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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. I think I can help out here. The beer they dropped behind German lines was that bland infusion known as 'labatts' that is and can only be drunk by Canadians. It is not pure enough for Germans since it contains all sorts of chemical nasties that only Canadians have built up resistance to. Indeed the mere act of dropping them caused untold damage to German heavy industry in the Ruhr area as vast tracts of land became usable only by beer-swilling pot-bellied Canadians until the clear up at the end of the war. This also explains why the Irish did not enter the war to claim the beer: it was not dark enough to fool them into thinking it was guinness or murphy's . The Ozzies would have gone for it, but they were too busy setting up Fosters factories in England for post war occupation of their former colonial masters. Hope this clears things up. </font>
  2. Wow Wicky, where do you find these things? Can you post any more links to Theroux?
  3. What size were those IEDs? The first was quite small, but obviously did some damage to the occupants. The second one was huge - looked like it wrote off the stryker and prob damaged the following one.
  4. I should add that I enjoy your posts, JK, even if I can't always believe their content. You are always polite and positive and don't deserve the harassment you are getting.
  5. I think I can help out here. The beer they dropped behind German lines was that bland infusion known as 'labatts' that is and can only be drunk by Canadians. It is not pure enough for Germans since it contains all sorts of chemical nasties that only Canadians have built up resistance to. Indeed the mere act of dropping them caused untold damage to German heavy industry in the Ruhr area as vast tracts of land became usable only by beer-swilling pot-bellied Canadians until the clear up at the end of the war. This also explains why the Irish did not enter the war to claim the beer: it was not dark enough to fool them into thinking it was guinness or murphy's . The Ozzies would have gone for it, but they were too busy setting up Fosters factories in England for post war occupation of their former colonial masters. Hope this clears things up.
  6. Hey I played in the first KOTH way back when. Was a lot of fun. What are the starting and finishing dates for round 1? I take it the 3 scenarios are against different players? Can you give me an idea how big the 3 scenarios are in terms of points and map size?
  7. gReat! I'm not going to play until the patch arrives. I get pretty frustrated with this game, so just as well it is a pretty game.
  8. - easy! These are all posted from work where we cannot play. All our spare time is taken up playing.
  9. I would hope so. Though some kind of confirmation from BFT that PBEM file sizes won't come within cooee of 20 Megs would be reassuring.
  10. Actually, just noticed a link on gmail that says they have boosted the size of attachments to 20Megs. I'm feeling a lot more confident that PBEMs will be just as viable as they are now.
  11. Gmail gives you a file size of 10 Megs, will CMX2 files be larger than that? If so, it could make PBEMs difficult.
  12. So its not a deal. Oh well, I tried.
  13. The M8 was not an eight wheeled car, and it doesn't take long to check up on its off-road performance: - according to its wikipedia entry. Oh and for good measure, here is another: (edit to add: 'm2' above is meant to be M8 - the previous sentence refered to the 'm2 mg' and the writer got confused) Perhaps you'd better check before you post next time. [ May 17, 2007, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  14. I think his point is that you can easily miss action going on somewhere you aint looking. And how many times have you missed the spectacular graphics when your tank gets hit and you're too far away to notice? Man, I'd love to be able to rewind and watch again from several angles. That's one advantage that CM 'we go' sytem has over TOW that you can't deny.
  15. That's big news that might bug a few people. Will the ability to enter buildings be available to scenarios created before the patch is applied?
  16. Yeah, I'd love to give this ago. Preferably as Russians, but I don't mind playing axis. I have a half-decent playing record at Bob (though better for CMAK).
  17. Yeah Bill Slim, it seems that you do. This game wants you to play to conform to the script, if you don't do that you cannot 'win'. I can't even get the enemy to commit more than a couple of panzers, the rest are just milling around just below the crest of the hill. These Germans lack gumption! How do we get them to attack?! Its boring just to wait in the reverse hill slope, but what else can we do?
  18. I see that many of my questions have been answered. This thread is great for a general description of tactics. Well worth checking out Elmar Bijlsma's advice:
  19. Spoilers below! . . . . . In battle one I have problems with the scripting. The first trench is poorly placed and gets wiped out, so I put all my troops and guns in the second and third trench lines on the reverse slope. It worked a treat, allowed me to wipe out the panzers as they crest the hill. Unfortunately then nothing happens because the script parks the remaining Germans at the first trench line. It forces me to take the ridiculous step of wheeling my guns to the slope so they can take pot shots. Of course, at that range they are spotted easily and wiped out. Another stupid thing was the script parking a panzer just below the crest on my right flank. He just stood there doing nothing. I wheeled a gun over until he just had line of sight and got him to fire. Shell after shell hit the top of the PIIIs turret until it resembled the surface of the moon, but I could not knock it out and the tank would not move. Grrrr. What to do? Has anybody else had similar problems? How do you win game 1 without withdrawing to the second line of defence? Do you guys just hold on in the first line of trenches? I can't prevent my AT guns from getting hit by seemingly laser guided shells if I leave them there.
  20. You haven't played the Polish campaign? They have offboard morters in the first battle.
  21. Nothing seems to be bait for the tanks that are waiting by the trenches. I resort to the tactic of hauling my AT guns into range through cover of bushes to try and take the tanks out, but with limited success. It seems that a tank can spot an AT gun being hauled through bushes at 500m or so. And then can kill all the crew with one shot. I recrew the gun, but as soon as the crew are there the tanks can spot the AT gun again and shoot and this time kill the AT gun. Bloody hell. It seems this game is a puzzle solving activity in which you have to guess the triggers of the script of the attacking force so that it will play. AI is limited to following the script, then waiting until you move into its LOS. Frustrating and disappointing that I can't use alternative strategies to play the scenario.
  22. This is a fallacy. Being able to beat the AI in CM is not good preparation for playing humans. What it is good for is getting the feel of the different kinds of equipment and maybe some practice at attacking. What you really need is regular play against a variety of players at different skill levels. Drop me a line if you want to get started.
  23. Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I was thinking of trying this. Gotta bait the trap to entice those Germans onto my AT guns. I'll post the results tomorrow.
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