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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Ah! found the FAQ. Is there any way of finding out how many licenses I have used? I installed DT for the first time about a year ago, then uninstalled, (or worse, just reformatted the HD) before I sold my computer. Oh yeah and I also unsuccessfully tried to install it on a previous machine. Ye Gods, I don't stand a chance, do I?
  2. Hi all, This I'm brushing the virtual dust off my copy of DT for a bit of LAN play vs a friend this Sunday. It's still okay to setup DT on two computers on a LAN, right? Anyway, my question is this: since I last installed DT I've bought a new computer and sold the last one. Will I just be able to setup two new installs on two computers that I've got? How does it all work and what's the procedure? Looking forward to your answers before Sunday at least!
  3. The problem with the first mission I found was with scripting. I put all my guns on the reverse slope, and it worked very well for the tanks that came over the ridge. Not all of them did so unfortunately. I wondered why nothing was happening so I sent a few brave scouts forward who saw PIII and IV parked over the first line of trenches. The only way you can take them on is with the tankettes, and that is **difficult**. You do need something that can put reasonable fire onto the first line of trenches. Have yet to play it post-patch, but it should be easier.
  4. Nice shots. Looks great! How much of the internals of a building is represented? I would imagine they are empty boxes like CMX1. [ June 25, 2007, 03:05 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  5. That's old hat. Even CMX1 had that.
  6. It got fixed?! NOOOO! Bring it back! Damn, if there was any way to do it reliably we could have lit our light tanks and sent them plunging into the enemy. That would have been sooooo kool!
  7. Bejeezus! I didn't even realize that Panther A came after D and always wondered why As are found in the late mid period. Duh! Is there any reason for this, other than to flout convention for the sake of doing so? Cheers
  8. Me and another player are also currently battling it out in the same scenario, but are only 5 minutes + from the end. Very entertaining and frightening game. You never know where the Germans will land or the kiwis will show up. And I can see one more surprise on the horizen in the form of a dirty great cloud. What next?
  9. Good to see the slow down and speed up commands! Maybe give us dinosaur CM players time to actually see what is going on.
  10. Posted by Brent Nonsense - it's got plenty of Lease Lend equipment </font>
  11. How does modding gameplay values work with multiplayer? For example, can one person with 'fixed' penetration values play against another person without them???
  12. How does modding gameplay values work with multiplayer? For example, can one person with 'fixed' penetration values play against another person without them???
  13. Hi there, A couple of months ago BFT changed their icon from a little light to the current one which you can see in front of the address. In firefox I keep bookmarks of websites I use regularly in the toolbar at the top of the page so I can just click it and go straight there, and usually the address icon displays there. However, the new BFT icon does not, so I have a white default marker. Bugging! So how do I get the new icon to display? This is a real minor issue, and its only a minor irritant, but would be grateful if someone can help. Thanks
  14. Ah but CMX2 is not just a replacement for CMX1, its going to be on a smaller 'company' scale with 1 to 1 representation. I don't think CMX1 will be superceded in the same way that BB and AK 'finished' BO for many players (with all due respect to those who keep playing BO). I think you're quite wrong here. Please show us where reviewers have stated this.
  15. Well let me know if you want to start a PBEM: vulpine_odyssey (at) hotmail.com
  16. Hi Task, What superficial friends you have! Did you find an opponent?
  17. Well, I didn't say the graphics of CMSF were shiny, I said they were 'new'. But don't get me wrong, I'm firmly among the "limited population of CM playing WW2 buffs" on this one. I was just trying to express things from the perspective of majority. Although, even you poo-pooers of flashy graphics have to admit that the latest screenies are looking increasingly inviting (and the very opposite of 'shiny'!)
  18. The graphics are nothing short of amazing. Thought that first picture was a photo until closer examination. Beautiful!
  19. Sross posted: wow, are you kidding? That is some kind of optimism when you consider that: - you can only play this game if you already have CMBB, and I'm sure the number of CMBB players is declining; - this game still requires gameplay in CMBB which is how many years old? - the graphics of both games are so far below what is required to attract new customers - limited appeal of the idea of the game to the general gaming population (control an army of PIVs across Russia, or a platoon of Abrams in Syria?) and perhaps the killer: - there are no Americans in CMBB CMSF OTOH has the shiny appeal of the new, new graphics, game engine, new situation... and Americans! Don't get me wrong, CMC is a worthy venture and I will snap it up when/if it ever comes out. But anybody who thinks that its going to be a genre beating bestseller (as CMSF has the potential to be), is deluding themselves. This game is for a limited population of CM playing WW2 buffs only.
  20. Nice work, Slapaho! I'll have to give this one another shot.
  21. Oh thanks Wicky, didn't realize there was so much of him on the net. I have the UFO episode on a DVD of his which I enjoyed a lot. Louis bought me a guinness in a pub in London back in 2000. He was a regular there at trivia night and I went with friends of his friends. Nice of him, esp because I don't think he expected anybody to say 'yes' when he asked if anyone wanted a beer. However, I lack that kind of class and happily slurped down the drink he bought me.
  22. "ours not to reason why, ours but to post and die" or "ask not why you posted the message, ask what your post can do for others" or "post and be damned"
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