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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Or not! :confused: How about a FAQ thread sticky or something. That is if anyone is not too lazy enough to do this. That counts me out.
  2. Isn't extremely obvious that most will prefer CMSF over ToW? I mean CM is the main series of games at this website and this is the CMSF forum. But the games are very different, kinda like comparing apples and oranges. Maybe the, about a year and a half away, WWII module would be more comparable than CMSF. [ July 28, 2007, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  3. There's already alot of learning and discussing going on about the game. The "Is this possible?" and "Should I do this?" kind of questions are popping up all over the place. We could use a new forum for this to keep things cleaner and easier to find. I know, I know, it makes things little more harder for the admins though, as it's just another forum to watch. So.. pretty please with napalm on top, hook us up with a new strategy/tactics forum.
  4. Zero problems here as well and having a blast playing. Haven't even really scratched the surface yet. I got completely trashed in that MOUT tutorial mission though.
  5. This is a bummer, not a huge deal though. This was part of the fun of tinkering with stuff and experimenting that gave the sandbox feel to the CM series. Sure it's not all that realistic to cherry pick, but that's not the point. But I'm sure there'll be boatloads of scenarios coming out over time, so we'll see all kinds of different units/formations eventually. Or just build your own to experiment with, I know I did alot this.
  6. Good to hear, thanks for the news Moon, it's appreciated.
  7. Hehe, now that is a game I had a lot of fun with as a kid. Even to this day I have a special place for the B-17 becuase of it. </font>
  8. I'm pretty sure I read awhile back that vehicles, KOed or not, do block incoming fire and LoS. Don't hold me to that, I may be wrong.
  9. I'm pretty sure I read awhile back that vehicles, KOed or not, do block incoming fire and LoS. Don't hold me to that, I may be wrong.
  10. I'm pretty sure I read awhile back that vehicles, KOed or not, do block incoming fire and LoS. Don't hold me to that, I may be wrong.
  11. Just posted this in another thread, trying to get the word out fast. The download link just went live a few minutes ago, see for yourself.
  12. Actually, the dl link just went live a few minutes ago. I'm sure most won't believe me, so check it out for yourself.
  13. Like most, I'm definitely gonna start off playing TB, then more than likey make the switch to RT after I get use to the interface/controls, etc. Hard to predict what I will prefer in the long run, but if I had to guess, I'd say RT.
  14. This is what he is refering to. Just make it a favorite so there's no need to click on the link in the email constantly.
  15. What the hell is going on? Now there's two Peng threads. :mad: What a complete waste of forum space. :mad:
  16. What the hell is going on? Now there's two Peng threads. :mad: What a complete waste of forum space. :mad:
  17. What the hell is going on? Now there's two Peng threads. :mad: What a complete waste of forum space. :mad:
  18. This thread is as useful as tits on a bull! However, these are useful to a bull!
  19. Thanks for the info Moon, much appreciated. Considering you all are obviously very busy with the big game release.
  20. I was wondering the same thing. Suppose we could all start new threads asking about it until we get a response. But I'm guessing maybe they want a refreshing monkey marathon again. Nonetheless we'll find out in a few days.
  21. I'm a videogame review writer myself. Go ahead and just email me the download link through the email in my profile. I appreciate it, thanks. P.S. I take bribes as well!
  22. Their on the pre-order page.
  23. This is probably what I'm looking forward to the most. It's not just the playing of the game and learning the new weapon systems involved that's so fun. It's about all the conversations about how they should be used, ie. tactics. As most, like myself, don't have a clue as to how to properly employ a platoon of Bradleys or M1A1s or whatever. Heck I know alot more about WWII stuff than modern era. I have the CMBO/BB/AK games and tons of info from these forums to thank for this. Hopefully we'll be hearing from vets too, like for example: "If you really wanna know about Bradley tanks then just ask, as I'm sitting in one as I type this.". This stuff will be fascinating. And the threads like the "How it's done in real life Vs. How it's implemented in the game" will also be interesting. :cool:
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