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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Wow, now thats great, thanks. This was a much needed mod. Looking forward to the Brummbar! :eek:
  2. Actually, that looks more like a Pershing tank. Nonetheless, most won't a give a rats ass.
  3. For those that don't know, it's due to be released in April. They will start taking pre-orders soon, probably within the next 2 weeks.
  4. Haha, BFC will be behind the worlds greatest April Fools day joke. I cant wait.
  5. Hehe, Mikey, your gonna have to get a stick to fight us(your fans) off!
  6. Bah, this isn't a review, it's a Preview. The thread title should be fixed so it doesn't confuse people. Nonetheless, an interesting read, thanks for posting it.
  7. Although I'm already looking forward to your JagdPanthers. We do need the Brummbar for both AK and BB(double exposure). As if I haven't mentioned this before. I promise I won't bug you to death. Just wanted to mention it again.
  8. Who isn't? Amazing work as usual Mikey, thanks. Any thoughts as to whats next on your list?
  9. Yeah, what a shame he didn't review the latest version. They(Bohemia Interactive) even admitted awhile back that the German/Czech version was unfinished and that the customers were basically paying beta testers. Interesting that PC Gamer would review a different version that what will be released in the UK/US. Personally, I've experienced only 3 crashes in about 30+ hours of gametime. Oh and about that bridge, I never had a problem at all placing a charge in the water. In and out of the water in less than 15 seconds, only 1 charge is needed.
  10. Ok, it's been narrowed down to either this or that for the opening intro video/music. BFC also said that they were thinking about going with the original.. They have some very difficult decisions ahead of them.
  11. IIRC, this is that gun I saw on Discovery channels Future Weapons. The ex-navy seal host had it completely submerged in sand and water and it had no problem firing at all. It was pretty impressive. Edit: Here it is, found it. Future Weapons - H&K 416 enjoy! [ February 22, 2007, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  12. Bah, it's not that bad. Yeah, giving your squad commands through the menu is a bit cumbersome, I'll give you that. It could definitely be tweaked/simplified. But just like everything else in life, the more you do it, the quicker and easier it becomes. This is not a big hurdle. Few tips for controls, use the side mouse button for the enter key and the middle mouse button for changing views(1st/3rd person). Also, I've seen people play the game and not even realize that there are 2 levels of zoom for most guns. Right click once to bring your sights up, and then after that, right click and hold. Much more precise and accurate shots that way. As far as flying the jets and choppers, unless you got a joystick, your gonna suck. Simple as that.
  13. AA, just like OFP was, is a much slower paced sim-like game than compared to your brain dead run & gun games. So if you didn't like OFP, then you certainly won't like AA. It takes more time to get into or used to the controls and the overall feel for the game. That alone will make many shrug their shoulders and turn away from it, their loss IMO. It's the kind of game that will grow on you like a fungus. The map/scenario editor and size of the island is like the worlds largest virtual sandbox. And with the tons of user-made scenarios and mods that are already out, it's not the beat & forget type of game. The full UK 1.04 version is much better than the demo. So don't judge this game on the demo, at least not the current version. Their suppose to release an updated demo sometime soon. I bought my copy from GoGamer.com. So for anybody interested, check it out, good price for an import and fast shipping. [ADMIN: Commercial link edited] [ February 21, 2007, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: Moon ]
  14. I agree completely, maybe we will see something like this for future games(CMSF). I don't see why not, as long as they don't have to do the legwork. They'd be far too busy to worry about the small details. The possibility of free publicity would equal more sales too, usually anyway. Especially tournament talk, it always generates interest in a game.
  15. Looking great, thanks for posting the pics. Although I think it's time to challenge the screen cappers. How about some pics of the actual shell impacts on the tanks(fireworks shots). P.S. PLEASE!
  16. Very nice once again MikeyD, was just playing a QB against the AI with a few of these roaming around.
  17. Wrong forum, this should be in the opponent finder forum several below. :confused:
  18. Interesting read, looking forward to it even more. Thanks for the link. So, when can we pre-order this badboy?
  19. Doesn't that go without saying?
  20. Too slow, Markus86 beat you by a whopping 55 mins. Sorry, no cookie or 1st place ribbon for you.
  21. Hey Rune, can I get on the beta test team?
  22. MeatEtr


    Yeah I still have your site marked as a favorite. I also checked for a update several months back myself. Good to hear from you again Pud.
  23. Try reading around before making a goof like that. "Do not apply this patch if you purchased the Download Version of the game. That version is already updated to v1.3" It's pretty much common knowledge that downloaded games are always up-to-date at time of download.
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