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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. They'll probably miss that date for sure by at least a year or two. I'm fully expecting it to ship around 2054-55. But I can't wait to play it with my grandchildren, looking forward to it. :eek:
  2. I get the feeling in a combat situation the last thing someone would be worried about would be damaging their ears. Now I'm no expert, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  3. Ditto here, my copy will go up on ebay as soon as I get it in the mail.
  4. I'm not even gonna bother with it. Both my friend and I don't like the game at all. The more we play it, the more we don't want to play it. Soon as I get my copy in the mail it'll go up on ebay. Ah well, got CMSF and CMC to look forward to. But in the meantime, back to CMBB and CMAK.
  5. Back when CMBB first came out in '02 there were a bunch of threads exactly like this one. All complaining about the morale and suppression being too much or too hard. So, what happen to all those people? Simple, they got better and realized the new suppression model is far better than CMBO, harder but much more realistic. When in doubt, take another turn or two to suppress more. But the morale model isn't retarded, it's just threads like this that are.
  6. **Bump** MP was half the reason I even bought the game and I still can't play it.
  7. First off, can 2 different PCs play each other online with a single purchase, 2 activations? I'm assuming they can, but nonetheless I couldn't connect to other games posted here. I have my windows firewall turned off and ToW is in the allowed list under my norton security. I'm not connected to a router either. We even tried connecting through on a LAN with Hamachi, but no luck. I checked out the mp configuration file but still couldn't connect. How's mp working for everybody else, is this normal? Does anybody that got mp to work have any ideas?
  8. I played this battle last night. You definitely have to get them slightly over the hill so they have a shot on the T-34s. I won this battle pretty decisively the first playthrough. I lost several tanks though, but those pesky T-34s that show up on your right flank only got 2(PzIVC/PzII) of mine. My 50mm PaK popped em good. I even moved them up afterwards to take out the other T-34 that shows up with the BT-7s by the train station. A fun battle for sure.
  9. Nevermind, I'm a dumbass that needs glasses. I looked at the code several times and finally saw I was missing a letter. Doh! Dling at a great speed for me at 310-320Kbs.
  10. I'm on a different PC than the one that received the email when I pre-ordered it. But I printed the order/receipt with the license code on it. I've checked to make sure I'm typing in the key correctly which certainly looks right. However, I noticed there is extra space at the end of the code for 1 more key press. I'm guessing the printout isn't exact or something. Btw, it might be a lack of a dash somewhere. I have 4 dashes in my code, is this normal?
  11. What the heck, the cat's outta the bag. Figured make a new thread before the links get scattered around the forum. Maybe we can get this stickied since BFC won't be hosting the demo. Sure woulda been nice to dl the actual game. But I guess this'll have to do for tonight. http://www.worthdownloading.com/download.php?gid=169&id=10841 http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/28013 http://www.gamearena.com.au/downloads/details.php/theatre-of-war-demo http://downloads.gamezone.com/demos/d18573.htm [ April 17, 2007, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  12. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    NOOOOOO, the server gonna crash now. Shhhh, be quiet everyone. :mad: :mad:
  13. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    Found one, it's a 653mb download. Downloading slow though. Not sure I wanna post a link, it'll get hammered then.
  14. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    Well, more than likey it will be available from the same sites they use to host the ToW videos. And then from there it'll spread to the other sites.
  15. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    I'm reshreshing the hell outta filefront and a few others at the moment. No luck so far. Will post as soon as I see it up.
  16. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    Oh come on now guys, admit it, you like it don't you?
  17. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    What can I say, I got a fever... LOL
  18. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    Anybody know what this thread needs? Yup, you guessed it. It needs ...
  19. Your all welcome, I think I may have started a cowbell fever. Catch it if you can! And here's your prescription , it's good for all, enjoy!
  20. MeatEtr

    Demo News

    Only if you cut your ethernet cable in your sector. Then and only then will you be given the link to download.
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