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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. As posted by BFT, for the NATO module: Maybe some.... trucks?
  2. Should there be some sort of morale calculation involved then? When the occupants of the fired upon humvee/stryker get 'rattled' or worse they duck down. Otherwise, according to doctrine they are up and exposed as targets. Er, maybe this already happens? Haven't played with these units for a little while now... Only if he is firing in the right direction, eh? Otherwise he is just another target. Also, in urban settings at least the gunner's chances of spotting the enemy fire before they shoot him would be somewhat lower, making the 50 cal's use as a "cleaning device" of limited value, not to mention the collateral damage involved when 'hosing down' all suspected positions... But I'm speaking here with no actual experience in the matter (in other words out of my a**e).
  3. yeah, man, its looking damn good. I'm still having fun playing the Brits (mainly because my SF time is limited to a few PBEM) and one day I'll finish a campaign - any campaign - but still that's not stopping me drooling in anticipation of Nato!
  4. What?! Hasn't there been a cool moment this year? Okay, let me give you one. In a PBEM: T90 hunting a scimitar, but there is a challenger lurking nearby. I've worked out a way for the T90 to have LOS to the scimitar and not the challenger, so I carefully plot the move: < fast move + hunt to line of sight of scimitar, focus the area target to where the scimitar is, pause for 15 secs to give T90 time to see and smite the scimitar, reverse back into safety> When I get the move back from my opponent the first thing I see is the challenger moving forward into LOS of my T90s hunting position! My T90 rumbles forward to what I expect will be its doom... But no! The T90 stops at the end of its move, sees the challenger and scimitar at the same time, slams into reverse out of harms way of the challenger, and while moving looses off a round that destroys the scimitar! Nice example of AI of CMSF in action! Good job Charles!
  5. In the same scenario, when I assaulted a different building the assault crew also emerged through the walls. Must be quite frightening for those being assaulted! Is this a bug, feature or simulation?
  6. It's a real German training film from 1943, so there would be plenty of captured Soviet gear to use, but what on earth would Harvards be doing in there? Are you sure that's what they are?
  7. Yeah, prntscrn and irfanview worked fine in XP, but its no go with my win7 machine. Anyway, using fraps and then saving as jpgs worked fine enough - though if anybody knows any freeware that will save in jpg I'd be happy to know about it. Enough blather! On with the screen shots! First man melds through concrete: His companion joins him:
  8. Hey, I'm having problems taking screen shots in my new win7 lappie. All I get is a black screen with prtscrn or irfanview Ctrl+C. Can anyone help?
  9. My Syrian troops have gained a new ability: they can walk through walls! Half the squad just emerged from a tall wall near a tall building, and then start crawling across the road, the other half somehow creep between the wall and the building, and in the last instant of the turn get instantly exhausted. I wanted to take screenshots, but for some reason prtscrn no longer works, and neither does irfanview Ctrl+C (this is the first time I've tried to take a screenshot since transferring to win7). Its a pbem, so save game is available, or could someone tell me how to take a screenshot? It looks pretty cool.
  10. Amen to that! Prey to the (BFT) lords for a simple 'delete' command! [wipes off dust from pet peeve from 2001] Of course I have learned to live with it, basically by keeping shortcuts to 'incoming e-mail' and 'outgoing e-mail' on the desktop, and regularly opening them up to delete old PBEM files. However, why oh why can't I also delete the files while I am in the CM interface? It makes sense to do so while I'm selecting the file to play, right? I know things that seem easy and basic out here might in fact be extremely complex in terms of game implementation, but this has always seemed like a basic oversight to me. [puts peeve back in the corner where it will gather dust until next iteration of CM series]
  11. My first reaction is "w00t!!" Sounds awesome, but impossible to judge until we get our dirty little hands on it. This is very interesting: does the price of a unit depend on what the scenario creator decides, or will it be automatically determined by some formula, for example 'proportion of trees >75% King Tiger worth 10% less'??? Edit to add: or both?
  12. I'm guessing you've tried his googlemail.com address? If you haven't I'll pm it to you. Paul was a worthy adversary of mine for quite some time.
  13. The BFT site looks kind legit, if you can get there without the thing asking you to download
  14. Yes, same here. I get a nice e-mail from newsletter@battlefront.com about a client, and I go to the link which downloads a file from the repository which sets off my virus checkers, which give me the following alarming message: "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\gsdcak.exe";"Trojan horse Downloader. Generic9. BFTQ"; "Infected" "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\nnae.exe";"Trojan horse Cryptic.CH";"Infected" "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\oeqvorps.exe";"Trojan horse Crypt.QOA";"Infected" What gives?
  15. Brilliant DAR, loved the use of pictures and dramatic narrative. Now that its over would love to hear Mike's side of the story! How about it Mike? A bit of feedback to complete the story?
  16. Okay, finally got myself a new windows 7 lappie: HP dv3 2222TX Intel Core 2 Duo processor P8800 (2.66GHz, 1066MHz FSB, 3MB L2) Nvidia GeForce G 105M (NB 10M-GE1-S) with 512MB of dedicated video memory (64Mx16 DDR2 x 4 PCs) 4 GB RAM 7200 RPM Hard drive My old XP machine is this: Asus A8j Centrino duo T2400 (1.83 GHz) NVidia Gforce go 7600 (128 MB of dedicated memory) 2 GB RAM I've only had time to use it on one PBEM file, but a comparison of load up times revealed that where the Asus took about 37 secs to load the file up, my new HP did it in 17 seconds (CM being the only application loaded, hand timed 3 or 4 times each). So, the new computer is roughly twice as fast as the old one - slightly disappointing, but perhaps the performance improvements will show more when running larger scenarios than in just the load up times.
  17. This is far too entertaining for you to entertain surrendering! Fight on!
  18. Yeah, you got it. The whole series is worth watching - there's about 20 episodes or so, and can be found as a torrent.
  19. There's been quite a few threads on this topic actually. You might find this one useful.
  20. By mods you mean like the files at the repository, right? For example, different camouflage for the M1 and grass instead of sand, right? Well the good news is that these have absolutely no impact on multiplayer capability. They make purely cosmetic changes to the game set up on an individual's computer, but no difference to the game mechanics. However, you do have to make sure that the scenario you play is compatible with the CMSF expansion packs that both players have. If computer A has CMSF + Brits and computer B CMSF + Marines then they can only play a scenario that has base game units. Am I right, or what?
  21. In the name of 'more cowbell' I demand that this be used! After all it is supposed to be a tactical wargame...
  22. Won't show and won't link. It must be really good. Take a screenshot and chuck it on imageshack.
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