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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Band of Brothers has heaps going on at the moment. I'm in engaged in two tournaments and one campaign, but there's a lot more than that. E-mail me vulpine_odyssey (at) hotmail.com if you want to join.
  2. Good job, MW, your thread increased the amount of communication in this world by a measurable amount. I received a file from Cuirassier, and have sent it back. I'm just waiting for the next move.
  3. Are you a scenario designer??? :mad: :mad: :mad: Just kidding. Sure, bring it on. I'm not fussy: any side any period. E-mail the setup and lets get started.
  4. The people who will give you the biggest kicking are scenario designers. The know the points value and mathematical chances of everything. Quite takes the romance out of it!
  5. Hey, have either of you done a 'save game' and reloaded as a PBEM? This is known to make any aircraft 'forget' they have done a pass and will do more bombing runs, so I was thinking that it might make a tank 'forget' it was immobilized. Just theorizing!
  6. Yeah, I've played that vs the AI. A lot of fun. Hey MW, how's your PBEM going? Did you get it started? Looks like the wheels have fallen off Axel's bravado as he is yet to answer my challenge.
  7. There's an awful lot more abstraction in CMX1 than in SF. For a start, the 3 soldiers in a squad represent a squad, so 'stature of soldier' is out the window (no pun intended), and houses are totally abstract as you can enter from anywhere and shoot out of anywhere. Walls houses trees terrain etc offer % degradations of firepower, but it is 3D in the sense that solid objects blocks LOS & LOF.
  8. That is a beautiful mod! I have to admit though, when my men are getting blasted by enemy who are on the outside it feels like the whole front should be glass! I would feel too secure if I used these beautifully rendered pixels!
  9. Ok Axel, bring it on. I'm good for 3 or so PBEM moves a week minimum, sometimes more. Send a setup to vulpine_odyssey(at)hotmail.com
  10. Wow, Mr Whittman, welcome to the world of PBEM. A word of warning: playing humans can ruin AI for you. Since getting into playing 'HI' I just can't be bothered with AI in almost any game. OTOH playing humans gives this game almost infinite replayability. I still have times where my heart pumps waiting to see if a risky move pays off. To answer your question: Your mods only affect your own screen. What the other sees on his screen is the BMP models that he has. So no worries there.
  11. You can get download it in its entirety here as well. [ October 31, 2007, 12:42 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  12. Not just engineers: many German units have a grenade bundle for which the 'use explosives' command appears (if area targeted within 30m).
  13. Wow! Almost totally unexpected! I would have been even more thrilled if I had not sold my lovely little Toshiba with ATI for a Nvidia equipped Asus. Still, its excellent news.
  14. You chuck it into the 'incoming PBEM' folder, and when you open the game it appears as a 'saved game' Quite neat, but it had me wondering for a bit as well.
  15. I have 7 CMX1 PBEM games going on at the moment, and 1 CMSF. In terms of enjoyment that's about the right ratio for me. I plan to get another CMSF PBEM going when I have more time, but the larger file sizes mean there is much more downtime waiting for files to dl and load up. CMX1 still kicks butt.
  16. Yeah, still a top game that I can't imagine giving up. PBEMs are a part of my life that I would miss, not just for the exercise in tactical thinking but also because of the social dimension. I've got a CMSF PBEM going, but the files are soooo big. Can't imagine having more than a couple of games going at one time, and playing TCP requires too much time when both players are available, which is a pain when you live in different timezones. So CMX1 PBEMs for the foreseeable future anyway. What else has PBEMing CMX1 done for me? Well, it has spoiled playing vs AI in most other games. Playing solo seems a poor substitute and if I have some spare time to play vs AI I just can't take the planning seriously - because its 'only' the AI. Edit to add: Gosh, SLIM, we're almost neighbors!
  17. Frustrating, I agree. Best to use the scenario editor and delete the units that you don't want. Then of course you know exactly what you're up against, but at least that isn't as random as the current setup. I tried to pit M-1s against T72s several times before giving up and heading for the scenario editor. Picking individually was an excellent way to ensure you get what you want and was very useful when you wanted to field test combinations. Allowing players to cherry pick is not incompatible with being able to choose a force with an accurate OOB, I would have thought. Not having individual choice takes away a freedom that players enjoyed, makes for less flexibility in the use of the game, and gives something else for players to gripe about. I really can't understand why such a small thing as this with such important ramifications was left out.
  18. As a work around you could always copy and paste into a document. Might be tedious reformatting it all, but it is, after all, a labor of love, is it not?
  19. I'm surprised nobody mentioned Douglas Bader. Apparently the lack of legs gave him an advantage as a fighter pilot in WW2: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Bader" target="_blank"> It was thought that Bader's success as a fighter pilot was partly due to having no legs; pilots pulling high 'G' in combat turns often "blacked out" as the flow of blood from the brain drained to other parts of the body - usually the legs. As Bader had no legs he could remain conscious that much longer and thus had an advantage over more able-bodied opponents</a>
  20. Hey Huntarr, I'm also interested in TacAI response. What happens if your deathblossom is coitus interruptus by say a t72 down the street on the right hand side? Would the bradley back up and get the hell out of there? Or would he carry on with the assigned orders?
  21. Hijacking? Naaah, a mere diversion, and a worthy one at that. I often wondered about the reverse speed of tanks. It seems that while you have 'move' and 'fast' going forward, reverse only seems to be 'fast'. Its pretty handy given the criminally slow turning speed of some tanks; its often much quicker to reverse and forward using lesser angles, I believe. Has anybody run any tests on the speed of reverse?
  22. I guess with the improved accuracy, not as many shots are necessary to wipe out the enemy. But surely it does happen in RL that they run out of ammo, how do they get supplied if they are on the front line? Do they simply withdraw (assuming they have enough gas)?
  23. All vehicles in QBs do start in one corner, but did you deploy them in the setup zone? It is easy to confuse because you can also use 'move' to issue commands from the setup. The difference is if your 'move' command is within the setup area (darkened patch on your side of the terrain) in which case it will 'place' the units, or outside, in which case it will be a move command. Hope this is not too basic advice for you.
  24. Runs very well on my lappie. However I did get some choppiness and artefacts (scarecrow drivers etc) in the mayhem below:
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