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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the primary problem is with Nvidias 8800 cards not working in Vista when playing CMx1. Not necessarily an incompatibility with CMBB and Vista. At least thats how I understood it, since I too will be getting a new pc soon. But I'm still contemplating sticking with XP.
  2. Like me, I know there was a few around here that was interested in this game. At least in the old forum. It was released in April of last year to pretty bad reviews. See for yourself, Gamespot 3.6 and another low 1up score here. But the point of this thread is a heads up about gogamer.com that is pretty much giving them away for only $1.90 from their 48hr madness sale. Anyways, just wanted to pass the word on. I also picked up another Vietnam era game, an FPS called "Men of Valor" for only $2.90. Hope this thread is ok and doesn't fall under the category of commercial.
  3. And the morale of the story is, back-alley Sallys are best found drunk in sleazy bars.
  4. I admit before I saw it I was skeptical about all the oscar talk, was thinking it was mostly because of his death. There's been a strong oscar push from critics, fans, and the media at the release of the movie. Theres no doubt he deserves consideration, but can't help thinking its partly due to his death as well.
  5. (I have zero military experience) Couldn't there be anything done to get that piece of **** relieved of his command? The part where he guns down an unarmed iraqi and then the one guy says "I didn't see what the sarge saw". I guess my question is, does loyalty to fellow comrades supercede such acts? I certainly hope not, no matter how young and dumb. For those that read the book. In this story, I take it the reporter only heard about this incident and didn't see it? Overall, how accurate is the mini-series to the book so far?
  6. I used my imagination, but I agree, I was thinking what the hell is up with his voice. I imagined something about the bat suit that used somekind of voice distorter so he wouldn't be recognized as Bruce Wayne.
  7. Wow, I finally caught this movie yesterday and it is mighty good. The joker definitely steal the show. I think most people, like myself, wanted to see more scenes with the joker. I know this may make me seem shallow, but it sucks we'll never see Heath Ledger play the joker again since hes dead now. And talk about pressure, Jack Nicholson was great as the joker in the first batman from the 80s. I never thought he could top Jack as the joker, but he did IMO. My favorite part of the movie. "How about a magic trick? I'm gonna make this pen disappear. TA-DA" :eek:
  8. Yeah I agree, but also glorious fun.
  9. Welcome to the forums. Yeah OFP certainly doesn't need any explaining around here, theres plenty of fans. OFP2 was also talked a bit about in the other thread called "games your waiting on". But this game certainly deserves its own thread. I think the original devs(BI) of OFP new game Armed Assault was a little bit of a letdown. Still great fun though, but it seems more like a huge facelift with no real improvements. Don't get me wrong though I still like it. Afterall, the devs brought us the first game to feature iron sights and vehicle combat. Part of me thinks OFP should of been as huge as the BF1942 games.
  10. This reminds me of the classic sci-fi/horror movie "The Thing" from 1982. The part where they do the blood test to see who is not human. Then the blood moves away from the hot metal.
  11. Which is exactly why I'm a little hesitate on buying it. But I guess I'm not "up" on bootleg/piracy as you are. I sure would be willing to wait for it to be released over here, if it ever does. That way my money would go to where it belongs.
  12. Probably because I'm not into stealing like you obviously are. People around these forums and especially BF frown on the mere mention of using torrents. :mad: Gunnergoz, I plan on ordering it in a couple of weeks, so please don't forget to post some feedback on it.
  13. Also worth mentioning is all the high res mods that can take a hit on your fps. Although turn crunching is like 99% CPU driven. But if your moving around the map like a slug then the mods are hurting your performance. But as far as the overall turn crunching goes, newer PCs are hitting the CMx1 engine roof. In other words, for example, take 2 PCs with the exact same setup, except one has a Duo(2x 2.3GHz) CPU and the other has a Quad(4x 2.8GHz) CPU. You'll get the same CM turn crunching performance out of them.
  14. Well, its Friday here, woohoo. Time to go get drunk and laugh at drunk people singing karaoke.
  15. Here you go, its only $10 and $3 for shipping, not bad. Although I don't think these are official DVDs. I think there hasn't been no other release besides the one in Finland. There is english subtitles though. http://www.ioffer.com/i/TALI-IHANTALA-1944-2007-DVD-FINNISH-WW2-MOVIE-60819691
  16. Not exactly an official announcement, but GTA4 is on its way to PC. Not that this is shocker, but certainly newsworthy. I remember talks of the game in the old forum. So here you go... Don't forget now, you heard it here first.
  17. Never heard of it until now, thanks for posting. I looked it up on IMDb and found this review to be helpful. Some quotes from the review: I don't know about anybody else, but this sounds pretty good. I'll take the documentary over a cheesy hollywood version anyday. Too bad this movie will be next to impossible to get at local rental stores like blockbuster. And no, I haven't seen it yet, but its now on my list.
  18. Just scroll to the bottom of the page and click "save changes". But before you click on it, you have to say the magic words, "MeatEtr is the best CM player in the whole wide world!". Then and only then will it save the changes.
  19. Hey everybody, I got pics of Other Means on a drinking binge. Check em out! Here he is the next day trying to get ready for work.
  20. Yeah it seems as they cycle in new maps the older ones get much approved. As far as I know, the mod team doesn't have a big test team, so what gets released tends to be pretty buggy. You would think people would get sick and tired of Arad and Danzig by now. But nope, the 24/7 servers seem be to always full. One custom map I loved and was a fan fav that goes back to the mod days was Koitos. Surprised that never got converted to ROOST.
  21. It's not really up to debate as they themselves said it was all CGI, except for the soldier models though. But this is marketing stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if they were touched up a bit too. Also keep in mind, the devs(Bohemia Interactive) behind the original OFP have nothing to do with this sequel. You and me both on the new rig requirement.
  22. Damn, thats a helluva lot of drinking. :eek: It's great that he was arrested before somebody was killed.
  23. ..for the new forums. I know interest for the game has thinned out over the years. But I just wanted to send a heads-up that there is a new 1.1 patch for the Darkest Hour mod. Theres been lots of changes/fixes/tweaks and new maps. I've only been able to play the new version for a few hours, but theres some definite improvements. Certainly worth checking out again since we all know their first release was pretty rocky. Check out the details here. <--- download links there too. Btw gautrek, how does the patch work for you? IIRC you were having trouble getting the mod to work.
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