fire a shot? Or would it only fire a shot after being fired on? Does infantry behave the same or differently?
  7. Thanks for your responses; good to know that I'm not the only one going nuts over these small things. In general I've really been enjoying playing PBEM with version 1.08, apart from annoying little points like this. So lets vote for deployment and artillery timers for 1.09!
  8. Hey, Slug88, I answered your challenge, let me know if the message got through.
  9. Its about time there was some place like this for CMSF players. Good one Scipo!
  10. Hi everybody, apologies if these things have already been resolved, but I have a couple of questions/complaints. Is there any countdown until deployment is complete? I can't seem to find one. Also, its pretty hard to tell if the weapon is deploying or not: I presume that if the button is depressed it is in a deploying state, but its hard to tell at a glance if it is depressed or not, what happens if you press it again, do you have to start waiting for 5 minutes again? Its pretty frustrating when you are trying to use recoilless rifles and such like with long deployment times. A clearer countdown for artillery would also be appreciated, you know, click on the spotter and see it marking off minutes/seconds until the bombardment(s) begins instead of the "receiving" that is there presently. Once its set I'm too scared to press any buttons in case it buggers up the original orders and I have to start all over again.
  11. I hope they had massive headaches :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. The other non-killing hit I thought 'fair enough': as you can see from the angle it was more like a 'glancing blow' directly on the ERA pad.
  13. I just checked and it seems that the exact point of impact is where the commanders mg is. Here it is plunging: And a squillionth of a second later you can just see the explosion starting to blossom: What do you think the chances are that it was deflected by the mg? This is looking a little like a black six legged critter thing, unless anybody else can come up with a better explanation...
  14. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ... see if he survives the next one...
  15. The J hit with 23 seconds to go, and it then turned onto a road. I think that qualifies it as a surviver. I'm hoping it'll conk out next turn, but somehow I doubt it. If Scipo is around he could confirm whether it came through intact since that is who I am playing (OTOH he might choose to leave me guessing, being the savy player he is!).
  16. I would have thought that javelin hits or near misses would result in serious damage to the tank. As you can see, unlike the Abrams that survived, this javelin was plunging downwards on it. I wonder if the tank emerging unscathed is something to do with the speed it was moving - it was going full tilt. Edited the title of thread because this seems like a bug to me. [ June 01, 2008, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  17. Yes, thanks for that. So the tiger was not rammed at all and the sherman was driven up to it after it was abandoned. What a shame! Remarkable account of Sgt Dring nailing tanks left right and centre. The first tiger engaged at 1000 yards is abandoned, by the crew, which is very plausible, but then we read this: Was Sgt Dring considered an ace or something? A quick google reveals nothing more about this man. In CM a a 75mm sherman can not penetrate a Tiger at 1400 yards from any angle.
  18. This picture comes from the discussion that John posted a link to above, originally posted by Michael Kenny. Anybody know anything about it?
  19. The obvious flaw in JasonC's argument is that it doesn't take into account the effectiveness of the firepower. As Scipo's opponent, my javelin armed troops have been able to launch at his AVs while out of their LOS. While Scipo's T72s do have the capability to take out all of my Strykers, it does him no good if my javelin equipped infantry can take them out before they can take even take aim at my forces.
  20. Wow, I'll have to check out the move again see if that was going on. That's if I have LOS to the beast. After two hits from the 105mm he should be pretty shook up.
  21. Thought the std grenade launcher that all strykers have was just for smoke? There was a 40mm Stryker was nearby but continued to put its rounds into a nearby building.
  22. Phew! Scipo, my worthy opponent, sprang a T72 on me, and with about 6 strykers and 2 m1128s blithely area firing at suspected enemy infected areas, it could have been a bloodbath. One of the M1128s got the first shot in, hit the T72 turret and didn't seem to do much. The strykers popped smoke and scattered, firing their mgs, and although no infantry were firing their AT4s etc, there were continual explosions on the front armor of the T72. I think the T72 fired a couple of times but it was hard to distinguish, and later on it survived a solid hit from the other M1128. Can anyone confirm for me what the explosions on the T72's armor were? The only thing I can think of is that mgs were setting off the ERA of the front armor, but is that possible? Also, the fact that the T72 fired (at least) twice and missed twice is a bit weird. I would have thought that in this day and age it would hit every time. Below is a picture of a 120mm shell zipping by. Has anybody else found this kind of inaccuracy in their T72s? Finally, earlier on a Stryker survived a hit from a 120mm shell; it got struck right on its front corner, damaging wheels but allowing it to crawl out of harms way. Has anyone else found Strykers surviving hits from such heavy calibre?
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