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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. For the few that actually care, I finally got around to playing this game. But the game barely runs on my PC even though I meet the recommended specs, not the minimum. I only played the first 2 missions out of the 10 the game offers. The missions took a long time to load, about five minutes, not good for any game. So I can't really offer much feedback due to the horrible performance of the game. But for the times I did manage to play with ok FPS, the game wasn't half bad. Despite bad performance, in the first mission I was able to destroy the tiny village near the hot LZ of my landing troops. Apparently the game centers around Col. Moores battle made famous in the movie "We Were Soldiers". The second mission had me attacking a couple of mortar positions, but the performance was just too bad. (uninstalled) Ah well, it was worth a try. My specs are: P4 3.2GHz 1G RAM Geforce 6800GT (exactly meets the listed recommended specs) P.S. If anybody wants to give it a try then send me 3 dollars via paypal and I'll mail the game to you.
  2. Back on topic, the official arma2.com site is now live. It's still ways off, Q1 of 09 is the release date. But I'll always be interested in what BI develops.
  3. Sweet, another tourney to join, just signed up. Thanks again MR
  4. Damn, 30k is alot of potential money. I bought T-72 on sale from some other website, forget who it was, think it was for $10. Not that anybody in here is saying this, but PC gaming will never die out. I get tired if hearing about how PC gaming is dieing. It never will, mostly because of two big words: INSTALLED BASE. The number of installed PCs worldwide as just having surpassed 1 billion units and at a growth rate of just under 12 percent annually, will surpass 2 billion units by early 2014. Consoles don't even compare to this and they start over at zero every 4-5yrs with the introduction of new ones. The more PCs that are in peoples homes tends to equal more game sales and the inevitable more game piracy. Grant it, majority of that installed base don't play games and are businesses.
  5. Hey man, whatever happen with the consumer edition of this, Steel Beasts 2? Was planning on getting it but as far as I know there's been no announcements or release date set. Just can't bring myself to pay $125 for the personal edition.
  6. The three patches listed from my FileFront link are for the US version. They apparently only have 1.02 and 1.03 for the Euro version. They do have all versions at the site Matt posted. Here you go, CMBB Euro 1.01. Weird, the link does take you to a FileFront 1.01 patch which does appear to be the Euro version since it is 64mb and the US version is 25mb. I guess its listed incorrectly on the site. But the German link is a direct download link, either way your set.
  7. I know, but if it doesn't get posted periodically the forums will collapse. Please, don't all thank me at once, just doing my part.
  8. Teleportation, there was a guy who invented this in the 80s. Not sure whatever happen to him, but this is the last known photograph of him and his contraption.
  9. Didn't you get that memo yet? It said consoles suck and that they are inferior to PC gaming. Seriously though, sports games are best on consoles hands down. I still remember the glory days of NHL 94 and 95 on Sega Genesis. Two very different hockey games, but both great fun. I was unstoppable in 95, but my buddy was solid too.
  10. Hehe yeah, I think I printed it out and played while reading/learning. Only took me about 20 mins to get use to them. They're not that bad for a sim.
  11. Wouldn't that effect CMx1 more so than CMx2, no? Since doesn't CMx1 use OpenGL?
  12. Wheres the demo of T-34 vs Tiger available at? And is it in Russian? All I found was this trailer over at filefront.com. I like how the T-34s brew up, but it seems kinda canned, hit it in the turret or just below and the turret gets blown off everytime. I wish they had better damage modeling, not just accurate penetration calculations, but eye candy damage. Heck how about some sparks and whatnot, not that I would know, but wouldn't a high velocity shell slamming into steel things kick off some sparks or something. One thing that is much loved from the IL2 series is the damage modeling. Hope we'll be able to gun down infantry and blow buildings up.
  13. JK, yeah I heard of this monstrosity, they really took the PE name and destroyed it. The original PE was great tank sim fun no doubt. I'd also love to see a true sequel to it. Not sure if your aware of them, but there's a couple of unreleased titles that might be good, WWII Battle Tanks: T-34 vs Tiger. That's an old article from simhq from way back in Dec of 06. It was officially delayed in March of this year. Don't think there has been a new release date set yet. The other WWII tank sim I'm keeping my eye on is "Steel Fury: Kharkov 42". There is a demo available found here. IIRC the demo isn't bad, some definite room for improvement though, but I think their on the right track.
  14. Interesting, thanks for the info. So will these East Front releases be under one title or spread out over both CMSF and CMSF 2? Hopefully it will be under one title, since then the unit list could certainly be comparable to CMBB. Not including the other nationalities units besides the two big players, germans and soviets.
  15. Just out of curiosity, whats the purpose for gathering this info, possible CMC setup? IIRC an op editor will be coming with the game. I never heard of this city nor the battle for it until I played the all-armour map for Red Orchestra, it's huge and lots of fun.
  16. There is no game, just more road...
  17. So is it true, does JasonC really sleep using Eastern Front books as pillows?
  18. It's great to hear Byte Battles are back in CMSF flavor. Now if I can only get into CMSF. I'm hoping the Marines module will do the trick, if not there's always WWII coming.
  19. That's the problem though and why there are tons of threads about the best mods. People just don't wanna do the homework and want a new list/thread for themselves. What they don't realize is that by the time this thread becomes a decent list. They could of already found/read what they were looking for in older threads. But anyway, as Philippe already said, it's best to mod one scenario at a time. It's what most do when starting from scratch, besides having a backup. You'd be surprised how quickly you can mod a scenario of average size.
  20. Just posted this in another thread, think it might help these two in here. Get the CMBB patches here or over here.
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