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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. doh! Well, that's why we use 'IIRC' OK, next question: will there be pre-order for the whingeing poms module?
  2. IIRC there was no pre-order for the Marines, so we shouldn't expect there to be for the Brits. So, come on, May! May! May! (everybody altogether now) May! May! May! (repeat ad nauseam until Brits module released).
  3. Oh God No! The more toys the better! My impression of the Jackal's kind of mission came from a doco I saw that followed a 4 vehicle platoon into the wild outback of Afghanistan. Their role was basically to get shot at so that they could ascertain the strength and disposition of the enemy. Well, they got shot at. Then they went home. No losses to speak of (apart from those caused by mechanical failure). It was an extremely interesting doco, and its something that could be modelled in CM, but to me at least it doesn't seem like a particularly fun thing to play. All IMHO, naturally. I'm sure some in the community would be enthralled by it.
  4. WEGO is tops in my books. This is mostly because all I have time to do are PBEMs. I have tried RT vs Human, but even with a tiny scenario it was extremely difficult to keep track of forces and get them to do what I wanted them to do. Some of the time they were lying idle when I wanted them to be doing something. RT is more for single play, but even here things become unmanagable by comparison with WEGO.
  5. Simple question: how do you know if there are no snipers out there? ok ok so jackals need overwatch, but that won't prevent the first shot of a sniper. In RL these vehciles have a specialised use, but this would be difficult (and prob v. boring) to replicate in the CM environment.
  6. - doesn't make a difference what happens with TOW 2. TOW is made by a Russian company that sells through the BFT website, and is entirely independent of what goes on in the CM series.
  7. Seems that there are only minor changes, so maybe room for it in a patch Perhaps the biggest change is that there is now room for 4 soldiers, up from 3 in Jackal 1, and the mg being in a slightly different place.
  8. you load your car up with fishing line and hooks, but forget to put the rod in
  9. hmm 'puny' is not necessarily derogatory, but certainly disparaging. I have no idea what sort of power they have: more than a grenade, but less than an rpg perhaps?
  10. "puny"?! its a game breaker! yeah yeah, I can see how a disproportionate quantity of resources could be spent on it.
  11. So it will only be used if you are in LOS in the game... But it seems that they are used for indirect fire, out of LOS; indeed this may be the primary reason why they have been found to be so useful. If this is the case, surely we should be able to use them in the game as they are used in RL?
  12. A question I posted in the other thread but yet to be answered: is there really no tripod, or anything other than your best arm to steady the aim of this thing? If not, aiming the mortar must truly be an art. Edit to add: ah! question answered by thefightingseabee, nice link! yeah, it must really be an art!
  13. Cool! Nice shots! Do the Brits really hold the mortar at the necessary angle? Or is there a tripod or something holding it up, but not shown due to graphics or wotnot? If its all done by hand I have to be mightily impressed, mortar fire must truly be an art!
  14. [gets into blatant self promotion mode] Why settle for blue on blue when you can have purple on purple? This scenario is for human to human play only, however... [/end blatant self promotion mode] well, hell, only 19 downloads? and 1 five star review? At least somebody liked it!
  15. Great, can we have the British module bundled with the future NATO module now instead of waiting until the NATO module comes out? No? Oh well, worth a try...
  16. Ah, but if Sarkozy has his way, maybe not
  17. <blatant self promotion warning> ... or play all of them mixed together vs another human! <blatant self promotion end>
  18. ... and obliterate a late model ubertank no doubt. Yeah, those things never missed.
  19. Correct, though apparently this has/will change with TOW II. The demo is out so you can check for yourself if you like.
  20. Oh MikeyD, I think you're recycling this one from CMX1...
  21. You buy a new mouse because your present one just... can't...quite... put area fire where you want it to be.
  22. Well if you want to fight with mixed forces, then you can try my 'mash up'. However, you will have to play it vs another human - there are no AI plans - and I didn't really make it a scenario other than "beat the crap out of each other".
  23. I should add that the shotgun blast makes for a nice colander effect on the opposing BMP-1.
  24. When this shot was fired the ammo count went from 115 to 102. Impressive, eh? Apologies if this has been noted before, but I would say that as the LAV-25 has only one barrel, unloading 13 rounds at once would classify this as a bug. Saved game available.
  25. I'll add my thanks for providing the place from which I downloaded thousands of megabytes of pure wargaming pleasure.
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