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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Has it been announced how much cowbell will be in ToW? You just can't have enough cowbell baby.
  2. I think it says in the game features that there is only 4 tutorial missions. I take it you guys made more of them? Always nice to have plenty of them to help players get use to the controls. Edit: Hmmm, MadMatt is up late(he eastcoast I think) and active on the ToW forum. My guess, ToW goes live sometime Tuesday. Probably afternoon or evening, woohoo. [ April 16, 2007, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  3. No to sound like a smartass or anything. But MikeyD isn't really known for doing uniform mods. His masterfull total redo's of AFVs are all the rage, and deservedly so. But the guy your probably thinking of is the master blaster of uniform mods AndrewTF. And onto the king of small arm mods is Juju, along with some amazing buildings he's done. Looking for any fortification mods? Tanks-a-lot is your man. Sky mods, Undaunted skies are amazing. The list goes on and on. Anyways, speaking of these great modders. Are they gonna get ToW? Surely we'll be seeing some new faces around here looking to mod ToW. So does this mean uniforms/vehicles/buildings/terrain/guns/planes can't be re-textured or re-skinned? [ April 16, 2007, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  4. They didn't make us any promises in regards to how early we'll get the game. So nobody really cares what you think your entitled to. Judging from the gaming community as a whole, not just BFC and wargames, these pre-release download deals are usually in the area of 2-4 days before launch. But obviously you weren't aware of that.
  5. I thought it sounded great overall. But the vehicle MGs and cannons seemed a bit muffled(HT MG sounds off). I thought the actual vehicle movement sounds were fine though. Also thought the Amis sounded dumb, "Follow me men" and that "Hurrah" is just plain bad, should only be for the infamous russian charge. Nonetheless, it sounded great, love the airstrikes. I'm looking forward to to it even more now.
  6. Yep, that's it, nice pic with great detail. They look pretty mean and imposing for arty pieces. It would of been great if we got these for CMBB for on-map direct fire. Did the russians ever actually use these for direct fire? I'm sure there were a few instances when they did. But how common of a practice was it?
  7. Good find John, good quality footage/documentary. Too bad I don't know russian though. I'd love to watch a english translated version. Btw, what is that arty piece(big, at least 152mm) that looks like it's mounted on tracks of some kind?
  8. MeatEtr

    Gone Gold

    Lol, thats hilarious. I can just imagine everybody at BFC and 1C burning CDs all day long for months.
  9. MeatEtr

    Gone Gold

    The download link is activated, I'm downloading the game right now. I guess they don't want to annouce it yet to avoid the huge hit on the servers, or the possible server crash. Check it out for yourself, I'm dling at a damn good speed too, 350Kbps for me is good.
  10. Uhh, yeah, going 80+ mph, just roll down window, that'll be all the AC you need.
  11. Stone75, not just that, but nobody has even played the game yet.
  12. I would just like to officially cast my vote. 1 vote for the expansion pack to focus on urban warfare. Title name, how about: "From Stalingrad to Berlin"
  13. Kool, I especially liked the air strikes and the shot down planes at the end, best part. Thanks for posting this Moon. I recommend dling the video from here rather than watching the low rez youtube version.
  14. Oh yeah, 8 player MP, forgot about that, that's even better. Yeah I'm well aware of the other options to hook up with other players. But wouldn't it be great if there was a main Battlefront lobby to meet at. Not just to play ToW, but for all the BF games, CMBO, CMAK, CMBB, CMSF, and beyond. The community would love a 1-stop-shop for all things BF MP. It seems the BF fanbase will just keep growing and growing with more releases. So the demand will rise for something like this.
  15. Wow, that's dissapointing. You can play 2vs.1, 2vs.2, and play co-op, but there's no lobby to find players besides a forum? That's a surprise considering the MP abilites. Whats the word about 1C implementing somekind of a lobby for MP in the future? Mark my words, there will be lots of people coming to the forums to complain about this, especially if it sells well.
  16. Apparently mostly everybody is getting the error. I got it a few times myself and then got through eventually(4th try). Simply put, just keep trying, you'll get in. Not a big deal.
  17. How about barb wire? If so, can the player choose where to place it? Also, what kind of fortifications(MG/gun bunkers, etc), besides the trenches, are in the game? Again, can the player choose where to place these? I'm assuming none of these can be placed by the player, only decided where the map maker puts them, correct?
  18. Why is it labeled as IS-2 Vs. JagdTiger? That certainly looks like a T-44 or the upgunned T-34/85. No IS-2s in that video anywhere or am I missing something?
  19. There is a god, I've been wrong all this time.
  20. Wow, a bit of a walk down memory lane. I remember those screenies, like 3+ years ago. Another one of my favs that was taken out is this one of a russian river boat. How about the original box art. [ March 09, 2007, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  21. You see now, this is what happens when Moon tries to keep us in the loop. Somebody goes and starts a thread saying, 'hey Moon said so and so..now where is it?". The very thing he tries to avoid. But Bruce is just asking and not bitching, not yet anyway. So how about it, will it be in? :confused: My guess, if it hasn't been announced yet, then odds are it's not ready for release. Of course I hope I'm completely wrong.
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