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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Hehe, just having some fun while we all do the refresh dance.
  2. The FileFront link just went up a few minutes ago. Here it is: http://files.filefront.com/CM+Shock+Force+v103+Patch+Battlefrontcom/;8279008;;/fileinfo.html Your welcome...
  3. That's without a doubt the best news I've heard in a long time. Not sure if this was mentioned before, maybe I missed it. Care to speculate on how big(1 or 2 modules) this future CMx2 East Front will be? I know it won't be as huge as the legendary CMBB was. But in comparison? P.S. Concentrate on the German and Russian OOBs. I think most considered all the other nations as somewhat of an afterthought to the main forces.
  4. WOOHOO!! BFC just put up their link, here it is, enjoy! ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/cmsf/CMSF_v103_Patch.exe
  5. Actually the download link was just put up a few minutes ago. Don't believe me, see for yourself! ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/cmsf/CMSF_v103_Patch.exe
  6. Here's my vote for this. Picking your units was half the fun in QBs, bring it back ASAP. I know implementing a random map generator would be a major undertaking. But this doesn't seem to be.
  7. I never left CMBB/AK either. Actually the question for me is, "When will I go back to CMSF?". I've pretty much shelved it until it gets more polished/patched up. I've certainly have had some fun with it, no doubt. But the QBs are basically broken right now. Heck I'm fixing to advance to the 2nd round in the King Of The Hill tournament. So I'm still having a blast with CMBB/AK.
  8. Not when you live outside of Boston. Yup, I am From Away Though I did not have a choice where I was raised, I did have a choice what to do about it after I realized my parent's mistake. Plus, discharging a MG-42 generally gets a SWAT Team scrambled down that way, and that kinda takes the fun out of it. Steve </font>
  9. Ok, so what time will it be then? Almost 1am here on the east coast, should I go to bed or not?
  10. Ok, Steve, this is very generous of you, but I know I'm one of BFCs favorite customers. Surely this offer is only for me, since I am so special. But I really appeciate this. So without further ado, I'll get to my list. I'll take one of everything you sell please. Yup, even the books and posters. Thanks again, you guys rock!
  11. You now have a new name, it's Mr. Happy! Your welcome and please enjoy!
  12. Yup I heard that(damn that thing looks evil), but I'm getting very tired, time for a yawn...
  13. After Elmar, yer next. Remember, chimpanzees attack their own. </font>
  14. I'm pretty sure Steve said to expect the patch Wednesday night, not tonight you foolish apes.
  15. Well well well, now this is a change, a good one. I was getting use to all the negative bitching and moaning threads. This thread is certainly...
  16. I'm getting sick and tired of people not getting tired of people complaining about people complaining about people complaining.
  17. The causes for the TacAI to kick-in are pretty much the same as in the old CMs. For making tight turns, you gotta use the slower commands. Simple as that. I agree about the TacAI though, it should be better, no doubt about that.
  18. Which is exactly what I was thinking. There is supposedly a big difference in the Fast move and the slower more controlled Move, Hunt, and Slow commands. Just like in the old cms, you don't order AFVs to make sharp turns with the Fast command since the TacAI kicks in and your vehicle goes AWOL. I still use the Move command to make the actual turn part and then use the Fast command for the straight ways. I'd like to see this little experiment again using the Move command, should be a big difference.
  19. Haha, that was the very first thing I did too. I do the same thing with other new game manuals or books(WWII of course). Maybe we all subconsciously want to be coc heads. Let's face it, everybody loves the final scene in Scarface when he's coc'd out of his mind and goes down in a blaze of glory. Yup, that must be it!
  20. Me neither, apparently we need to register with the site. Which ain't gonna happen as I don't speak French. Why not post this Op at TPG or SDII?
  21. The MG-42s were coded to jam much more frequently, no doubt about that.
  22. Wow Dorosh, you must really be bored to make a bump to a 2 years and 5 months old thread. Just to say this: You may want to tell that to Lars. </font>
  23. I played this scenario with a friend a few months back. Which is when I too was looking for a winter camo Ferdy, but found out that there is none. ***SPOILER BELOW*** -Nikopol Bridgehead- The Ferdinands are apparently cloaked. One of them was never IDed as a Ferdy despite engaging several enemy tanks and also having enemy infantry somewhat close by(as close as 60m). Lots across the river just staring at the big guy, but still no spot for the entire game. My opponent got a false ID of a Tiger for the whole game, which he of course thought he could KO with the 85mm KVs. So he used a few T-34s as bait, not a bad idea, I might have done the same. But was futile and led to the destruction of 3/4 of his tank force. So with the Brummbar and other Ferdy blocking the other avenues of advance, this led to a surrender. Plus my usual aggressive defence led to a helluva river crossing for him. Overall a good scenario no doubt, but the germans have a definite advantage in this one. Check out this big bad guys catch of the day.
  24. if they release CMC this week. :eek:
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