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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Definitely the MTLB, but especially the MT-LBM 6MA3 - has 4 kornet missile launcher. Actually, any kind of vehicle which has a Kornet missile launcher would be great for evening things up. Edit to add: oh yeah, to hell with the pretense, just release a Russian module. Good call Cpl Steiner!
  2. If you look at the thread I posted above, it seems that at range the javelin can be defeated by top mounted equipment such as the mg (probably a bug?). If you scroll down the thread you can see a javelin when fired in direct mode was defeated by hitting obliquely on the ERA of the T72, which I don't think is a bug.
  3. There is a bug which causes javelins to be non-lethal in some cases. There have been a few other posts on this matter: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=73180&highlight=sivodsi
  4. Eh? Its just the T90 AFAIK. But I'd love to be wrong.
  5. Thanks! Shows how cmsf limits your view of Russian AFVs. I like the version the AT version MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MA3) - with 4 ATGM "Kornet" - be quite deadly I should imagine, and a cut above the current ATGM vehicles in CMSF. As regards their non-appearance in CMSF, the wiki for the MT-LB doesn't list Syria as user. Anybody got any evidence that contradicts this?
  6. Picked up off a broadcast from the recent Sth Ossetia conflict, its prob some kind of BMP-3 variant with no turret, but would like to find out more info about it. This is the context from which I plucked the screenshot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k2A-2q-Q2k
  7. Does this include the 360 degree arc? So infantry given this arc will react quicker than those without it? Another arc question I have: is there a way to "show all arcs" and "show no arcs" because I get sick of seeing the sickly yellow hue whenever I select a unit with an arc. Thanks
  8. If you've seen the video AAR of the Marines module, you can see the use of cover the infantry will have to a certain degree, and in rubble too. Very impressive and well worth a look.
  9. Yeah, it was in our first PBEM game, big time. I'm pretty sure BFT are aware of this problem by now, misfired shots an' all. Wonder if its related to the way vehicles wobble as if they've been dropped from a 1m height at the beginning of a PBEM move?
  10. Well, get into the scenario editor and run some tests yourself. Sounds like there might be a different set of rules for infantry and AV; I cannot confirm since I haven't tested it with infantry.
  11. I'm not sure if its the same in RT, but in WE GO the AI will not overrule a covered arc even if there is an enemy vehicle in LOS firing at it. I had a BMP with AT5s approach within 100m over flat land to a T72 with a covered arc. So long as the BMP does not enter the covered arc the T72 will ignore it until it dies. This marks quite a departure from CMX1, in which the AI would overrule a covered arc if it spotted a threat outside of it.
  12. I'm a big fan of Red vs Red. US equipment is just too good, and lacks... character. Its all too good. It would be so much better if you could get previous generation tanks in there, like the M60s or even Abrams early versions with the 105mm gun might be interesting. Make my dreams come true by including Centurians and Chieftons, please! In the meantime, it much more interesting to play Red on Red and have chunky soviet gear crashing into each other than the boredom of having your stuff picked off by javelins or shot to pieces by indestructable M1s all the time. Cold war turned hot gets my vote, 1950s onwards would be the best: early guided missiles, interesting equipment. I know, I know, how many times do we have to hear that BFT have no interest in this?:confused::confused::confused:
  13. CMX1 is very heavy on processor use, and this is especially so with the huge scenarios. There's a hell of a lot going on under the hood - even though the graphics are nothing compared to what the latest games have. Also, modern multi-processor chips are not of much use because the game is not optimized to take advantage of them - hey, its an old game. I remember a couple of years ago having to wait for 7 minutes + for a move to load for one large scenario (involving Elephants as I recall), and I know that others have played on with their PBEMs despite having to wait well over 10 minutes. So, how long do you wait for your turns? (and Cuirassier, be nice to new posters, otherwise I'll be forced to deal with you on the battlefield!)
  14. You can use any of the 'move' orders on the menu that appears when you select a unit and hit the space bar, so long as you only move onto the setup zone (recognized by being in a more puce shade beyond the colour of the normal terrain, ok? and not the edge of the border either, it has to be on the darkest shade). Any time you put a move outside of the setup zone your unit will not immediate shift there, but will move in that direction once you start the game proper. Does that make sense to you?
  15. This looks... ...jawdroppingly... ...awesome! Beautiful map. First opportunity I'll be loading it up.
  16. These questions will only be resolved when the beast is finally uncaged. Or as the other responder pointed out, a beta player might be able to tell you, if you could get in touch with one.
  17. Really hope so. Its tough if you want to play balanced red on red MEs.
  18. When the XO's LAV gets fired on, is that a cloud of particles I see blasting out the other side? What is that effect, the AP shells penetrating both sides of the LAV? Not sure exactly, was watching on LQ.
  19. If the Americans have more javelins (and I'm sure that they will), they will win.
  20. I really hope they do something about the QB system. Just allowing players to pick their units would be great. The system as it stands seems to be skewed towards picking one side tank heavy, the other side no tanks (for mech forces, anyway).
  21. Looking forward to it! Edit to add that that is one scenic screenshot there.
  22. Excuse me for an OT post, but I couldn't help but noticing: Interesting! Is this the version of Breakout that is currently available on CMODS? I've just finished playing it as PBEM, and ended up with very skewed results. **SPOILER WARNING for Breakout * * * * * * I was playing the red side, and after the first couple of moves was down to 3 tanks, fortunately my opponent then moved all of his remaining tanks out to my left flank and went right down to my end of the map, allowing my 3 tanks to go to his end of the map next to the exit zone. All of my tanks and most of his remaining tanks were at opposite ends of the map:eek: He then swung his tanks round and was about to move in on me when... my reinforcement T72s teleported onto the map and took all of his T62s out. Then his reinforcement AT ACs turned up next to my T62s at his end of the map and were immediately obliterated by my tanks there. I don't know if any other reinforcements are coming, but we decided to call it quits there since he had no more vehicles to control, and my forces were dominating the area his reinforcements would probably arrive in. Maybe I'm going to have to play again as reds, but in SP mode just to see what else might happen in the game.
  23. Great! Looks really interesting. All R v R scenarios gratefully received! Any chance of also releasing these as individual battles, and (more to my taste) making them PBEMable? If you're planning to do that I'd be more than happy to offer my services as a playtester.
  24. So, there's only 3 Red on Red PBEMable ME scenarios in existence??? With the overly random QB system that we have that is a serious deficiency! Scenario designers, more Red on Red scenarios, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassse!
  25. Thanks for the tip, PT, I'll check that one out.
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