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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. And just to update the story of the RPG heading towards the underbelly of the BMP: very disappointing! At the start of the new move there is no sign of the rpg at all, giving evidence of an nth of second gap between PBEM moves. Yes, damnit, that's exactly what would have happened :mad::mad::mad:
  2. That surely is a thing of rare and distinctive beauty. Is it a photoshopped job? If its real then the interesting thing is how old it looks. The grass looks like its grown around it and the hull is rusty and grimy. Looks like an experiemental vehicle that they abandoned.
  3. Don't know! That was the last move... am waiting in suspense until my worthy opponent gets the move back to me.
  4. Thanks for the answers, guys. Hopefully some of this behaviour will be tweaked in the forthcoming patch and the AI will do things in a sane way.
  5. The above post is not the reason for resurrecting this thread: I wanted to post this shot, which is the last instant of a PBEM move in my game vs Yskonyn. I should add, that the missile is mine. Bwah hah hah hah!
  6. The non-kill from a javelin hitting from the top is a bug. There have been threads on it before (with screen shots) if you care to look for them.
  7. I tried that, but couldn't find his e-mail address. There is a facility that will send him an e-mail message, but I couldn't see a way of attaching a file. Oh well, I might as well send him a message, at least that will establish comms.
  8. You mean the little red circle with a line through it, right? I have made sure it is unselected but next move it is depressed again. Have done this several times, sometimes with a move command, sometimes without. Have also tried adjusting it to 15 sec + move command, but they remain stuck. In one game it is a BMP-2, in the other a sniper unit. Annoying. Let me know the e-mail and I will send the PBEM move and my password, and get my opponents to send you their passwords so that you can check it out properly.
  9. Thanks for getting back to me. To test this bug you will also need my opponent's password. I'll ask them to send to you. Where do I find your e-mail?
  10. This is a problem in two of my PBEM games now. Units that have been paused don't come off the pause. Doesn't matter what you do, they are 'frozen'. PBEM moves available.
  11. Maybe he won't, but I might... (Bwah-hah hah hah!)
  12. Still no answers to the question I posted above:
  13. G'dday mate! Welcome to the forums and glad you're enjoying the game!
  14. In a current PBEM game I've just noticed that in the very last second of the move the number of AT-5 missiles increases by one and the 7.62 ammo also jumps on a few of my BMP-2s. Has anyone else noticed this bit of weirdness? I did a quick search but couldn't find mention of it. Save game files available.
  15. Yes, the tac AI is impressive in parts, but the overall AI gets predictable. This game truly shines when you start PBEMing with a human opponent. You will consider the AI with contempt after that.
  16. 3. Fantasy: "A new dictator arises", one who harks back to his days at Oxford and buys nothing but British/european gear, threatens to cut off US oil supply in the middle east. The USA reacts by invading his little corner of the middle-east. Blue on Blue warfare is obviously the way to go for CMSF1.
  17. You can find a lot of videos on youtube that enthusiasts have made over the years. You can get an idea about the graphics that you will see in the game, see this for one example: http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=5tY2dL7aKZw&feature=related, But there's no way these movies capture the absorbing nature of human to human play. You don't play CMAK or CMBB for the graphics. Playing other folk in the CM series has ruined play vs the AI for me. If I've got nothing better to do I'll give it a go, but I just can't take AI seriously as an opponent.
  18. From the following thread, near the end of the first page: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=83259 Steve says: Looks like the Russian stuff we get in the Marines module will be all that we'll be getting. Fair enough I suppose; the more they add now, the less that'll be new for CMSF 2.
  19. the place to go should be http://www.unitedwargamers.net/ which is Scipo's effort to make an online arena (the updated version of his warscout website). Not sure if he's finished it yet, but if you post there you should get a game.
  20. There's some interesting AVs in there, not all of them Syria's. After a quick google, the first tank, at :05, is an Iranian Zulfiqar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulfiqar_MBT but no picture - I'll leave it to you to google. I believe those are centurians at the 1:00 mark - therefore probably Israeli. An earlier version is seen later on. Did Syria ever have them? What on earth is that at the 1:13 mark? And another interesting one at the 3:25 mark which I'd be interested in finding out about. A few other oddities thrown in: stug, PIVs M60 M113, upgunned shermans (again prob Israeli) and some nice shots of zsu-23.
  21. BMP-T not only look good, but are good for you: Edit to add: I wonder how many casualties are caused by inappropriate turret rotation? Hope there's a lock on the think while those guys are getting some air.
  22. Oh yeah, I too am looking forward to some extra red equipment more than the additional blue stuff.
  23. My only request for the arc is a simple one: a hotkey that allows the user to turn it off its visual depiction. At the moment any unit with an arc is automatically displayed the moment you select the unit, and I find the sickly yellow hue a distraction that I can do without.
  24. Yes, thanks for sharing, John. I love this picture: Try doing this in CMBB and see what happens!
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