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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Check out the Stalingrad pack found over at the Boots and Tracks site. There's also The Scenario Depot 2 and The Proving Grounds. Also, check out Carl Stumpf's random reinforcements scenarios found here. Since your into city fighting right now, check out his city confusion and night city madness battles. That should hold you over for quite some time, cya next year.
  2. Nah, I think he just wants more cowbell.
  3. You can also find some winter skins at Zim's site here. Also check out a modder by the name of UncleTgt, he has more of a dirty whitewash appearance in his winter mods. Btw, CMMODS isn't working to well right now, at least for me. He's updated the front page again. The big upgrade is gonna happen next mon/tues(Nov.6th,7th).
  4. LOL, I agree, the best so far. Thanks for the laughs Nietzsche.
  5. I guess we can chalk up another thread for the "killin-time-waitin-for-demo/game" category. Btw, is it really even possible to come up with a detailed summary-of-flaws for a game that hasn't been released yet? Besides, some so-called flaws can be simply a matter of opinion.
  6. I gotta fever, and the only prescription, is more flaming. On that note, let's ride!
  7. Also check out the Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club, there's lots of players in the CM ladder.
  8. Yeah, keep em coming, their getting better and better. Though, their already pretty funny.
  9. Interesting, definitely adds some flavor to the vehicles. Once again, great work as usual, thanks MikeyD.
  10. Get a grip, I don't think this merry fella is gonna lose any sleep because I jokingly called him a "liar". It's just another pointless thread that should be flamed. Hell, what's next, how about a "Is the grass green in ToW?" thread. And about this in-crowd you say I'm in. Listen, fellas, I put my pants on just like the rest of you, one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I flame pointless threads.
  11. You try Filefront yet? Good site for dling files for free, decent dl speeds as well.
  12. For playing multiplayer. But I suppose the Russian version could be patched up to our version.
  13. Oh no, here we go again! Try doing a search mate. [ October 28, 2006, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  14. Hmmm, so you've been with/following BFC since the beginning? And you just now registered with the forum a few days ago and this is your very first post. Interesting! Hey btw, anybody remember that song that Henry Rollins did awhile back. I think it was called...
  15. Here's some quotes for you redwolf. Posted Sept. 29th Just posted Oct. 25th By these posts, I'd say it sounds like their done adding features to the game. Hoolaman, most are aware of the gun range increase confirmed by Megakill's Aug. 28th post here. So that's been in now for awhile. (jumps on other side of fence) But there's still a possibility that their adding more. Which is a good thing IMHO. But it can't be much though, the 2 versions still need to be compatible. Madmatt said on Oct. 18th: And with Megakill's recent post I already quoted earlier. So my question still stands... Well, time to buy the red outfit then. I am serious. :cool: </font>
  16. I never said anything about hurry up and get the game out. Hell, if it was up to me, take 3-4 more months to make it even better. Trust me, my patience is rock solid when it comes to games. Heck, do I have to go find that post where it says "the game is done, just doing the localization"? But on that note... Well, time to buy the red outfit then. I am serious. :cool: </font>
  17. I do kinda agree with this way-too-many-caps post. But you gotta keep a few things in mind. As BFC mentioned before, their simply burned out with WWII. So their doing modern era stuff for now. Also, it was a game design choice, they mentioned in order to make the new engine better and more expandable, it was wise to start with modern era, then scale back for WWII. Not the other way around. Go check out the SF forums, do a search. This was discussed in detail when the big announcement was made.
  18. Yeah that must be it, it has nothing to do with localization. Thanks a million Maverick. What would we do with out you?
  19. How come anytime someone mentions blood on this website, a website devoted to games where men kill other men with various weapons created for mass carnage and destruction, someone always posts something reactionary like; "Flying limbs! Severed heads! Exploding eyeballs!" When all the original guy usually says is "blood". We are all interested in playing games which are at their most basic a model representing violent death yet one guy mentions blood and some people get all selfrighteous about it. I've seen it a hundred times on here and it never ceases to amaze me. It's okay to kill the living crap out of everything in the game just don't mention the word blood that's too much. LMAO...WTF? And BTW I don't care if there's blood in the game or not I just find the irony of the whole subject and the reactions ridiculous. Mord. </font>
  20. Yeah, that's certainly not a IS-2. But does anybody really care about having ToW wallpapers? I'm sure the masses would definitely love to see more videos. But I guess we'll take whatever we can get.
  21. Lend-Lease/Rent-a-Tank ........... </font>
  22. The image links aren't coming up for me. Actually I got one partially, but it's dreadfully slow. I guess too many of us are trying to get to em. Btw, whats a Hertzer tank?
  23. This is great news. You've done alot for the CM/mod community, thank you. I agree, with the above post, great time for a donation.
  24. Oh for crying out loud, just let it go. What's it really matter Sammy.
  25. If not, I'm sure it will be one of the first things to be modded.
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