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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Yeah, but I want it to run nice at full resolution, and I don't want no stickmen! I want the game to load quickly and don't want jerky hard-to-place-unit setup zones. When I ran the El Derjine scenario as PBEM it was right at my 'puters limits. My Asus was 'not bad' when I bought it: centrino duo 1.8 Ghz, 2Gig of RAM, Nvidia Gforce go 7600 with 512 MB of graphics juice... Alas, twas not sufficient: I could not do the El Derjine setup properly because I could not place units - felt like I was moving through sludge. After the disaster at setup it was playable until about midway when my opponent's infantry finally entered the combat zone and ordnance really started flying, and just as the game was getting interesting, after one entire hour of file-swapping gameplay (that consumed what, a couple of months?), before my reinforcements could come sailing in and save my ass, my computer failed to load it at all, forcing abandonment. Don't want to have to do that again. All scenarios should be playable to the death! So, I'm interested in those with late model laptops, since that is what I'm going to buy, how does a huge scenario like 'Counter attack El Darjine' run? Is there any delay at the setup? When the Syrians pour forth in full cry and the crap really starts flying do you lose frames? No stick men at all? If your laptop holds up under such strains, I'd love to hear what specs you have.
  2. Thanks for the info, Lethaface. How does Pooh compare to 'Counter attack at E Derjine' in terms of map size and forces?
  3. Hi there, I'm in the market for a new laptop, and I'm just wondering how the latest ones handle huge scenarios like 'Counter attack at E Derjine" - my poor old Asus eventually choked when doing this as a PBEM. Can laptops run such scenarios smoothly with the highest quality graphics, even when the chips are down and the crap flying about? If so, what specs are necessary in a laptop to do this? I'm particularly interested in those who have recently bought big name brands like Asus, Toshiba and HP. Looking forward to your answers
  4. Hi guys, I'll be in Thailand in mid-January, and as I've found it to be cheaper for computers than where I currently live (Seoul) and they come with English OSs, I'll be looking to pick up a new laptop. However, the range is more limited than in other countries. I know they have big brands like HP, Toshiba and Asus (the Asus I have now was bought in Bangkok), so I'd be interested to hear from anybody who has recently bought one of these makes. In particular: Can CMSF run huge scenarios at maximum resolution without choppiness? Eg will it run 'counter attack at El Derjine' etc smoothly? What graphics card & RAM does it have? What other good points/bad points does it have? Looking forward to hearing from you.
  5. Aw man, I thought you were going to say that one of the marines threw himself on the grenade to save his buddy... Or threw the grenade back before it exploded... But yeah, I love little moments like you described. Long live WEGO!
  6. +1 & +1 Ages ago I requested a mod to improve the 'sickly yellow glow', but its hard coded in, and it didn't seem to bother many others. And yes I totally agree about the 180 degree cover arc. I miss their convenience.
  7. so sorry for saddening 1. there is no titled thread about locked ships, and the searches I did reveals nothing (I've never had much luck with search in the new forum) 2. the "how to" only covers getting units off, not loading on. (and I've just downloaded the new version, which seems to have improved behavior, I'll let you know if there are any new problems) 3. Probably should not have been drinking before posting. Oh well.
  8. Fun game, a couple of frustrations though. I'm pretty sure that this is not new, but I couldn't see anything. Sent a destroyer around to explore the dark areas, and the darned things get locked. Can't move them anywhere. Is this supposed to simulate shipwrecks? Also, I'm having difficulty loading onto transports when not at port. Is there any guide for this?
  9. Excellent! Pity its not in WeGo, as with all that RT action going on I'm not sure I could handle it.
  10. Wow, did everybody miss this bone? Steve virtually stating outright that CMSF2 will include China. That's pretty cool. Anybody for the Battle of Taiwan? (if we can imagine anything left of the island after the middle range missiles have blasted it apart)
  11. Don't count on it. That was from gibson's wish list, which regrettably will differ substantially from what BFT will actually put into the patch. BFT have made it clear that there will be no major changes to the CMSF game engine. 1.21 will see minor tweaking only.
  12. Well, with the tiger's slow turret and the BMPs AT-3s it could be an interesting (if short) duel.
  13. After a quick google, the CV9035 is operated by Denmark and Holland. Nice pictures! Edit to add: hey, with the LAV III it'll become possible to mod one for the NZ army! Look here's one stuck in a rabbit hole! And according to this, Egypt is planning to buy the Netherland's ypr-765s as they are replaced by the CV9035, so perhaps elements of another Middle-eastern country may be possible (yeah yeah to a limited extent, before some Egypt army grog jumps on me pointing out irrevocable differences, blah blah blah).
  14. Lovely! Nice canvas work, and that little touch of rust on the chassis, not to mention the tyres.
  15. Wellington gets invaded! Way to go Jon! Is this because they no longer have the Ranfurly Shield?
  16. The problem with these machines is that usually being in LOS of the falling rounds means making your expensive art spotting vehicle in LOS of the enemy. As such I would rather keep them safe at the cost of an extra minute and a little accuracy.
  17. Nice one! I vote this thread be sticky!
  18. Good stuff! Perhaps it would be more useful if all missiles available in the game that fit into the categories (first, second, third generation) were listed...? Then it would be not only a strategy guide but also an equipment guide.
  19. Sure, why not? The principle has been broken. I think some people are complaining out of a sense of 'fairness'. Blue gets all this new kit to play with, and compare this to Red who has same old same old. I don't think any extra kit Red gets has to be the latest equipment but just something to surprise us with, y'know, like a truck or or or... whatever equipment it is not too far outside the bounds of likelihood that Syrians could have (like the T90 & BMP3). It just seems so one-sided adding to the Blue side only. At least, if I was complaining that is why I'd be complaining. In business terms, perhaps BFT should consider that not adding to the Red forces is not catering to those who like to play Red vs Red (who would find little reason to buy a Brit module), and the guys who like such battles are probably arguing the most vociferously for extra Red content.
  20. I seem to remember a mod or hack that stretched or widened the briefing text to make it more readable. Still not the best, but it was an improvement. Is that not still around somewhere?
  21. Should we post here if we are happy in the moment, or on a deeper existential plane? Its pretty difficult to decide, so some more guidance on this matter would be appreciated. Then I could post for real instead of this mere phantom of a post.
  22. Is that one of the vehicles in which one of the passengers crews the gun? If you don't have anybody on board the gun will not fire. Just off the top of my head.
  23. Regarding rooftops: in a demo scenario I played the syrians ambushing a stryker force. I had a squad of Syrians on the rooftop, on 'hide', and they were spotted by a strker at 120m, and wiped out to a man. It may be realistic for them to be wiped out to a man, but being spotted while 'hiding' at 120m strains credibility. IMHO, naturally!
  24. Yeah, I'll put a vote in for 'cherry picking' for those who want it. Really, it just means being able to choose the forces that you play with, even if these are less 'authentic'. Come on, its a game!
  25. An update. The tanks have apparently arrived for the South Sudanese (largely Christian & black, aided by Israel) to bolster their defense against several hundred chinese made tanks that the North Sudanese (largely Muslim & Arabic, aided by Iran) have on hand. After several more shipments, the South are estimated to have 100 or so T72. Add into this mix a recent discovery of large deposits of oil on the border of these two regions and the fuze has been lit for a local confrontation. The piracy bringing these shipments to world attention certainly had the potential to embarrass some Western govts. I'm sure the Israelis would have kept the US informed as to what was going on. No wonder its been quietly shoved to one side since then. Imagine if these shipments had come from Nth Korea... Um, not to make light of a potentially desperate situation, but Red on Red scenario, anyone?
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