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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. I was referring to from before you posted a link, hence my previous statement "..can't seem to track it down". I found the hardcover version from the link you posted. Nonetheless I'm looking forward to reading it, although several years later. Time flys by no doubt, always fun taking a gander at really old threads.
  2. Thanks John, I gave Amazon a quick look and didn't find it, didn't know his first name though. I just put in an order for the hardcover edition for $9.50. I've always hated paperbacks. The funny thing is, I decided to google it and guess what popped up? Yup sure enough, the thread from battlefront.com way back in Feb of 2001. I hadn't even registered yet since I just bought CMBO a few months prior for xmas. So I was still lurking this site back then. But after reading that old thread I amazingly remember it. Here's the archived thread! So thanks for mentioning it 7 years ago and again in this thread.
  3. Ok, now that we got that all cleared up. How would someone conduct an assault on a platoon of King Tigers with, not one, but two AT rifle teams. Yes thats correct, the player was smart enough to wait for a second AT rifle team to help with the glorious assault.
  4. Can you post a link John? I was gonna buy a book about a first person account from a Croc crewman. IIRC this is the book that was recommended to me. I can't seem to track it down though.
  5. I'm not a modder but I'm pretty sure the roof bmp is shared with all the buildings except the church. So placing a "H" on the roof texture is not an option. But you could probably just manually add an "H" to the sides of the heavy building bmps. Actually shouldn't be hard at all, you could try doing it yourself using MS paint.
  6. Don't you just love it when a dumbass starts shooting off at the mouth about things they know nothing about? I know its great. I'm not even gonna bother to try and fill him in. But I will wave him off...
  7. Ok, so does this mean there will be changes made to CMBB thats not only just related to CMC? Like adding dust clouds from CMAK or AI improvements? I know this is probably a pointless question given what Moon just said. But what the hell. Nonetheless, this is great news. I've been dreading upgrading my system because of the incompatibility.
  8. What all CM fans really want to know is this. WILL THERE BE COWBELL? Gotta have that cowbell. P.S. When can I pre-order the East front module?
  9. Nah, I don't do anything with the fancy 3D apps, no real need to. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to posting pics and whatnot. I just use google images.
  10. HALLELUJAH, let the light shine on down...
  11. Yup, that about sums it up. Although at first there was some grumbling about it being too hard(suppresion model was increased). But that quickly subsided as everybody realised it was better and it's basically what CMBO was suppose to be like. For me personally, CMBB turned me on to the east front completely. I didn't know much about it to be honest. I was just another Normandy fan like most americans. My book collection on the east front grows every month because of this game. In other words, I'm all east front now. I fire up CMAK once in awhile for change of pace/scenery. Even the mainstream game media liked it. Which is kinda rare for these smaller niche games. Check out the accumilative score from GameRankings, very impressive. Even CMAK got solid reviews. But if you ask BFC, business wise, CMBO sold much more units since obviously Normandy is the more popular front.
  12. http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/ http://www.the-scenario-depot.com/
  13. I agree about the "In Deadly Combat" its a good read. Not too sure about the "Tank Rider" book. It seemed kinda iffy about how almost all the german tanks he saw were tigers and panthers. Nothing major though, on par with other diary/memoir type books. As for other book recommendations, I liked "Blood Red Snow". I would also like to echo the "Enemy at the Gates" recommendation. I'm about half way through this excellent book about Staingrad. I'm already liking it much better than Beevors book. I consider a must read for Stalingrad fans. I got a good deal on a hardcover from Amazon . Is in great condition, like new, for only $12.
  14. No need to apologize for another AAR. There's not much going on in the CMBB forum these days anyway. Keep up the good work with the AARs. I noticed your got some Stuggies and a Tiger. Theres some very nice mods over at CMMODS of these AFVS.
  15. I'm pretty sure only the real soft vehicles will break a Fast command to retreat. (trucks and jeeps) So how bad was his blunder, how many did you bag? This is afterall the best place to gloat about it, hehe.
  16. If I'm gonna make curtains out of something from WWII. I'd rather it be nose art like this.
  17. I forget who said it, Moon or Steve, but one of them did mention there are indeed plans to go back to the East front for CMx2. But that would be at least 3-4 modules away.
  18. Ahh I see, thanks for posting. Here's a more direct link.
  19. What? The OP mentioned the movie and nobody posted a link to a clip from YouTube. And this thread is going on 3 yrs old too. You guys are getting slow, it's SOP to post a link to this movie when mentioned. Now choke yourself!
  20. Bridge over Troubled Wadi This probably ain't the one your talking about, but it was fun. IIRC the germans have a slight advantage attacking over two bridges.
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