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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. It was verified years ago that actual kills vs. casaulities are determined at the end of a battle. So it doesn't matter whether your elite or regular sniper scored a hit, the odds of it being a kill are exactly the same. So answers, if any, should be given simply as hit% and miss%. It's been a long time, but IIRC the hit chance increases by either 6%, 8%, or 10%. This was also verified quite a long time ago. I think it was a 8% increase per troop quality, not sure on this though. So if a regular sniper had a 22%(unknown to the player of course) chance to score a hit, than a vet would have a 30% chance.
  2. Not only is this prediction lame and just plain dumb, but he actually thinks he's right. LOL, thanks for the laughs falco.
  3. I would just like to raise my hand as one of these. Sure I miss the old school QBs greatly, but then again who doesn't. I consider CMSF 1.01 and now 1.02 as just simply a starting point. IMHO some of the best improvements made to CMx1 came 2+ years(CMBB) after the initial launch of CMBO. CMSF, the game that takes a few steps back in order to take more steps forward.
  4. Just stopping by to pick up the 4th post for the new forum, just for ****s and giggles.
  5. On this note/thread, anybody know if our cherished and beloved CMMODS going to host CMSF mods or scenarios/campaigns. Or is the, much loved as well, Scenario Depot II going to host these? I know yhis isn't all that important right now, but in a few months time there will be quite a number of things created by the community.
  6. I betcha molotov_billy is secretly loving all the attention. Maybe, if it was possible, Steve can hold your hand when making posts. Would you feel more comfortable that way?
  7. Shouldn't the crew of the MGS notice that there are friendlies passing right in front, a temporary cease/hold fire makes sense to me. Maybe the TacAI could be tweaked to implement this.
  8. Didn't you see Steves post right below Johns post? Sorry, looks like this cpu fix will have to wait.
  9. Ok it's Wednesday, is the patch coming out today?
  10. Good god, your all a bunch of fools. Didn't anybody else notice that there's NO COW BELL? The game is broken without it. We gotta have that cowbell! BFC please fix or somefink.
  11. I've never seen any intro video, just the BF logo with background music, then to the title screen. I assume that's all their talking about.
  12. I'd say late 08 at the earliest. Keep in mind that they're doing a Marine module first and that they are still working out the kinks for the actual game right now. These modules are basically like expansion packs, so expect smaller content along with a smaller price(I'm guessing $30). This is a smart way to get content into the customers hands much quicker(estimated 8 months) than making a full blown game/sequel(16 months). So we'll get the full Normandy game in two halves. Although unfortunately with so much more detail going into the AFVs, I doubt we'll ever see the kinds of AFV lists we saw in the old CM days.
  13. Unmount all troops and use the Javs to pound the buildings, all the smaller ones tumble in one shot. Maybe send one squad forward to get the enemy troops to open fire and expose themselves. I wiped out about half of the enemy force using the Javs and then it became pretty much a mop up mission after that. Be forewarned though, you'll feel like your cheating doing this.
  14. The Bradley is already in the game. But I sure wouldn't mind seeing Airborne added.
  15. I did this in the "House Cleaning" scenario. As soon as I would spot the enemy or take fire, I'd slam a Jav in them. I probably was able to take out around half of the enemy force doing this. It certainly felt like I cheated. Also had some misses with the Javs when targeting buildings, never missed a AFV yet. But I have scored direct hits on tanks without KOing them, twice.
  16. Those armies just better have T-34's and StuG's in their equipment pool or I will have to kidnap you from retirement to make CMBBx2... </font>
  17. Agreed completely, terrain hugging movement/target lines is not that critical. Just get the cutting through terrain lines in ASAP. That was literally the first thing I tried to do in my first CMSF battle to better see what's going on.
  18. I agree, this scenario really only works against the AI playing the US. As a human would naturally take the high ground with the M1s and then it turns into a complete slaughter. I played the Syrians against the AI last night. I lost about two thirds of my entire force but was able to KO 3 M1s along with the Strykers and infantry. It was enough as I won a total victory. I also noticed the 120mm AT arty doesn't do jack against the M1s. I scored 4-5 hits with the arty but it did nothing to the M1s. I used up all the arty on 3 tanks to no effect. They oddly never moved either.
  19. Is it possible to bring back the old left click and drag box to highlight multiple units? This is how it is for practically all RTS and even the old CM games. A bit surprised this was changed to the now, hold down shift and then left click drag box. And while I'm at it, is it possible to bring back an option to display the covered arcs, target lines, and movement orders? Like the shift-p and shift-x hotkeys from the previous CMs. Also the ability to delete saved games from within the game. Shouldn't have to go to the folder manually to erase them.
  20. I see what he is saying, it sounds like a good idea to get rid of the Acquire button. First off, is the Aquire button only fuction is to bring up the inventory/ammo list? If so, then I don't see why this idea can't do away with it. Make the inventory slots of both vehicles and squads CLICKABLE. So when you click on either a item or empty slot in the inventory, the inventory/ammo list pops up. This could possibly be taken a step further to allow squads to transfer items/ammo to each other out in the field. As long as they're close to one another, just click on the squads inventory that your taking from and add it to another squad. Just as his above screenshot shows. [ August 01, 2007, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  21. Thanks for posting that link. Here's the quote from August 1st: Btw, don't forget to fix the QBs either. My first experience playing a PBEM QB with a friend was hilarious. Both of our troops could not be moved to our setup zones. But worst of all, we appeared at the same spot on the map. So the first turn was pretty crazy and kaotic.
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