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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. 'the eid offensive' here for some good ol' clanging red on red 'monkey mashup' here for an ahistorical mixed force blast - the two sides are designed to be different and yet equally matched in terms of power (yes yes blatent self-promo)
  2. Yes, clearly an AT-3 Here's a picture of the AT4: According to this site, it only has 400mm of penetrating power, whereas the same site gives the AT4 500-600mm. Still, you would think a number of hits in the same place would do some damage.
  3. Just out of curiousity, will the IBCT be available only with the Brits module, or will it come with the patch that will be released at the same time? ['just out of curiosity' because naturally I will be among the first to dl the module]
  4. Ah, just found out the logitech does have spdif in, so yeah, I'll have to sell my old ones and splurge on the z5500.
  5. Thanks for the feedback, Handihoc and Scipo, its good to know I'm not missing out on too much. Hmmm, I have the creative Live external soundblaster, its been steady so far, but if I want true 5.1 it seems I have to tow the line and buy their speakers. That's a pain, because I'd rather get something like the logitech Z5500 than the Inspire T6100.
  6. Thanks for the update Steve. Get ready to let loose the monkeys!
  7. Its not something that will be seen in CMSF1, that's for sure. BFT have made it clear that the modules will contain minimal changes to the base game - patching errors rather than introducing the major code changes that UAVs would create. Its something that should be on the cards for CMSF2 though, when they do a 'temperate' setting using modern Russky gear. <licks lips in anticipation>
  8. Yes, when reading release date ETAs from BFT, beware the loopholes. They always give themselves some leeway.
  9. Play Red vs Red scenarios with a human opponent. I recommend 'the Eid Offensive' at the repository. Great fun on a well balanced scenario.
  10. What I did say (and with a big smiley face to indicate that my tongue was firmly in cheek) was that NZ could be represented by a mod of a couple officers (and yes, I realize this would not be possible). Nowhere did I suggest that it would be easy to do a Sth Korean mod. To do so would be to disrespect the amount of time that modders put into their work. All I was doing was just pointing out some Sth Korean kit and possibilities for representing them in a scenario, as I stated above.
  11. GibsonM, thanks for your swift reply. Do you want me to go and look through the armed forces of all the 16 nations who were there for Round 1, and do a complete run down on all of them? Gee, you are a hard taskmaster! No, I was only pointing out a few bits of Sth Korea's kit, and how it might be possible to represent them in a Nth vs Sth scenario. If you played CMX1 and hung out on those forums you would be aware that there were complete mod sets available for the Pacific theatre even though Japanese equipment differed quite markedly, and it is in this spirit that I posted. Well, yes, and that's the whole point. BFT will never release an expansion pack depicting war breaking out on the Korean peninsula, so if anybody has an interest in recreating it using what is available (and why not? Its only a game) they will have to use their imagination and improvise.
  12. No relationship to the size of the scenario, perchance?
  13. Well, New Zealand has deployed a grand total of 4 officers to Sth Korea, so I shouldn't think there would be much trouble whipping up a uniform mod for a couple of colonels/lieutenants The rest of its armed forces consists of LAVs + support vehicles, so even if they were to deploy to the ROK nothing new to include in terms of AFVs. There are 16 other countries represented in the DMZ, but I don't think they have much more than a few token officers - but correct me if I am wrong. The main things to include would be the Sth Korean army's AFVs. They have their own MBTs, the K1A1: and the latest K2: Compared to the M1, the hull is quite similar but there are substantial differences in the turret. I suppose the actual capabilities of the two tanks would be quite similar, so perhaps a mod would do the job. As for the other MBTs, Sth Korea also has 30 odd T80 Us (from Russia as payment for debt) as well as a heap of older updated M48s They also have some interesting IFVs, the older K-200: And the next generation K-21, which will have a fibre class chassis: These might be represented by some of the Brits IFVs, when the module comes.
  14. Actually just heard from one of my PBEM opponents that he does get sound from his central speaker - echoes effects from distant explosion sounds are what he reports. If we're lucky he'll chime in and let us know how he did it ( to Paul). If the central speaker is just limited to this, I'm not missing out on too much. If its used for voices and initial sound contacts then I'd be concerned.
  15. Oh well, thanks for trying! At least you learned something through your effort to help me...
  16. Hi Guys, I have a question for those of you with a 5.1 system: what use does CMSF make of the centre speaker channel? The best way to test would be to play a move with the centre speaker plugged in, then replay the move with it plugged out and see if there is a difference. By way of an explanation for this strange request, my hodge-podge stereo system gives me 5 speakers plus a sub, but no centre channel. A big thanks to anyone who can answer this question NB: that would be 'center' for you American English bods.
  17. Thanks for the update Jas! Ha! I wuz rite! Hey, BFT, I just got you a 20% higher rating on a review by a major publication. How many extra sales is that worth? :D:D Who knows how long it might have gone unnoticied had I not commented on it? Don't I deserve a little reward for picking this up, you know, something nice like a certain expansion to an existing game that some people on these forums play, and which will be released shortly?
  18. Fair enough. It makes me look forward to 1.2 all the more. And GibsonM, thanks for the reply, interesting stuff. I did suspect that the gun sights also have the TOW targeting function, but with the physical position of the launcher being above the turret, the potential is there for it to be able to fire without exposing the turret.
  19. For you, Wodin, I recommend the Iwo Jima scenario. Its the closest I've come to a WW1 encounter in a PBEM.
  20. Slight change of topic, but a question for those playing in 5.1: What comes over the centre speaker? I have a 5.1 speaker system, but cannot use the centre, so I'd like to know. If you could be so kind as to try a little experiment I'd be most grateful. Try playing a move with it plugged in. and then with it not plugged in, and see if there is a difference. Looking forward very much to a reply!
  21. Well, if you're interested, saved PBEM file is available.
  22. Yeah, really. I would have thought a traditional cavalry unit would be composed of horses... <Ok ok weak civy joke>
  23. How long does it take to reload the TOW? There was at least a full turn between the firing of the TOW and getting trashed.
  24. To respectfully split hairs, the launcher is above the gun, as well as to the side:D However, the question is whether the Bradley has visual sensors capable of targeting the enemy above the the LOS of the gun to be able to take advantage of this height. Well, obviously not in the same way as the LAV and Stryker TOW launchers, but even if such sensors are in the commander's cupola it could make a difference if you want to get into a position where only the TOW launcher is exposed. So, a question to those in the know: is it possible to target the Bradley's TOW on the enemy while the gun is below the crest of a hill?
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