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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Yes, I've seen it, but is it suitable for an evenly matched PBEM?
  2. Out of the scenarios that I've been playing, by far the most fun are the Red on Red scenarios, particularly the MEs. Great to watch chunky Soviet equipment smash each other about. So far I've played two: King Solomon's Mine and Breakout, and although I've tried searching CMODS its hard to know if there are any others that I haven't come across (I wish the descriptions would be more specific). Does anybody know of other ME red on red scenarios out there, suitable for PBEM play?
  3. Am near the end of playing "Breakout" as a PBEM. Very enjoyable, but for a few points, about which I commented in CMODS rating system. Do you plan to make any changes to "Breakout"?
  4. Great, now you won't have any more excuses for avoiding our PBEM
  5. How do you guarantee that they will be balanced though? Whenever I set up a QB it seems to be a matter of luck whether it is balanced or not - and rarely do I seem to have good luck. Am I missing something in the setup of these battles?
  6. Oh scratch the QB: I just tried an ME setup vs the AI, Republican guards vs each other. I had a recon force + some infantry in 9 BMPs in total, and the AI gave itself 12 T72s! Hardly a fair fight. Hard to believe that something so unbalanced could be released. Oh well, back to sifting through scenarios.
  7. What!? It was your turn to send me a setup wasn't it? Ok ok I'll have a go at setting up an ME Red on Red via the QB function. See if the damn thing gives us a good game. :cool:
  8. Hey, thanks Moon, that's a huge improvement. The other view makes the screen seem too cluttered and hemmed in. Much better easier to read when its spread across the display.
  9. Ah! My mortal enemy is spying on me! No wonder I am losing! Yes, you are wise to use past tense. Your observers are in for a little HE surprise...
  10. Thanks for clearing that up. The briefing in the scenario did not make that clear. Oh dear, better reorganize my forces.
  11. First of all: its good to have the forum back - it was sorely missed. Now for the main point of my post: I'd be grateful if someone could let me know about 'exit scenarios'. I'm playing a PBEM at the moment with them, and I just assumed that you could send your tanks off the edge at the 'exit zone' to gain points. However, because you can't give movement orders for off the map locations I'm having doubts, especially as the 'exit area' is fully exposed. Instead I'm guessing that I need to have my equipment merely on the exit zone (the coloured piece of turf) at the end of the game, right? If so, it does not bode well for my force due to its exposed position. (Of course, now my worthy opponent has read this and knows exactly where the meagre remains of my forces are anyway, right, Scipo? I'm DOOMED!)
  12. Gee, almost missed this from Steve: Eh? The next update is 1.09? Is this a slip or a vague kind of bone?
  13. Steve wrote: Nice to have confirmation. I reckon it happened to me twice in one minute of action, though this time it looks like it hit a glancing blow on the ERA at a shallower angle so maybe not the same bug, or just super effective ERA? Point of impact:
  14. Steve posted: So an impact on the mg is also likely to result in a kill? ... but he just kept on rolling.
  15. In AVG 8 go to tools - advanced - Resident shield - advanced settings You will find a list of file types there which includes CPL among the "resident shield will scan" list. Delete it. It's easy enough, even I could do it!
  16. Thank goodness! Has anyone raised this point with AVG yet? Edit to add: I tried but my log in is screwed up. Will try again when I have time. [ June 19, 2008, 01:39 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  17. This is weird. Just started last night when I tried to open up CMSF. Immediately got a warning from AVG as per the picture below: Of course I click "heal" and "move to vault" but the same thing happens when I tried to start CMSF again. It won't let me start CMSF up. The other option that AVG gives is "remove threat as power user", but I haven't use that yet as another warning sign comes on saying that this could make my system unstable - need my computer for work as well, so not willing to do this yet. Can anybody help?
  18. Finally! The problem resolved itself when I updated to firefox 3.
  19. Yes, JonS nice work around! Does it work for all units selected, or only if there is a line of command? I'll have to give it a go.
  20. Ok I stand corrected, but its still a bug because if they disappear they are unavailable to a unit that can use them. Please fix.
  21. Apologies if this is a known bug, but I did search and couldn't find anything. The Syrian units in this PBEM cannot acquire RPGs, and if they do use the 'acquire' command, the RPGs simply disappear from the inventory. Picture 1: BMP-1p with RPGs Picture 2: BMP-1p after the acquire command was used, and it looks like they have been acquired because they are no longer available: Picture 3: However, the unit that was aboard does not have them either. Where did they go? Did they suddenly dematerialize? Were they beamed up by Scotty? The Syrian Units were 'recon' units, is that the reason why they could not take them? If so, why not - are they not trained in their use? In which case the 'acquire' command should not have the RPGs as an option. Somehow I can't believe that they wouldn't take them if they knew that American forces were around - and they are supposed to be easy to use, right? Any other possible explanations for the Syrians being depowered in this way?
  22. [Edited to change the title] Apologies if this has been posted about before, but I've found in a PBEM that after I 'acquired' RPGs within a BMP-1p it doesn't show up on the infantry's weapons. This is minor as long as it does show up in the infantry's inventory after they've dismounted. I'll let you know if that happens. [ June 17, 2008, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  23. Nice site, great photos, but the dark background makes the text hard to read. Maybe its my computer or something?
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