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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Although I did read daves spoiler, I bagged it on my first attempt on the 8th turn, maybe a turn earlier not sure. Saw the crew crawling away and then issued a cease fire. I lost one of my tanks of course. But after that I just crawled my way up until I was able to get los to the foxhole. You don't need to use the other tank to sneak up to los. It is a a good lesson for beginners though. You don't need and certainly don't want full los to KO guns. Take the extra few turns to get close-los so you can safely KO the gun. But theres definitely luck involved no doubt. It's sometimes hard to tell if your edging too far close and then the AFV gets popped.
  2. Great, a new blowtorch series, this is good to hear. I'll definitely give them a whirl.
  3. Now on to the next obvious question. Anybody know of any scenarios for CMAK based on this battle?
  4. Yeah the thread is in the CMAK forum found here. I'll sum up that thread with a couple of quotes. Yup, works in ops, too.</font>
  5. I got you beat, 10 seconds from FileFront. You're still missing his point. He shouldn't have to do any of that. He shouldn't have to register anywere else. No matter how "easy" you think it is. No matter the cost. Ah yes, falling back to Sun Tzu's Classic Lemming/Teenager Strategy. Interesting and yet revealing move. </font>
  6. Yeah, no ability to look at the controls while in-game is a major pain in the ass. You gotta back out all the way to the main menu. The T-72 tank sim had this same stupid omission. Best thing to do is printout the controls from the user manual file. But then you still have some guesswork ahead of you as the russian translation is pretty poor. But I will say, once you get past these hitches theres some definite fun to be had. I don't bother driving at all, too busy looking for targets with the commanders binocs. Here's a link to the demo for anybody interested.
  7. This sounds like a terrible idea. I just love it when things get disorganized. I hope this forum starts to look like my desk, that would be great.
  8. FYI, nvidia released some new drivers(169.25)yesterday. Hope this helps. I haven't made the switch over to vista yet. But probably will early next year. So please, let us know how it turns out.
  9. YES, there is a god, Hallelujah... let the light shine on down... Ok, when can we pre-order?
  10. In spirit of the Baron, this is what I prefer to use for the AI modifier.
  11. Bah, speak for yourself, don't worry Gaj they look fine. Philippe is just passing off his own opinion as the general consensus. Gridded terrain certainly takes some getting use to, no doubt. But after awhile it doesn't stand out nearly as much as it did when first installed. Which is exactly why it is kinda pointless to compare mods/terrain from the game with the real outside world. It's just a game.
  12. Although he might be a jew. But that would be better. Isn't that Hanukkah thing like 10 days long. So then we would get 10 bones. [ November 28, 2007, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  13. Point taken, the complainers are always louder than the praisers. Just to be clear though, I certainly wasn't basing my opinion on forum chit-chat. I played the hell out of it for about a month. When is the 1.05 update scheduled to be released?
  14. I never thought in a million years that I would ever say this. But I brushed aside BFCs latest game in less than a month. I tried, I really really tried. Just couldn't get into it, for reasons discussed to death in the forum. I don't think I even bothered playing it with the new 1.04 patch. I stopped checking the CMSF forum, saw way too much bitching and moaning. I just figured why bother with the forum, but more importantly the game. Still playing CMBB/AK as much as ever. Btw, what's the deal with CMC? Is it still alive? Looking more forward to that than the modules BFC is working on.
  15. Taking advantage of the $10 sale from the Game du Jour site. So I bought the game and recieved the confirmation email with no problems. But when I enter my license code to download it, I get this message: Why would download deliveries be delayed or not available yet? Somebody else mentioned the same problem in the GF.
  16. When should we start refreshing for the WWII module?
  17. I'm pretty sure that fausts don't come into play until sometime after May of 43. At least this is what I hope so. As I've made a bold move with with my only T-34 in a recent PBEM. So I'm putting the german rifle grenades to the test, check it out. Got a nice side shot on the captured T-34, hope it pays off. I'll post the results of this little duel.
  18. Didn't you guys get that memo, CMBB is WAY BETTER than CMSF. :eek: But while we're at it(making requests), can we please have a delete option to erase saved games while in-game. I'm ending up with a huge list of saved games and always forgetting to manually delete them. I know this is a very minor gripe, but hey, I'm bored.
  19. Also note that you need to have one of your own units selected in order for the moves to be displayed. But the unit selected doesn't have to have a move order itself.
  20. Yeah I noticed this awhile back too, always wondered if this is a bug or what. I'm guessing it is, don't see why the TacAI would automatically dismount after a group order. Under no fire whatsoever too.
  21. I haven't tried it yet, still downloading. But I heard a rumor going around about it, here's a quote.
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