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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. What the hell, gonna quote myself from a another forum. I heard it's bad luck though. But I think it belongs here too. And for all the impatient whiners who haven't yet seen BFCs business logo. Here ya go...
  2. Oh yeah, forgot all about this one, thanks for the bump. I was gonna play this scenario with a friend last year but he kinda dropped off the CM scene. If anybody else wants to play it, just drop me an email. I've never played it, so I'll take any side. P.S. I'm a high turn-rate player, usually can get 3-5 turns a day.
  3. Just wanted to 2nd this. Richie, a scenario like that and you have every right to self-plug, I loved it. I remember playing this one with a buddy last year when it first came out. A relatively short bloody as hell battle, highly recommend it.
  4. We have lift off, they look great, thanks MikeyD. These have probably been your most anticipated mods yet. Awesome job once again.
  5. I'm going all-in ... <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="22" COLOR="#FF0000">WOW</FONT>
  6. No worries all, longer the wait, better the product, usually anyway. Nonetheless, when the game finally does come out, we'll all flock to it like ........
  7. Ok, it's officially 2007, how about that update?
  8. I completely disagree. Sure it would have been great 6 months ago, but oh well. Their probably to the point now that it would be foolish not to finish. From a business standpoint, they can still make money off of this project and will do so. It probably won't cost awhole lot anyway, I'm guessing $20-$30 bucks at most. What this game offers is nothing like what we'll see in CMSF or even ToW. So their really not in direct competition with one another. Btw, the CM engine is more like 10 yrs old now. IIRC, CMBO was released in 99, so it was being built in 97 and 98.
  9. This is good to hear, thanks for the heads up. Definitely looking forward to the Jan. release. How about on my 31st b-day, the 15th? Stay away from the popular Arad and Ogledow maps then. Look for the BlackDayJuly and Orel maps. Plenty of 800m+ kills on the huge maps. I still remeber my 1st 1000m kill on Orel in a Stuggie, such good fun. Wish there were more maps like them.
  10. Yup, I agree, I just played the demo last night. Nothing special about it. It's very RTS-like, although a tutorial would of been nice. Is it just me or is it not possible to turn the cam in diff directions? Your just stuck moving the cam forward, back, left, and right. It just doesn't feel right. Holding down the middle mouse button didn't work for me.
  11. Hey, anybody wanna go to the movies? I think I can bring two of my friends.
  12. This is great to hear. Hell, take 3 months if you have to. Ship it only when your completely happy with it. It'll be worth the wait and most wouldn't mind waiting for a great game.
  13. Nevermind, I just tried a all-in-one codec pack called "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.61" and their playing fine now. For anybody else having probs, you can download the codec pack here. The videos are ok, thanks for making them. So what was that release date again?
  14. Having trouble playing the videos, anybody else? I just updated my codecs not long ago too. I'm getting just the audio, no video.
  15. Awesome, what perfect timing too. I just started playing CMBB a few days ago from being on the CMAK front for a couple of months. The M17 definitely needed a makeover. Thanks MikeyD, you rock!
  16. This is great to hear, looking forward to it. How will this work for mp, will you guys patch russian version? Or will they simply not be mp compatible?
  17. Sivodsi, is correct, but I wouldn't worry about it. There's tons of good well balanced scenarios out there. Also there's scenarios being released almost everyday.
  18. Earth is badass? Kool! Oh yeah, thanks for the new winter mods.
  19. Not bad, those tricky LOS times when it comes and goes can be frustrating. Not neccessarily all that funny, but we can all relate.
  20. Your right, I know since I quoted him and asked for further details about it. But never got a response. Check out the 1-page thread here. And for the very lazy, here's a direct quote. Well, time to buy the red outfit then. I am serious. :cool: </font>
  21. Just put it into the scenario folder within your CMBB folder. Default location for windows, C:\Program Files\CMBB\Scenarios Btw, played a good stalingrad battle with a friend a few months back. Not sure how it will play against the AI though. In case you want to try it out, it's called "Stalingrad Station 1-i".
  22. Yeah, saw that first vid long time ago. I like the Winter war one though, never saw it before. Thanks for the heads up Colin.
  23. You sure about that? Judging from their own posts, it has everything to do with the translation.
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