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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Thank you for that scientific analysis. But you made a critical error in your data documentation. It sucked big hairy monkey balls, not big hairy balls. Get it right and don't ever let this happen again.
  2. You don't need tooltips or a tutorial to make a good game. It's really a bit of an afterthought. Sure it makes it easier for the new players, but it's not a make or break feature. Did a quick check at GameRankings and CMBO got 89% based out of 18 reviews. CMBB got 87% based out of 21 and CMAK got 79% based out of 12 reviews. So it's safe to say even mainstream media thinks the same. Sure these are older games and nowadays it is kinda expected. But I don't think we'll be seeing reviewers docking the game a grade/point because of this. Besides the most important bit from that review for me is this: But I'm more worried about the performance of the game than anything else.
  3. Yeah I remember it well, it was pretty damn lame. The ToW crowd is obviously younger than the CMSF crowd, which somewhat explains it. But afterall this is BFCs baby. I think if they could, they would release it a day or two early, if possible. This game is for their core fans/community!
  4. Btw, what's the word on when the download will be available? A day early, two days early, or right on the 27th? Was hoping it will follow in ToWs footsteps of becoming available two days before the release date.
  5. I know I can't be the only one who has their... .. in hope that it is a big leak and that we'll get the download early? I know the BF guys won't be happy about it, but the fans would start dancing for joy. We might get a bunch of fakers saying that they got their game already to help make this happen.
  6. Well this has certainly made for an interesting afternoon. Time to get some groceries at my local BiLo. P.S. Where do you live SirReal? Can I come over and steal the, err I mean, play the game.
  7. My thoughts and feelings can be best described by an image, see below: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I WANT MY CMSF!!!!!!
  8. Wow, you gotta be a new lurker record, almost 8 years, congrats.
  9. Sorry bud, not good enough, we're gonna need a pic of the game in your hand, and with your monitor/lcd displaying the CMSF title screen in the background. Then and only then will you be taken seriously. :mad: If you don't do this, then you will tragically get in a car wreck on your way home from work today. Which causes both of your hands to go completely numb. But you will regain useage of both your hands over time. The doctor will tell you your hands will be back to normal in about a week, roughly the 27th. You've been warned! :eek: Edit: Wow that was quick, it's as if he was reading my mind. There's no justice in the world. I wanna download it right now! :mad: :mad: P.S. Nice keyboard, I have the same Logitech G15 board, but what I really want is to the above left of it. [ July 18, 2007, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  10. What's with all the panic, the game already went gold last week.
  11. Don't mind me, I'm just waiting for Wicky to come by to praise this Mac version idea. Oh and yeah, make sure that both versions Mac/Windows can play each other. Just so the asskicking can continue. P.S. Sorry Wicky, I had to!
  12. I mentioned this for ToW awhile back. IIRC they did acknowledge the importance and said this was being looked into. We definitely need a 1-stop shop for all things Battlefront MP. It would certainly help facilitate MP for all the games and the community would love it.
  13. And the not so complementary: I can just see all the bitching and moaning about the performance already. But hey, nothing is perfect!
  14. Hmm, have you played CMAK/BB with full AA/AF settings on? There's a huge difference and is easily noticeable when they aren't on. The CM games run fine with these settings on, no doubt about that. I think it's with the Nvidia profile feature that seems to be the problem. It's suppose to enable settings, like AA and AF, on a per game basis. So everytime you boot up a CM game you don't have to manually enable these settings. Problem is, it's basically a coin flip for this feature to work with CM games. Sometimes the game boots up with the settings on and sometimes it doesn't. :confused:
  15. Is it just me or does this not always work for CMAK/CMBB? I have a Nvidia 6800GT and made profiles for both CMAK/BB and the settings I use is 4x AA and 8x anisotropic filtering. But sometimes the settings just don't take when I boot up a game. Am I missing something or does anybody else experience this? My driver version is 93.71 and tried the newer 94.24 drivers, but the problem still exists.
  16. I've always been neutral about it all, of course I prefered a WWII setting, preferably east front. But it's BFC, they know what they're doing. Countdown to demo? No way, why not Countdown to release? Speaking of release, I was just polishing off my credit card, when can we pre-order?
  17. That's all fine and dandy, but how much cowbell will there be?
  18. That looks like a Elephant, not a JagdTiger. But I guess it's still in the same Jagd/hunting anti-tank class as the Jagds.
  19. You guys do realise this kid won't change his mind no matter how you try and explain it(7 pages worth now). The more he talks, the more obvious it becomes of his inexperience(noobness) with the CM games. Once again, the morale model for the CM games is not retarded, it's just threads like this that are.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't we be seeing stuff like this when CMC is released? With the maps being auto-generated based on the map tiles from the big overview map. I'm looking forward to it, like alot of people are, just wish it would ship this decade.
  21. As already mentioned, the MacDaddy of all fronts, the Eastern Front. But sadly it'll be Normandy probably. Since it's more commercially viable.
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