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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. But, you see, Mandrills are not baboons, that's where you are going wrong. In fact, these spectacular primates have a genus all of their own. (thanks wikipedia!)
  2. We really need to rename this 'the refresh primate thread', then we could stop feeling guilty about OT posts displaying apes.
  3. thanks for the answer... dang it!I guess in real life they are not going to miss the gap so much, but in gaming terms its extremely unfortunate. :mad::mad:
  4. Obviously the Challenger is the main one, but apart from that there seems to be a distinct lack of AV mounted antitank weapons in the British Army. The warrior does not have an AT version, and unless I'm missing something, nothing else does. Is the 30mm on the warrior that much better than the 25mm on the Bradley? At least BMP-3s, M2s & M3s have missiles to take care of business. What's the protocol when confronted by heavily armored opponents and there are no Challengers about? With the US I would dismount and employ javelins but I understand javelins are fairly limited in the Brit Army. The manual only mentions that the warrior carryies 8 LAW, but these have a limited range of up to 300m according to the manual. How many javelins does a warrior carry, if any? If not, which units carry them? You can see the WMIK has them on P14, but can't tell on the others.
  5. Good to see a way to transfer campaign missions, but for PBEMS I guess we'll have to rely on the old method of keeping 1.11 on our 'puters... .. right? Of course, the manual comes out in the only hour in the day when I'm away from my house.
  6. Except for one thing: he is not a monkey. Everybody knows that monkey's generally have tales while apes do not and are usually bigger. There are exceptions, like Barbary monkeys (tailess), and some gibbons, considered lesser apes, are smaller than monkeys such as the Mandrill. A tailess monkey - not an ape A lessor gibbon - smaller than some monkeys . A Mandrill - bigger than some apes, but still a monkey. I thought you guys would have picked up on this by now.
  7. Well, yeah, you would, since it is obvious that he is also a beta tester - didn't you know that it hasn't been released to the public yet? :mad::mad::mad:
  8. Monkey not happy. Monkey want something. Want it bad. No! Not banana!
  9. Bearing in mind only four (?) of the vehicles displayed will be in the module, of course. Edit to add: Not a criticism - it is supposed to be the British contribution to Syria, not Afghanistan, in 2008, not 2009-10.
  10. Yes, if I buy this then Red on Red PBEM battles would be the main reason, since I don't have time to play the AI much. The video show's a full on BMP assault, but what would they be assaulting? They are going through an artillery barrage or something? Was it made more for promotional purposes rather than a depiction of a particular battle? I'm also curious to know what equipment the Afghans are given. I would think that the stuff they have in the early stages war would be soviet built , and in the later campaign (AFAIR) the bulk of US supplied arms were Soviet or Chinese made as well (an obvious exception would be stinger missiles). Wikipedia mentions that China sold them Type-59 tanks (Chinese T54), but I can't think they would be used to counter vastly superior soviet equipment in pitched battles.
  11. Steve, Has there been any mention of the possibility of there being further modules for CMAfghan? Chechnya is the obvious one. And I suppose this means that if a credible proposal was put forward by an interested group, an 80s Cold War CM is a possibility? Afterall, with this game 80s Soviet gear will be available, 'only' western 80s gear to go... (anybody interested?) Finally: This suggests that zsu-23 is in...right?
  12. That's the cynical take on it. I would think though that it would be difficult to do an earlier campaign without at least a few new units - maybe the BMD-1, BTR-D and T80, and even the other tank versions in common with CMSF would be slightly better than what the Syrians get (being Russian native rather than export versions). But yeah, it would be great to get the ZSU-23. How could you have an Afghan campaign and not have it in? Right?
  13. We can take this for granted. BFT have always been careful over their copyrighted material, and 1c are already in partnership with them for ToW.
  14. Ah! Its 1C - the guys who do "Theatre of war" which BFT publish. Gee, these guys really know how to spring surprises! Hmmm, I wonder if this will be made available to western customers? What new content would an Afghan war module need than what is available in CMSF? Edit to add: I guess that the models that the Russians use in Afghan would in any case be better than Syrian Army versions since they would not be 'export versions'. Now, if we only had some 80s western gear 'CM Cold War' becomes one step closer to being possible. Final edit to add: err, is this for real? Can't find any mention on 1c's site or the links on the russian website. Please post a link to the preview Panzershlange.
  15. Well put Scipo. "All they have to do is..." really? Even this is not quite true. Witness the trouble you go through in order to get plain old T-55s. In the scenario editor: set the force selection to poor, try to remember which branch of the Syrian army they are in (mech infantry), what unit has them available (reserve tank), select a tank company and then you have to check on the other side of the page to see what kind of tank you've been given. What's this? T62 (1975)? Damn, delete it and try again. Gah! This time its T62 (1972)! Delete and try again... Since it is chosen at random you have to just keep on trying until T55 comes up. I once had go through this process seven times before I got my 'dream' tank. Obviously, if you select the forces for both sides you know what the enemy has got, spoiling the FOW for H2H battles. Oh well, its not going to change until CMN and CMSF2 come out, so little point in engaging in these discussions (yeah yeah, what am I doing here?). Actually, I've become resigned to CMSF's shortcomings, and enjoy playing H2H almost as much as CMX1. The better quality graphics, the sometimes amazing Tac AI and the wonder of the modern weaponry make up for a lot. As well as the little things, like seeing Scipo's ute get stuck in a trench (yes Scipo, you're whipping my butt in that scenario!). The little faults do give CMSF character, I suppose.
  16. I'm hopeful that the situation with TOWs will improve with the 1.2 patch. Steve admitted that there were some adjustments to be made to LOS, particularly for those vehicles which should, but presently don't, benefit from the sighting mechanism being in the TOW launcher tower. The interesting thing is what happens when these vehicles are placed so that they have a 'reverse slope - no aim point' target line. An earlier post found that BMPs could still find a target and fire their missiles (after a longish wait time), but my own tests using US vehicles were frustratingly inconsistent. I'm not going to research this further until 1.2 comes out.
  17. Dunno about 'thin black line': Blue has overwhelming fire advantage. I was happy to be playing blue and felt sorry for my poor red opponent in that scenario, who gave it up early when he saw that further resistance was futile. (Stikkypixie, any comments?)
  18. I know you don't know who created it. Does anybody know? Thanks to Smaragdadler it is available at the Repository, but it should have the authors name there somewhere. Edit to add: red vs red scenario rulz
  19. So you're saying that if some third party with the required ability and professionalism were to step in and say "I'm going to make a campaign layer program for CMX2 called 'CMX2 Campaigns'" it would be a 'real challenge' to do so... but come on, make my day? Sounds like an invitation to me. Anybody out there? Edit to add: Ah! this thread was moved from the S & M D forum... more exposure out here, perhaps?
  20. Well, they're getting 80 of those for Afganistan as well
  21. Oh yeah, love the Coyote: The Husky has a more civilian look about it. You can see it here with the unarmored version. The wolfhound is based on the cougar 6X6. A bit of a shy beast this one - there are not many photographs of it on the net, apart from this one:
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